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Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings  CH

Amended Date: 2023.03.17 
Categories: Corporate Governance

Title: Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings(2020.01.02)
Article 3     (Convening shareholders meetings and shareholders meeting notices)
    Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation, this Corporation's shareholders meetings shall be convened by the board of directors.
    This Corporation shall prepare electronic versions of the shareholders meeting notice and proxy forms, and the origins of and explanatory materials relating to all proposals, including proposals for ratification, matters for deliberation, or the election or dismissal of directors or supervisors, and upload them to the Market Observation Post System (MOPS) before 30 days before the date of a regular shareholders meeting or before 15 days before the date of a special shareholders meeting. This Corporation shall prepare electronic versions of the shareholders meeting agenda and supplemental meeting materials and upload them to the MOPS before 21 days before the date of the regular shareholders meeting or before 15 days before the date of the special shareholders meeting. In addition, before 15 days before the date of the shareholders meeting, this Corporation shall also have prepared the shareholders meeting agenda and supplemental meeting materials and made them available for review by shareholders at any time. The meeting agenda and supplemental materials shall also be displayed at this Corporation and the professional shareholder services agent designated thereby as well as being distributed on-site at the meeting place.
    The reasons for convening a shareholders meeting shall be specified in the meeting notice and public announcement. With the consent of the addressee, the meeting notice may be given in electronic form.
    Election or dismissal of directors or supervisors, amendments to the articles of incorporation, reduction of capital, application for the approval of ceasing its status as a public company, approval of competing with the company by directors, surplus profit distributed in the form of new shares, reserve distributed in the form of new shares, the dissolution, merger, or demerger of the corporation, or any matter under Article 185, paragraph 1 shall be set out and the essential contents explained in the notice of the reasons for convening the shareholders meeting. None of the above matters may be raised by an extraordinary motion; the essential contents may be posted on the website designated by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs or the corporation, and such website shall be indicated in the above notice.
    Where re-election of all directors and supervisors as well as their inauguration date is stated in the notice of the reasons for convening the shareholders meeting, after the completion of the re-election in said meeting such inauguration date may not be altered by any extraordinary motion or otherwise in the same meeting.
    A shareholder holding one percent or more of the total number of issued shares may submit to this Corporation a written proposal for discussion at a regular shareholders meeting. The number of items so proposed, however, is limited to one only, and no proposal containing more than one item will be included in the meeting agenda, provided a shareholder proposal for urging the corporation to promote public interests or fulfill its social responsibilities may still be included in the agenda by the board of directors.. In addition, when the circumstances of any subparagraph of Article 172-1, paragraph 4 of the Company Act apply to a proposal put forward by a shareholder, the board of directors may exclude it from the agenda.
    Prior to the book closure date before a regular shareholders meeting is held, this Corporation shall publicly announce its acceptance of shareholder proposals in writing or electronically, and the location and time period for their submission; the period for submission of shareholder proposals may not be less than 10 days.
    Shareholder-submitted proposals are limited to 300 words, and no proposal containing more than 300 words will be included in the meeting agenda. The shareholder making the proposal shall be present in person or by proxy at the regular shareholders meeting and take part in discussion of the proposal.
    Prior to the date for issuance of notice of a shareholders meeting, this Corporation shall inform the shareholders who submitted proposals of the proposal screening results, and shall list in the meeting notice the proposals that conform to the provisions of this article. At the shareholders meeting the board of directors shall explain the reasons for exclusion of any shareholder proposals not included in the agenda.
Article 10     (Discussion of proposals)
    If a shareholders meeting is convened by the board of directors, the meeting agenda shall be set by the board of directors. Votes shall be cast on each separate proposal in the agenda (including extraordinary motions and amendments to the original proposals set out in the agenda). The meeting shall proceed in the order set by the agenda, which may not be changed without a resolution of the shareholders meeting.
    The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis to a shareholders meeting convened by a party with the power to convene that is not the board of directors.
