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Article NO. Content


Sample Template of "Rules for Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors"  CH

Amended Date: 2020.06.03 
Categories: Corporate Governance
Article 8     The Company shall take into consideration its condition and needs when establishing the criteria for evaluating the performance of the board of directors, which should cover, at a minimum, the following five aspects:
  1. Participation in the operation of the company;
  2. Improvement of the quality of the board of directors' decision making;
  3. Composition and structure of the board of directors;
  4. Election and continuing education of the directors; and
  5. Internal control.
    The criteria for evaluating the performance of the board members (on themselves or peers), should cover, at a minimum, the following six aspects:
  1. Alignment of the goals and missions of the company;
  2. Awareness of the duties of a director;
  3. Participation in the operation of the company;
  4. Management of internal relationship and communication;
  5. The director's professionalism and continuing education; and
  6. Internal control.
    The criteria for evaluating the performance of functional committees should cover, at a minimum, the following five aspects:
  1. Participation in the operation of the company;
  2. Awareness of the duties of the functional committee;
  3. Improvement of quality of decisions made by the functional committee;
  4. Makeup of the functional committee and election of its members and
  5. Internal control.
    The indexes of board performance evaluation shall be determined based on the operation and needs of the Company and suitable and appropriate for evaluations by the company, subject to regular reviews and constructive comments of the remuneration committee.
    Scoring criteria may be modified and adjusted based on the company's needs. The weighted scoring method may be adopted based on the aspects of evaluation.