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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules  CH

Amended Date: 2024.07.18 (Articles 52, 52-1, 53, 53-1 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.08.17 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Borrowing of Securities
Article 9     Any rights and obligations that may arise between an SBL participant and its securities firm, between the SBL participant and the TWSE, and between the securities firm and the TWSE, out of a securities borrowing or lending transaction shall be subject to and governed by these Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules, other applicable rules and circular letters, and also the Master Securities Borrowing and Lending Agreement, the Securities Borrowing and Lending Authorization Agreement, and other applicable agreement documents.
    An SBL participant participating in securities borrowing and lending trading shall comply with the laws and regulations of the industry's regulatory authority and competent securities authority.
