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Article NO. Content


Company Act  CH

Amended Date: 2021.12.29 
Article 356-3     A close company shall be formed by the agreement of all promoters and the promoters shall fully subscribe in the first issue of the total number of shares.
    Equity capital to be contributed other than cash by the promoters may be in the form of assets required in the business of a close company , technical know-how, or service, provided, however, that equity capital to be contributed by service shall not exceed a certain percentage of the total shares issued by a close company .
    The certain percentage set forth in the preceding Paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
    Equity capital to be contributed by technical know-how or service shall be agreed by all shareholders, and the kinds, amount of such capital contribution and the number of shares allotted to the subscriber by a close company shall be explicitly described in its Articles of Incorporation; the competent authority shall register such particulars in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and shall make such particulars public on its information website.
    The provisions of Article 198 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the election of directors and supervisors by the promoters in a close company , unless otherwise provided for in the Articles of Incorporation.
    Articles of 132 through 149 and Articles 151 through 153 shall not apply to the formation of a close company .
    The provision of Article 198 shall apply to the election of directors and supervisors in the shareholders' meeting of a close company, unless otherwise provided for in the Articles of Incorporation.