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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.01.24 (Articles 15, 16, 28, 40 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.11.24 
Article 3     When a securities firm simultaneously operates two or more of the businesses specified in Article 15 of the Act in accordance with applicable requirements, the accounting matters for each such business shall be handled separately. When a securities firm concurrently operates futures business pursuant to Article 57 of the Futures Trading Act, the accounting matters for its futures segment shall be governed by applicable futures trading laws and regulations. When a securities firm concurrently operates bills finance business pursuant to Article 17 of the Act Governing Bills Finance Business, the accounting matters for its bills finance segment shall be governed by applicable bills finance laws and regulations. When a securities firm concurrently operates specified trust business lines pursuant to Article 3 of the Trust Enterprise Act, the accounting matters for its trust segment shall be governed by applicable trust enterprise laws and regulations.
    When a financial institution concurrently operates securities business pursuant to Article 45, paragraph 2 of the Act, if the treatment of its accounting matters is subject to other applicable financial laws and regulations of the competent authority in charge of that industry, those laws and regulations shall govern. However, accounting matters and financial reports for its securities operations shall still be governed by these Regulations.
     If a securities firm's securities business is operated by different departments based on the nature of business, the accounting matters thereof may be separately handled by each department.