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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Information Filing by Companies with TWSE Listed Securities and Offshore Fund Institutions with TWSE Listed Offshore Exchange-Traded Funds  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.31 (Articles 2, 3, 3-6, 6 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.11.29 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
3-2     A company whose stock is being listed for the first time shall input the following data within two days after the date of listing:
  1. Basic data of the listed company and its major subsidiaries.
  2. The relevant data specified Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 and 5 and paragraph 2, subparagraph 1 for the current fiscal year and the preceding two fiscal years.
  3. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 10 for the preceding two fiscal years.
  4. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 6 for the most recent month.
  5. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 7 to 9 and 11 for the most recent quarter.
  6. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 4 of for the current fiscal year.
  7. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 10 of from the most recent meeting.
  8. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 18.
  9. The relevant data specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 19.