Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing the Administration of Shareholder Services of Public Companies 

Amended Date: 2023.03.06 
Article 44-6     Where voting rights at a company shareholders' meeting are exercised in writing or by means of electronic transmission, before the shareholders' meeting is convened, the company's shareholder services agent, another shareholder services agent, or a company specified in Article 3, paragraph 2, shall tally and verify such votes. However, if the company handles its own shareholder services, the company may carry out the tallying and verification itself.
    The internal control system of the entity carrying out the tallying and verification referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include tallying and verification procedures for voting rights exercised in writing and by means of electronic transmission; where a shareholder exercises voting rights in writing, verification shall be made of whether the written form is the form printed by the company and whether the shareholder has signed or chopped the form.
    A written record shall be made of the procedures and results of the tallying and verification referred to in paragraph 1, and shall be signed/sealed by the person handling it and the supervisor and kept on record for review


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