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Article NO. Content


Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Information to be Published in Prospectuses for Applications for Trading of Securities on the TPEx  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.25 (Articles 3 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.07.13 
Article 19     The section on summary financial data for the most recent 5 years (supplementing the provisions under Article 27) shall furthermore comply with the following rules:
  1. If the summary financial data of a domestic issuer for the last 7 consecutive years after public issue or those of a foreign issuer for the last 7 consecutive years were audited and certified by the same CPAs in each of those years, the company shall explain the reasons for not changing the CPAs, the independence of the current CPAs, along with specific measures taken by the company to reinforce the CPAs' independence in certification.
  2. For an application for registration of its stock on the emerging stock market, a foreign issuer may present the financial data for the most recent 2 fiscal years only. For an application for primary TPEx listing of its stock, a foreign issuer may present the financial data for the most recent 3 years only.