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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Trust Enterprises with TWSE Listed Beneficial Certificates and Offshore Fund Institutions  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.31 (Articles 2 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.05.30 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
7     Where a SITE, a futures trust enterprise, offshore fund institution, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution violates these Procedures, the TWSE may, as the situation merits, impose a penalty of NT$30,000. Where additional disclosure is required, the TWSE shall notify the SITE, the futures trust enterprise, or the master agent of the offshore fund institution in writing to do so within 2 days from the date on which such written notification is received. Where that deadline is not met, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$10,000 per day until the date on which such disclosure is made. Where a penalty is imposed, the trustee institution shall remit payment to the TWSE Finance Department within 5 days after the date on which it receives notification thereof.