    The chair may not declare the meeting adjourned prior to completion of deliberation on the meeting agenda of the preceding two paragraphs (including extraordinary motions), except by a resolution of the shareholders meeting. If the chair declares the meeting adjourned in violation of the rules of procedure, the other members of the board of directors shall promptly assist the attending shareholders in electing a new chair in accordance with statutory procedures, by agreement of a majority of the votes represented by the attending shareholders, and then continue the meeting.
    The chair shall allow ample opportunity during the meeting for explanation and discussion of proposals and of amendments or extraordinary motions put forward by the shareholders; when the chair is of the opinion that a proposal has been discussed sufficiently to put it to a vote, the chair may announce the discussion closed, call for a vote, and schedule sufficient time for voting.
Article 13     A shareholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share held, except when the shares are restricted shares or are deemed non-voting shares under Article 179, paragraph 2 of the Company Act.
    When this Corporation holds a shareholder meeting, it shall adopt exercise of voting rights by electronic means and may adopt exercise of voting rights by correspondence. When voting rights are exercised by correspondence or electronic means, the method of exercise shall be specified in the shareholders meeting notice. A shareholder exercising voting rights by correspondence or electronic means will be deemed to have attended the meeting in person, but to have waived his/her rights with respect to the extraordinary motions and amendments to original proposals of that meeting; it is therefore advisable that this Corporation avoid the submission of extraordinary motions and amendments to original proposals.
    A shareholder intending to exercise voting rights by correspondence or electronic means under the preceding paragraph shall deliver a written declaration of intent to this Corporation before two days before the date of the shareholders meeting. When duplicate declarations of intent are delivered, the one received earliest shall prevail, except when a declaration is made to cancel the earlier declaration of intent.
    After a shareholder has exercised voting rights by correspondence or electronic means, in the event the shareholder intends to attend the shareholders meeting in person, a written declaration of intent to retract the voting rights already exercised under the preceding paragraph shall be made known to this Corporation, by the same means by which the voting rights were exercised, before two business days before the date of the shareholders meeting. If the notice of retraction is submitted after that time, the voting rights already exercised by correspondence or electronic means shall prevail. When a shareholder has exercised voting rights both by correspondence or electronic means and by appointing a proxy to attend a shareholders meeting, the voting rights exercised by the proxy in the meeting shall prevail.
    Except as otherwise provided in the Company Act and in this Corporation's articles of incorporation, the passage of a proposal shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting rights represented by the attending shareholders. At the time of a vote, for each proposal, the chair or a person designated by the chair shall first announce the total number of voting rights represented by the attending shareholders, followed by a poll of the shareholders. After the conclusion of the meeting, on the same day it is held, the results for each proposal, based on the numbers of votes for and against and the number of abstentions, shall be entered into the MOPS.
    When there is an amendment or an alternative to a proposal, the chair shall present the amended or alternative proposal together with the original proposal and decide the order in which they will be put to a vote. When any one among them is passed, the other proposals will then be deemed rejected, and no further voting shall be required.
    Vote monitoring and counting personnel for the voting on a proposal shall be appointed by the chair, provided that all monitoring personnel shall be shareholders of this Corporation.
    Vote counting for shareholders meeting proposals or elections shall be conducted in public at the place of the shareholders meeting. Immediately after vote counting has been completed, the results of the voting, including the statistical tallies of the numbers of votes, shall be announced on-site at the meeting, and a record made of the vote.
Article 15     Matters relating to the resolutions of a shareholders meeting shall be recorded in the meeting minutes. The meeting minutes shall be signed or sealed by the chair of the meeting and a copy distributed to each shareholder within 20 days after the conclusion of the meeting. The meeting minutes may be produced and distributed in electronic form.
    This Corporation may distribute the meeting minutes of the preceding paragraph by means of a public announcement made through the MOPS.
    The meeting minutes shall accurately record the year, month, day, and place of the meeting, the chair's full name, the methods by which resolutions were adopted, and a summary of the deliberations and their voting results (including the number of voting rights), and disclose the number of voting rights won by each candidate in the event of an election of directors or supervisors. The minutes shall be retained for the duration of the existence of this Corporation.