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Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings  CH

Amended Date: 2023.03.17 
Categories: Corporate Governance

Title: Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings(2013.02.27)
Article 6     (Preparation of documents such as the attendance book)
    This Corporation shall specify in its shareholders meeting notices the time during which shareholder attendance registrations will be accepted, the place to register for attendance, and other matters for attention.
    The time during which shareholder attendance registrations will be accepted, as stated in the preceding paragraph, shall be at least 30 minutes prior to the time the meeting commences. The place at which attendance registrations are accepted shall be clearly marked and a sufficient number of suitable personnel assigned to handle the registrations.
    Shareholders and their proxies (collectively, "shareholders") shall attend shareholders meetings based on attendance cards, sign-in cards, or other certificates of attendance. Solicitors soliciting proxy forms shall also bring identification documents for verification.
    This Corporation shall furnish the attending shareholders with an attendance book to sign, or attending shareholders may hand in a sign-in card in lieu of signing in.
    This Corporation shall furnish attending shareholders with the meeting agenda book, annual report, attendance card, speaker's slips, voting slips, and other meeting materials. Where there is an election of directors or supervisors, pre-printed ballots shall also be furnished.
    When the government or a juristic person is a shareholder, it may be represented by more than one representative at a shareholders meeting. When a juristic person is appointed to attend as proxy, it may designate only one person to represent it in the meeting.
Article 7     (The chair and non-voting participants of a shareholders meeting)
    If a shareholders meeting is convened by the board of directors, the meeting shall be chaired by the chairperson of the board. When the chairperson of the board is on leave or for any reason unable to exercise the powers of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall act in place of the chairperson; if there is no vice chairperson or the vice chairperson also is on leave or for any reason unable to exercise the powers of the vice chairperson, the chairperson shall appoint one of the managing directors to act as chair, or, if there are no managing directors, one of the directors shall be appointed to act as chair. Where the chairperson does not make such a designation, the managing directors or the directors shall select from among themselves one person to serve as chair.
    When a managing director or a director serves as chair, as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the managing director or director shall be one who has held that position for six months or more and who understands the financial and business conditions of the company. The same shall be true for a representative of a juristic person director that serves as chair.
    It is advisable that shareholders meetings convened by the board of directors be attended by a majority of the directors.
    If a shareholders meeting is convened by a party with power to convene but other than the board of directors, the convening party shall chair the meeting. When there are two or more such convening parties, they shall mutually select a chair from among themselves.
    This Corporation may appoint its attorneys, certified public accountants, or related persons retained by it to attend a shareholders meeting in a non-voting capacity.
Article 8     (Documentation of a shareholders meeting by audio or video)
    This Corporation, beginning from the time it accepts shareholder attendance registrations, shall make an uninterrupted audio and video recording of the registration procedure, the proceedings of the shareholders meeting, and the voting and vote counting procedures.
    The recorded materials of the preceding paragraph shall be retained for at least 1 year. If, however, a shareholder files a lawsuit pursuant to Article 189 of the Company Act, the recording shall be retained until the conclusion of the litigation.
Article 13     A shareholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share held, except when the shares are restricted shares or are deemed non-voting shares under Article 179, paragraph 2 of the Company Act.
    When this Corporation holds a shareholders meeting, it may allow the shareholders to exercise voting rights by correspondence or electronic means (in accordance with the proviso of Article 177-1 of the Company Act regarding companies that shall adopt electronic voting: When this Corporation holds a shareholder meeting, it shall adopt exercise of voting rights by electronic means and may adopt exercise of voting rights by correspondence). When voting rights are exercised by correspondence or electronic means, the method of exercise shall be specified in the shareholders meeting notice. A shareholder exercising voting rights by correspondence or electronic means will be deemed to have attended the meeting in person, but to have waived his/her rights with respect to the extraordinary motions and amendments to original proposals of that meeting; it is therefore advisable that this Corporation avoid the submission of extraordinary motions and amendments to original proposals.
    A shareholder intending to exercise voting rights by correspondence or electronic means under the preceding paragraph shall deliver a written declaration of intent to this Corporation before 2 days before the date of the shareholders meeting. When duplicate declarations of intent are delivered, the one received earliest shall prevail, except when a declaration is made to cancel the earlier declaration of intent.
    After a shareholder has exercised voting rights by correspondence or electronic means, in the event the shareholder intends to attend the shareholders meeting in person, a written declaration of intent to retract the voting rights already exercised under the preceding paragraph shall be made known to this Corporation, by the same means by which the voting rights were exercised, before 2 business days before the date of the shareholders meeting. If the notice of retraction is submitted after that time, the voting rights already exercised by correspondence or electronic means shall prevail. When a shareholder has exercised voting rights both by correspondence or electronic means and by appointing a proxy to attend a shareholders meeting, the voting rights exercised by the proxy in the meeting shall prevail.
    Except as otherwise provided in the Company Act and in this Corporation's articles of incorporation, the passage of a proposal shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting rights represented by the attending shareholders. At the time of a vote, for each proposal, the chair or a person designated by the chair shall first announce the total number of voting rights represented by the attending shareholders, followed by a poll of the shareholders. After the conclusion of the meeting, on the same day it is held, the results for each proposal, based on the numbers of votes for and against and the number of abstentions, shall be entered into the MOPS.
    When there is an amendment or an alternative to a proposal, the chair shall present the amended or alternative proposal together with the original proposal and decide the order in which they will be put to a vote. When any one among them is passed, the other proposals will then be deemed rejected, and no further voting shall be required.
    Vote monitoring and counting personnel for the voting on a proposal shall be appointed by the chair, provided that all monitoring personnel shall be shareholders of this Corporation.
    Vote counting for shareholders meeting proposals or elections shall be conducted in public at the place of the shareholders meeting. Immediately after vote counting has been completed, the results of the voting, including the statistical tallies of the numbers of votes, shall be announced on-site at the meeting, and a record made of the vote.
Article 14     (Election of directors and supervisors)
    The election of directors or supervisors at a shareholders meeting shall be held in accordance with the applicable election and appointment rules adopted by this Corporation, and the voting results shall be announced on-site immediately, including the names of those elected as directors and supervisors and the numbers of votes with which they were elected.
    The ballots for the election referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be sealed with the signatures of the monitoring personnel and kept in proper custody for at least 1 year. If, however, a shareholder files a lawsuit pursuant to Article 189 of the Company Act, the ballots shall be retained until the conclusion of the litigation.