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Title:Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings (2023.08.17)
Article 10     For applications for TWSE approval for listing of call (put) warrants, when the underlying securities are domestic stocks, they shall exclude stocks listed on the Taiwan Innovation Board and conform to each of the following conditions:
  1. Market value: NT$10 billion or more.
  2. The volume of shares traded during the most recent 3 calendar months shall account for 20 percent of the total of outstanding shares, or the average monthly volume of shares traded in the most recent 3 months shall reach 100 million shares or more.
  3. The financial report for the most recent period, attested or audited by a certified public accountant, shall show no losses, or shall show no accumulated deficit if losses exist.
    When the underlying instrument in an application for TWSE approval for listing of call (put) warrants is a Taiwan depositary receipt, it shall meet each of the following requirements:
  1. Units listed: 100 million units or more.
  2. In the most recent 3 months the ratio of the number units traded to the number of units listed shall reach 20 percent or more.
    Conformance of underlying instrument with the standards of the preceding two paragraphs shall be based on quarterly TWSE announcements, provided that if during the period for announcement the financial report required to be submitted by the issuer of the underlying security under Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act does not conform with subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1, the TWSE will announce cancellation of the given security's qualification as the underlying of a call (put) warrant.
    In applications to the TWSE for approval for listing of call (put) warrants, when the underlying security of the warrants is a domestic stock and the financial statement of the issuer of such stock for the most recent period audited or attested by a certified public accountant shows losses, there shall also be a statement of the reason for issuing warrants based on the underlying security.
    In applications to the TWSE for approval for listing of call (put) warrants, when the underlying of the warrants is a domestic beneficial certificate or a domestic index, such underlying shall be limited to ETFs, futures ETFs, offshore ETFs, or indexes as announced by the TWSE.
    In applications to the TWSE for approval for listing of call (put) warrants, if the underlying of the warrants is a foreign security or a foreign index, the underlying shall comply with the requirements prescribed in Article 8, subparagraph 3 of the Issuance Regulations and may not include TAIEX and related financial instruments as created by domestic or foreign institutions, unless such index is one created by the TWSE or TPEx jointly with a foreign institution not with Taiwan stock as the major component. If the underlying is a foreign stock, the market capitalization of the issuing company of the underlying security may not be equal to or less than US$500 million, and the volume of shares traded during the most recent 3 calendar months shall reach 20 percent or more of the total issued shares, or the average monthly volume of shares traded in the most recent 3 months shall reach 100 million shares or more. If the underlying is a foreign depositary receipt, the volume of units traded during the most recent 3 calendar months shall reach 20 percent or more of the listed units.
    In applications to the TWSE for approval for listing of call (put) warrants, if the underlying of the warrants is a future, it must be a non-stock future listed and traded on the Taiwan Futures Exchange.