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Relevant Laws

Title:Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings (2024.01.12)
Article 9     Notwithstanding the fact that an issuing company applying for the listing of its stock meets the listing criteria set forth in these Rules, the TWSE may disagree to its listing if the issuing company has any of the events listed below, except for any of those in subparagraphs 8, 9, or 10 under which the TWSE shall disagree to its listing, and is deemed by the TWSE to be inappropriate for listing:
  1. It has any of the events set forth in Article 156, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the Securities and Exchange Act, or has made misrepresentation or false statement or conducted unlawful activities that may affect the price of its securities after listing thereof, and will cause fear that the market order may be affected or the public interests may be harmed.
  2. Its financial or business affairs are not independent from other person(s).
  3. It has had any material labor dispute or environmental pollution sufficient to affect its normal financial and business operations, and has not made improvement.
  4. It has been discovered any material non-arms-length transaction and has not made improvement.
  5. After the capital increase through a new share issue which has been effected or is being effected in the year in which it applies for listing is included in the amount of paid-in capital in its final account for the respective year, it does not meet the listing criteria.
  6. It has failed to effectively implement its written accounting system, internal control system, or internal audit system, or has failed to prepare financial reports in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and generally accepted accounting principles, and the event of this failure is considered as material.
  7. There has been serious deterioration in its business operation.
  8. Where the applicant company conducted any activities in violation of the principle of good faith in the most recent five years, or where its directors, general manager or de facto responsible person violated the same principle in the most recent three years.
  9. If an applicant company has less than five directors or same-sex directors on its board of directors, or its independent directors number less than three persons or less than one-third of the number of directors; or if any of its board of directors are unable to independently exercise their functions; or if it has not appointed the remuneration committee pursuant to Article 14-6 of the Securities and Exchange Act and related provisions. Additionally, among the elected independent directors, at least one of them must be a professional in accounting or finance.
  10. Where the applicant company has been registered for trading as an emerging stock on the TPEx in the fiscal year of the listing application and the most recent fiscal year thereto, and there has been, from the TPEx registration date onward, any trading of stock issued by the applicant company by any incumbent director, or shareholder holding 10 percent or greater of its total issued shares other than on the emerging stock market; provided, this restriction shall not apply where such trading is for purposes of underwriting under Article 11 of these Rules or for other legitimate reason.
  11. Where the shares of the applicant company are held by a TWSE (or TPEx) listed company and TPExmeet any of the following conditions, and any equity transfer conducted by the TWSE (or TPEx) listed company during the most recent three years for purposes of reducing its shareholding ratio in the applicant company has not been conducted in a manner giving pre-emptive subscription rights to the existing shareholders, or in other manner not detrimental to the rights and interests of the shareholders of the TWSE (or TPEx) listed company:
    1. The applicant company is the existing or newly established company being transferred business or assets due to a demerger of the TWSE (or TPEx) listed company.
    2. The applicant company is a subsidiary of the TWSE (or TPEx) listed company, and during the three-year period before the application for TWSE listing, the TWSE (or TPEx) listed company has cumulatively reduced its direct or indirect shareholding in the applicant company by 20 percent or more.
  12. Where the listing is considered by the TWSE as inappropriate due to its scope of business, nature or special circumstances.
    Subparagraph 2 of the immediately preceding paragraph shall not apply to companies applying for listing which are government-owned enterprises.
    The ending date of the applicable periods referred to in various subparagraphs of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be the day immediately before the date on which the Agreement for Listing takes effect.
Article 18     Where an issuing company of a group enterprise, other than a government-owned enterprise, applies for the listing of its stock but does not meet the following requirements, the TWSE shall disagree to its listing, notwithstanding the fact that its application is otherwise in compliance with these Rules:
  1. The principal business or products of the applicant company are not in mutual competition with those of any other companies within the same group enterprise. However, this requirement shall not apply if the applicant company has independent operational decision-making ability.
  2. Where there are financial business dealings or transactions between the applicant company and other companies within the same group enterprise, written rules and regulations governing the financial and business affairs among them shall have been formulated and approved by the board of directors of each such company, and in addition, each company within a group enterprise shall execute an undertaking in writing to the effect that its financial and business affairs with other companies are free from any non-arms-length transaction. Where there is no business transaction between them, the applicant company shall execute an undertaking in writing to the effect that in case there is any business dealing in the future, it will be free from non-arms-length transaction.
