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Article NO. Content


Directions on Information and Communication Security Management and Control of New Technologies for Associations of Securities and Futures Market  CH

Announced Date: 2022.05.11 
Categories: Information Operations
Article 13     (Official social media profile operated by organization)
  1. An organization shall understand the privacy policy of the social media operator before launching its official profile, and regularly examine changes in its privacy policy and evaluate its risks.
  2. When an organization provides a link on its official website that will take a user to the social media pages outside the organization, there should be a prompt window informing the user that by clicking the link they will be taken to a website not owned by the organization.
  3. The social media profile operated by the organization shall identify the organization’s name, contact method and license number so that visitors will know it is an official social media profile operated by the organization.
  4. When operating the social medial profile, an organization shall create the account access control system, and establish the screening and monitoring policy on the published contents. Its monitoring should at least cover efforts to prevent disclosure of client’s privacy and the organization’s secrets, posts published by unauthorized user or fake profile owner, and prevent attacks or disparaging remarks against other enterprises in the same trade.