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Relevant Laws

Title:Regulations Governing Investment in Securities by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals (2014.02.11)
Article 4     The domestic securities in which offshore overseas Chinese and foreign nationals may invest shall be limited to the following:
  1. Stocks, bond conversion entitlement certificates, and Taiwan depositary receipts issued or privately placed by an exchange-listed, over-the-counter ("OTC"), or emerging-stock company.
  2. Securities investment trust fund beneficial certificates.
  3. Government bonds, financial bonds, straight corporate bonds, convertible corporate bonds, and corporate bonds with warrants.
  4. Beneficial securities placed publicly or privately by trustee institutions, or asset-backed securities placed publicly or privately by special-purpose companies.
  5. Call warrants and put warrants.
  6. Other securities as approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC).
    Where funds have been transferred to Taiwan for the purchase of any of the securities listed in the preceding paragraph but the funds have not yet been invested, the FSC, depending on domestic economic and financial conditions and the state of the securities market, limit the use of such funds. The percentage of any investment cap shall be determined by the FSC after consultation with the competent authority for foreign exchange business.
    Where a securities investment trust fund offered and issued overseas by a SITE invests in domestic securities, the scope of the securities in which it is allowed to invest shall be subject to the provisions of the Regulations Governing Securities Investment Trust Funds.
    Except as otherwise provided in another law or regulation, the scope of the domestic securities in which onshore overseas Chinese and foreign nationals may invest is unrestricted.