  3. There shall be no material irregularities in its financial and business conditions or in its above-cited operational guidelines.
  4. The applicant company shall have the potential to develop independent marketing of the products that it sells to other companies within the same group enterprise.
  5. The purchase amount in the most recent period or most recent fiscal year from the time of the application for listing from a company within the same group enterprise does not exceed 70 percent, provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes.
  6. The operating revenue or operating profit derived from other companies within the same group enterprise, at the time of the application for listing, in the most recent period, and in the most recent fiscal year, does not exceed 50 percent, or the operating revenue derived from the use of a critical technology or asset provided by the companies mentioned above does not exceed 50 percent; provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes, which situation accounts for not more than 70 percent.
Article 19     Where, upon application, a subsidiary, other than a government-owned enterprise, applies for the listing of its stock but is unable to meet the requirements set forth in all the subparagraphs below, the TWSE shall disagree to the listing, notwithstanding the fact that its application meets the criteria set forth in these Rules:
  1. A consolidated financial statement of the parent company and all of its subsidiaries which is prepared in accordance with the accounting principles of the home country of its parent company and an audit opinion issued by a CPA in the Republic of China stating the differences between the accounting principles applicable in the Republic of China and the accounting principles applicable in the home country of the parent company and the impact of such differences on such financial statement shall be submitted along with the application, unless the applicant company is applying for listing pursuant to paragraph 2 or 4 of Article 4, or Article 5, Article 6, or Article 6-1, or in the fiscal year of the application for listing and the most recent fiscal year the amount of purchase/sales transactions between it and its parent company is less than 10 percent of its total purchase/sales amount.
  2. According to the consolidated financial statement submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the total amount of net worth shall be NT$1 billion or more in the most recent fiscal year and the profit before tax shall each represent 3 percent or greater of the total amount of net worth in each of the most recent two fiscal years, provided that such shall not apply where such event is the product of business nature, market demand and supply condition, government policy, or any other reasonable cause.
  3. The total number of shares of the applicant company held by the parent company and all of its subsidiaries, and by those companies' directors, supervisors, representatives, and greater than 10 percent shareholders, and by related parties thereof, shall not exceed 70 percent of the total number of its issued shares. If this 70 percent limit is exceeded, the applicant company shall conduct a pre-listing initial public offering to reduce the percentage of shares held by the aforesaid persons to 70 percent or lesser. However, the same does not apply where persons, other than those restricted by this subparagraph with respect to the total amount of shareholdings,hold a total of no less than 300 million shares in the applicant company; or, in the case the share has no par value or the par value per share is not NT$10, where persons, other than those restricted by this subparagraph with respect to the total amount of shareholdings, hold a total of such shareswith a net value of not less than NT$6 billion in the applicant company.
  4. If the stock of the parent company is already traded on the TWSE (or the TPEx), at the time of its application for TWSE listing, the pro forma operating revenue or net operating income as stated in the pro forma consolidated financial statements for each of the most recent 4 quarters, excluding the financial data for the applicant company, and with limited assurance provided by a CPA, was not down by 50 percent or more from the operating revenue or operating income stated in the consolidated financial statements for the same period, and the parent company has not transferred any material customers or business within the most recent two fiscal years. However, this need not apply if the parent company and the subsidiary have different business types, industrial classifications, or product types, and moreover are not mutually competitive, or if it resulted from another reasonable cause.
     When a subsidiary applies for TWSE listing pursuant to the proviso of subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, any transfer of shares within the three years prior to the application for TWSE listing for purposes of reducing the parent company's shareholding in the subsidiary shall have been conducted in a manner in which the pre-emptive subscription right is given to the original shareholders of the parent company or another manner not detrimental to the rights and interest of the shareholders of the parent.
    The proviso of the sixth subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not apply where the parent company of the applicant company is a TWSE- or TPEx-listed investment holding company.
Article 20      An investment holding company applying for listing of its stock may apply only as a professional investment company and only with the purpose of controlling the business operations of other companies, and shall be approved for the listing of its stock if it meets the requirements of the following subparagraphs:
  1. Years of incorporation: Three full years have elapsed following registration of incorporation, or the years of actual operation of any of its held companies exceed three years.
