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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Trust Enterprises with TWSE Listed Beneficial Certificates and Offshore Fund Institutions  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.31 (Articles 2 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.05.30 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
4     If the TWSE discovers, either on its own or from information faxed by an investor (Attachment 1) making an inquiry with the TWSE, that a SITE, futures trust enterprise, or offshore fund institution has failed to report material information set out in Article 2, the TWSE may, as it deems necessary, fill out a "Public Disclosure Statement of Material Information by a Trust Enterprise with Listed Beneficial Certificates or Offshore Fund Institution, Form 1," (Attachment 2) furnishing the source and content of the information, and query the spokesperson or deputy spokesperson of the SITE or futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution, by facsimile or telephone. The SITE, futures trust enterprise, or offshore fund institution shall input an explanation regarding the inquiry into the TWSE-designated Internet reporting system prior to the deadline set by the TWSE.
    "Prior to the deadline set by the TWSE" in the preceding paragraph means if the SITE, the futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution receives a TWSE inquiry by facsimile or telephone before 12:30 p.m. on a given business day, it shall input the explanation into the TWSE-designated Internet reporting system prior to market close; if the SITE, the futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution receives the TWSE's inquiry by facsimile or telephone after 12:30 p.m. on a given business day, it shall input the required explanation into the TWSE-designated Internet reporting system prior to 5 p.m. on the same day, provided that the reporting deadline may, with the approval of the TWSE, be extended if the master agent of the offshore fund institution, with special reason, is unable to report in accordance with the deadline under this paragraph.
    The written investor inquiry of paragraph 1 shall be filled out with the investor's true name, national ID number, address, and contact telephone number. The TWSE may use either the original document or a summary thereof in directing inquiries to the SITE, the futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution during normal business hours.