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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Service Enterprises in Securities and Futures Markets  CH

Amended Date: 2024.04.22 
Article 5 A service enterprise shall document its internal control system, including internal audit implementation rules, and have them passed by the board of directors. If any director expresses a dissenting opinion, where stated in minutes or in a written statement, the service enterprise shall submit the dissenting opinion to each and all supervisors, together with the internal control system that has been passed by the board of directors. The same shall apply to any amendment thereto.<br/>Where a service enterprise has established the position of independent director, when it submits its internal control system for discussion by the board of directors pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the board of directors shall take into full consideration each independent director's opinion; where an independent director has an objection or reservation, the objection or reservation shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors.<br/>Where a service enterprise has established an audit committee in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act, any adoption of or amendment to its internal control system shall be subject to the consent of one-half or more of the entire membership of the audit committee and be submitted to the board of directors for a resolution.<br/>Any matter under the preceding paragraph that has not been approved with the consent of one-half or more of the entire membership of the audit committee may be adopted with the consent of two-thirds or more of the entire board of directors, and the resolution of the audit committee shall be recorded in the board of directors meeting minutes.<br/>The term "entire membership of the audit committee" as used in paragraph 3, and the term "entire board of directors" as used in the preceding paragraph, shall be calculated as the number of members actually in office.<br/>The board of directors of a service enterprise shall recognize operational risks, supervise operational results, and be ultimately responsible for ensuring that an adequate and effective system of internal controls is established and maintained.