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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Trust Enterprises with TWSE Listed Beneficial Certificates and Offshore Fund Institutions  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.31 (Articles 2 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.05.30 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
6     If a SITE, a futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of an offshore fund institution is unable for any other reason to input material information into the TWSE-designated Internet reporting system and instead uses a "Public Disclosure Statement of Material Information by a Trust Enterprise with Listed Beneficial Certificates or Offshore Fund Institution, Form 2" (Attachment 3) to report material information, the TWSE may publicly announce such material information in accordance with applicable requirements or disclose it through the TWSE information transmission system. The TWSE may also transmit photocopies of the aforesaid form to securities brokers for public posting at their place of business, and display it at the TWSE Public Relations Office for reference by the investing public.