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Article NO. Content


Directions on Information and Communication Security Management and Control of New Technologies for Associations of Securities and Futures Market  CH

Announced Date: 2022.05.11 
Categories: Information Operations
Article 2     (Definition of cloud computing services)
    Subject to shared use of computing resources enabled by online technologies, to provide users with flexible, extendable and self-service services, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
  1. Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS: A cloud service provider provides information technology infrastructure to cloud service users via the Internet.
  2. Platform as a Service or PaaS: A cloud service provider provides platform tools to cloud service users.
  3. Software as a Service or SaaS: A cloud service provider provides application services to cloud service users via the Internet.