  2. Equity: The net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter reaches NT$1 billion or more.
  3. Profitability: The ratio of profit before tax to net worth as stated on the financial report for each of the most recent two fiscal years reaches three percent or higher.
  4. Dispersion of share ownership: The standard of Article 4, subparagraph 4 is met.
  5. The company does not engage in any business other than investment.
  6. The company shall have two or more held companies, and the held companies may not be professional investment companies and may not hold shares of the applicant company.
  7. At least 70 percent of the net operating income in the financial reports shall come from the held companies.
  8. The sum total of the book value of its investment in the held companies shall equal 50 percent or more of each of its investments accounted for using equity method and net worth, as stated in the parent company only financial report.
  9. The company has not engaged in any borrowing or lending of funds with a non-financial institution.
  10. The ratio of total equity to total assets in the financial report for the most recent fiscal year shall reach one-third or more.
  11. In the event of an issuer listed in the food industry or whose income from catering business occupies at least 50 percent of its total operating revenue in the last fiscal year, at least one of the held companies that it holds shall comply with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5.
     A held company shall mean any of the following:
  1. An invested company of which an investment holding company directly holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has made a capital contribution of more than 50 percent.
  2. An invested company of which an investment holding company through its subsidiaries indirectly holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has made a capital contribution of more than 50 percent.
  3. An invested company of which an investment holding company directly, and indirectly through its subsidiaries, holds more than 50 percent of the issued voting shares or has made a capital contribution of more than 50 percent.
  4. A company of which an investment holding company directly or indirectly elects or appoints more than half of the directors for the board of directors.
     If an investment holding company applying for listing of its stock has a net worth on the financial reports for the most recent quarter reaching NT$800 million or more, and its held company or companies contribute 50 percent of its total operating revenues, and the central competent authority for the relevant industry has provided an unequivocal opinion stating that such company or companies are technology enterprises or cultural and creative enterprises with market potential, it may be exempted from the application of paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 and 3.
     If the held company is required to be a professional investment company because the investment holding company has invested via a third location, it may be exempted from application of the provision of paragraph 1, subparagraph 6 that a held company may not be a professional investment company.
     Notwithstanding that an investment holding company applying for the listing of its stock meets the listing criteria set forth in these Rules, the TWSE shall disagree to its listing if the circumstance in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 applies to any of its held companies, and the TWSE may disagree to its listing if any of the circumstances in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, or 12 applies to any of its held companies and the TWSE deems the listing inappropriate.
    In case a held company more than 70 percent of whose shares are held by an investment holding company that is already domestically listed on the TWSE (or TPEx) shall have public sales of shares prior to listing to reduce the shareholding to below 70 percent.
Article 20-1      A financial holding company applying for listing of its stock, shall be approved for the listing of its stock if it meets the requirements of the following subparagraphs:
  1. It has obtained a letter of approval for the TWSE listing application from the competent authority for the relevant industry.
  2. Years of Incorporation: Three full years have elapsed since registration of incorporation, or the years of actual operation of any of its subsidiaries exceed three years.
  3. Profitability: The ratio of profit before tax to net worth as stated on the financial reports for most recent two fiscal years reaches 3 percent or higher.
  4. Dispersion of share ownership: The standard of Article 4, subparagraph 4 is met.
     Notwithstanding that a financial holding company applying for the listing of its stock meets the listing criteria set forth in these Rules, the TWSE shall disagree to its listing if the circumstance of Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 applies to any of its subsidiaries, and the TWSE may disagree to its listing if any of the circumstances of Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, or 12 applies to any of its subsidiaries and the TWSE deems the listing inappropriate.
     A subsidiary more than 70 percent of whose shares are held by a financial holding company that is already domestically listed on the TWSE (or TPEx) may not apply for domestic TWSE listing.
Article 27-2     If a foreign issuer that applies for a TWSE secondary stock listing, or to sponsor issuance of Taiwan Depositary Receipts by a depositary institution, complies with all listing requirements specified in these Rules, but any of the circumstances listed in the subparagraphs below exists, and the TWSE deems the listing inappropriate, the TWSE need not approve the listing:
  1. Any circumstance having a serious impact on the company's financial or business condition, or sufficient to cause its dissolution or changes to its organization or capital, or the company acts deceptively or illegally such that the post-listing price of its securities is affected, with a likelihood of affecting market order or harming the public interest.
