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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules  CH

Amended Date: 2024.07.18 (Articles 52, 52-1, 53, 53-1 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.08.17 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Borrowing of Securities
Article 63     If during the period a securities finance enterprise is borrowing a security to cover a shortfall driven by short sale needs, a securities firm also applies for refinancing of that security from the securities finance enterprise, the securities finance enterprise shall allocate the shares of that security it has obtained from borrowing through competitive bid transaction and/or negotiated transaction in accordance with the Operating Rules for Securities Finance Enterprises Offering Refinancing to Securities Firms.
    When a securities finance enterprise accepts to conduct on behalf of a securities firm a competitive bid loan or negotiated transaction with respect to a shortfall in securities in day trading, the securities finance enterprise shall allocate the securities it so obtains in accordance with the applicable regulations governing securities finance enterprises. The securities finance enterprise shall transfer the securities to the securities firm's special account for handling shortfalls in securities deliverable in day trading by 6 pm through the TWSE Platform for Reporting Shortfalls in Securities Deliverable in Day Trading. The subsequent return of the securities shall be made through the central securities depository.