Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies 

Amended Date: 2023.12.04 
Article 22     The Offeror shall, within 2 days counting inclusively from the public tender offer period's expiration date as provided under Article 18 of these Regulations, report to the FSC and publicly announce the following matters:
  1. The name or trade name, and domicile or location of the Offeror.
  2. The name of the public company whose securities are being acquired.
  3. The types of the securities acquired.
  4. The public tender offer period.
  5. If the tender offer purchase is conditioned upon that the shares number to be sold has reached the projected shares number to be acquired, the description of whether such condition has been satisfied.
  6. The number of the securities to be sold and the actual number sold.
  7. The time, manner and place for payment of the purchase consideration.
  8. The delivery time, manner, and place for the transacted securities.
    On the date of public announcement pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Offeror shall notify the Tenderers respectively of the sale-related matters.


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