  2. The applicant company, or any incumbent director, supervisor, general manager or de facto responsible person of the company, has acted in violation of the principle of good faith in the most recent three years.
  3. The applicant company, or any incumbent director, supervisor, general manager or de facto responsible person of the company, has had a sanction or disposition imposed by a competent securities authority or securities exchange of the country of listing in the most recent three years, and the circumstances are serious.
  4. There has been serious deterioration in its business operation.
  5. The TWSE deems listing inappropriate on any other grounds.
Article 28-5     If a foreign issuer that applies for a TWSE primary listing of its stock is part of a consortium and complies with the provisions of this chapter, but does not meet all of the conditions below such that the TWSE deems the listing inappropriate, the TWSE shall not approve its stock listing:
  1. There is no mutual competition between the primary businesses or primary products of the applicant company and the companies in the same consortium However, this requirement shall not apply if the applicant company has independent operational decision-making ability.
  2. The products that the applicant company sells to other companies within the same group enterprise shall have the potential for the development of independent marketing.
  3. If the applicant company and a company in the same group enterprise have financial business dealings or transactions, they shall each adopt concrete, written systems of operational guidelines for their mutual finances and business, and after having those guidelines approved by the board of directors, shall declare or undertake in writing that there are no non-arms-length transactions. If they do not have a business relationship, the applicant company shall undertake in writing that in the event of any subsequent business relationship, there will be no non-arms-length transactions.
  4. There shall be no material irregularities in its financial or business condition or in its above-cited operational guidelines.
  5. The purchase amount in the most recent period or most recent fiscal year from the time of the application for listing from companies within the same group enterprise does not exceed 70 percent, provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes.
  6. The amount of its operating revenue or operating profit derived from companies within the same group enterprise in the most recent period and most recent fiscal year from the time of its application for listing does not exceed 50 percent, or the operating revenue derived from the use of a critical technology or asset provided by the companies mentioned above does not exceed 50 percent, provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes, which situation accounts for not more than 70 percent.
    Subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph need not be applied if circumstances under that subparagraph are due to special industry characteristics, conditions of supply and demand in the market, or another legitimate reason.
Article 28-6     If a foreign issuer that is a subsidiary of a parent company applies for TWSE primary listing of its stock, and complies with the provisions of this Chapter but cannot meet all of the following requirements, the TWSE shall not approve its stock listing:
  1. It shall submit the consolidated financial statement of the parent company and all of its subsidiaries. If that statement is not prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations governing the preparation of financial reports adopted by the competent authority for the relevant industry, the foreign issuer shall disclose any items with material discrepancies and the amount of any monetary impact of those discrepancies, and an opinion expressed by an ROC-licensed CPA regarding those items,unless the applicant company is applying for listing pursuant to Article 28-1, paragraph 2, 5 or 6, or in the fiscal year of the application for listing and the most recent fiscal year the amount of purchase/sales transactions between it and its parent company is less than 10 percent of its total purchase/sales amount.
  2. As calculated based on the consolidated financial statement submitted pursuant to the preceding subparagraph, the profitability shall meet the requirement in Article 28-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4, provided that the aforesaid profitability requirement need not apply where such event is the product ofbusiness nature, market demand and supply condition, government policy, or any other reasonable cause.
  3. The total holdings of its shares by the parent company and all of its subsidiaries, and by those companies' directors, supervisors, representatives, and greater than 10 percent shareholders, and by related parties thereof, may not be more than 70 percent of the total number of its shares. If those total holdings exceed 70 percent, the foreign issuer shall reduce that percentage to 70 or lower when it conducts the pre-listing public sale of its shares. The same does not apply, however, where one or more persons, other than those subject to the shareholding restriction in terms of the total number of shares as set out in this subparagraph, hold 300 million shares or more;in the case of a foreign issuer whose shares have no par value or a par value other than NT$10, the same shall apply where one or more persons, other than those subject to the shareholding restriction in terms of the total number of shares as set out in this subparagraph, hold a total of such shareswith a net value of not less than NT$6 billion in the applicant company.
