Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operational Guidelines for Omnibus Trading Accounts 

Amended Date: 2024.03.26 (Articles 3 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2021.03.31 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Trading > Securities Transaction
5     Reporting of margin transactions and securities borrowing:
  1. The total pre-allocation and post-allocation volumes of transactions for any individual security in any trading category must be the same.
  2. When a securities firm reports a change in the category of a trade to a short sale or a sale of borrowed securities, the pre-allocation order price and the post-allocation transaction price shall conform to the requirement that the short sale or the sale of borrowed securities may not be conducted at a price lower than the closing price of the previous business day.
  3. No partial adjustment of allocation may be reported on the business day following the transaction date of a trade in any category that is a margin transaction.
  4. When in calculating in combination the securities traded for a principal's own account and securities allocated to that principal through an omnibus trading account, it occurs that there is on the same day margin purchase and short sale transactions comprising the same volume and same type of security, it shall be handled in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter V, Settlement by Offsetting of Margin Purchases and Short Sales in Margin Trading, of the Operating Rules for Securities Firms Handling Margin Purchases and Short Sales of Securities.
  5. When a securities firm accepts orders for margin purchases or short sales to be made through an omnibus trading account, the authorized trader shall be responsible for enforcing the trading quotas of each principal and determining whether or not such margin purchases or short sales are permitted for that principal. If, after allocation is made, it is discovered that a principal's quota has been exceeded or that the margin purchase or short sale was impermissible, the securities firm shall handle the matter in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Guidelines for Securities Firms Handling Changes in Trading Categories then in force.
