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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Implementation of Filing Company Registration Applications and Services by Electronic Means  CH

Announced Date: 2018.11.08 
Article 2 The terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:<br/>1. Electronic application: the transmission of application documents set forth in the Act using the hardware and software information equipment designated by the central competent authority.<br/>2. Electronic application documents: the forms for applications set forth in the Act that the company or its agent fills out and other electronic files attached in accordance with provisions prescribed by the central competent authority.<br/>3. Information system: a system that generates, sends, receives, stores, or otherwise processes information or data in electronic form.<br/>4. Electronic official documents: Various official documents created by the competent authority by electronic means during relevant procedures of applications made by a company or its agent.<br/>5. Electronic service: Electronic official documents transmitted to the electronic official document downloading platform by the competent authority and downloaded by the company or its agent.<br/>6. Electronic official document downloading platform: the information system provided by the central competent authority for the company or its agent to download electronic official documents.