  4. If the stock of the parent company is already traded on the TWSE (or the TPEx), at the time of its application for TWSE listing, the pro forma operating revenue or net operating income as stated in the pro forma consolidated financial statements for each of the most recent 4 quarters, excluding the financial data for the applicant company, and with limited assurance provided by a CPA, was not down by 50 percent or more from the operating revenue or operating income stated in the consolidated financial statements for the same period, and the parent company has not transferred any material customers or business within the most recent two fiscal years. However, this need not apply if the parent company and the subsidiary have different business types, industrial classifications, or product types, and moreover are not mutually competitive, or if it resulted from another reasonable cause.
     When a subsidiary applies for TWSE listing pursuant to the proviso of subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, any transfer of shares within the three years prior to the application for TWSE listing for purposes of reducing the parent company's shareholding in the subsidiary shall have been conducted in a manner in which the pre-emptive subscription right is given to the original shareholders of the parent company or another manner not detrimental to the rights and interests of the shareholders of the parent.
    The proviso of the sixth subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not apply where the parent company of the applicant company is a TWSE- or TPEx-listed investment holding company.
Article 28-8     If a foreign issuer that applies for a TWSE primary stock listing complies with all listing requirements specified in Article 28-1, but any of the circumstances listed below exists at that foreign issuer or any controlled company thereof, and the TWSE deems the listing inappropriate, the TWSE need not approve its stock listing:
  1. Any circumstance having a serious impact on the company's financial or business condition, or sufficient to cause its dissolution or changes to its organization or capital, or it acts deceptively or illegally such that the post-listing price of its securities is affected, with a likelihood of affecting market order or harming the public interest.
  2. Its finances or operations cannot be independently and clearly distinguished from those of another person.
  3. Any material non arms-length transaction has occurred and has not been corrected.
  4. The applicant company or any controlled company thereof, or any incumbent director, supervisor, general manager or de facto responsible person of any of those companies, has acted in violation of the principle of good faith in the most recent three years.
  5. There has been serious deterioration in the applicant company's business operation.
  6. Any of the applicant company's board of directors are unable to independently exercise their functions.
  7. The TWSE deems listing inappropriate for any other reason related to the scope or nature of the enterprise or any other special circumstance.
Article 31     In addition that the TWSE must reject the application of a domestic issuer, foreign issuer or its subordinate company for the listing of its stock in any of the circumstances under subparagraphs 7, 8 and 9, the TWSE may also reject the application of a domestic issuer or a foreign issuer for the listing of stocks at the TIB if any of the following circumstances exists and the TWSE decides against listing, despite that it meets the requirements on listing set forth in Article 29:
  1. Has the circumstances described in Article 156, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the Securities and Exchange At, or its act is false, fraudulent or illegal to such an extent the price of the securities after listing may be affected which is therefore likely to jeopardize the market order or public interest.
  2. Fails to have its finance or business independently separated from another person’s.
  3. Is involved in a major labor and management dispute or environmental pollution incident that would affect the company’s normal finance and business operation, and no improvement has been made.
  4. Is found to have major irregular transactions, and no improvement has been made.
  5. Has failed to effectively implement its written accounting system, internal control system or internal audit system, or failed to prepare its financial reports in accordance with applicable laws and the general accepted accounting principle, and the failure is significant.
  6. It is experiencing a serious decline in the business activities it engages in.
  7. The director, general manager or real responsible person of the applicant or its incumbent director, general manager or real responsible person has been in breach of the principle of honesty and good faith in the most recent years.
  8. The board of directors of the applicant comprises less than five members, only same-sex members, or less than three independent directors, or its independent directors take less than one-third of the seats of the board; its board of directors is unable to perform its duties independently; or it fails to establish the compensation committee in accordance with Article 14-6 of the Securities and Exchange Act and its applicable rules. Further, at least one of its elected independent directors must be a professional in accounting or finance. The above shall, however, not apply if a domestic issuer, prior to application for the listing of stocks and its stocks have not been registered with the TPEx for trading, has undertaken to complete the election of its independent directors and establish its functional committees no later than commencement of listing and trading of its stocks.
  9. Where the applicant has registered its stocks at the TPEx for trading during the fiscal year of its application for the listing and its most recent fiscal year, since its listing date, its incumbent directors and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of its total issued shares have not traded any stocks issued by the applicant at the TPEx market. The above shall, however, not apply if it engages in prelisting public sale in accordance with Article 36 or has other legitimate reasons.
  10. Where the shares of the applicant are held by a TWSE/TPEx listed company and it meets one of the following conditions, the shares transfer by the TWSE/TPEx listed company for purpose of reducing its shareholding in the applicant in the most recent three years was not done by having the company’s existing shareholders to subscribe the shares on a priority basis or otherwise in a manner not detrimental to the shareholders’ equity of the company:
    1. The applicant is an existing or newly incorporated company to which business or assets will be transferred by a TWSE/TPEx listed company after split.
    2. The applicant is a subsidiary of a TWSE/TPEx listed company in which the TWSE/TPEx listed company has reduced its direct or indirect shareholding by a total of 20 percent or more within the three years prior to the application for listing.
  11. Is otherwise deemed by the TWSE as inappropriate for listing due to business cope, nature or special circumstances.
    The provisions under all the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph shall apply until the day before the day when its listing contract takes effect.
Article 32     An application for listing of its stock at the TIB by a domestic issuer or foreign issuer of the group enterprise shall be rejected if it fails to meet the following requirements, despite that it has complied with the applicable provisions of these Rules:
  1. The major business or products of the applicant and those of the other companies within the same group enterprise are not competing with each other, except where the applicant has the ability to make independent operation decisions.
  2. Where the applicant has financial business dealings or transactions with the other companies within the same group enterprise, each entity shall establish a specific written system for operating policies on finance and business between them, for approval by their respective board of directors, and shall issue a written undertaking or guarantee on the absence of irregular transactions. If there is no business dealings between them, the applicant shall issue a written statement, undertaking they will never have irregular transactions if there are business dealings between them in the future.
  3. There shall be no material irregularities in Its financial and business conditions or in its above-cited operational guidelines.
  4. It should have the development potential for independent marketing of the products to be sold to the other companies within the same group enterprise.
  5. The purchase amount in the most recent period or most recent fiscal year from the time of the application for listing from a company within the same group enterprise does not exceed 70 percent, provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes.
  6. The operating revenue or operating profit derived from other companies within the same group enterprise in the most recent period, and in the most recent fiscal year the time of application for listing does not exceed 50 percent, or the operating revenue derived from the use of a critical technology or asset provided by the companies mentioned above does not exceed 50 percent; provided that this provision may be waived in situations resulting from unique characteristics of its business, market demand and supply conditions, government policy, or any other reasonable causes.
    Subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph may be waived if the circumstance under this subparagraph is due to characteristics of the trade, market supplies and demands, government policies or other reasonable cause.
Article 33     An application for listing of stocks at the TIB by a subsidiary that maintains the parent and subsidiary relationship at the time of the application shall be rejected if it fails to meet the following requirements, despite that it has complied with the applicable provisions of these Rules:
  1. The parents company and all its subsidiaries and their directors, supervisors and representatives, and shareholders holding more than 10 percent of the company’s total shares, and their related parties all together shall not hold more than 80 percent of the total issued shares of the applicant. Where the above shareholding exceeds 70 percent, there should be prelisting public sales of shares to reduce the shareholding to less than 80 percent. However, the same does not apply where persons, other than those restricted by this subparagraph with respect to the total amount of shareholdings, hold a total of no less than 50 million shares; or, in the case the share has no par value or the par value per share is not NT$10, where persons, other than those restricted by this subparagraph with respect to the total amount of shareholdings, hold a total of such shareswith a net value of not less than NT$1 billion in the applicant company.
  2. Where the stocks of its parent company are traded at the TWSE/TPEx centralized securities exchange market, the pro forma operating revenues or operating income shown in the pro forma consolidated financial statements that excludes the applicant’s financial data, with limited assurance provided by a CPA, for the most recent four quarters at the time of the application indicate no decline of over 50 percent compared to the consolidated financial statements for the current term, and no transfer of business of any major client of the parent company has occurred during the most recent two fiscal years. The above, however, may be waived if the parent company and the subsidiaryengage in different types of business, conduct business in different industries or have different types of products and are not competing with each other, or it is due to other reasonable cause.
    Where a subsidiary applies for listing at the TIB in accordance with the proviso of subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, when the parent company transfer shares to reduce its shareholding in the subsidiary during the three years prior to the application for listing, the shares to be transferred should be offered for subscription by existing shareholders on a priority basis or the transfer should be made in a way that will not injure the equity of the shareholders’ of the parent company.
    The proviso of the third subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall not apply where the parent company of the applicant company is a TWSE- or TPEx-listed investment holding company.