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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation "Securities Listing Review Committee Charter"  CH

Announced Date: 1980.01.24
Amended Date: 2024.12.16 (Articles 6 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.07.20 
Categories: Primary Market > Review
Content Article In Change31. Articles 2, 3, and 6 added per 20 July 2023 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1120012789 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of announcement
Approved for recordation per 14 July 2023 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Trading-1120141064 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 30. Article 2 amended per 31 March 2021 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-II-1100005558 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of announcement
Approved for recordation per 30 March 2021 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1100334644 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 29. Article 7 amended per 23 December 2019 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1080023479 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved for recordation per 19 December 2019 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1080139109 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 28. Article 2 amended per 15 October 2019 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1080018252 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved for recordation per 5 October 2019 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1080134909 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Content Article In Change 27.Article 3 amended per 18 March 2014 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1030004757 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 14 March 2014 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1030006972 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan.
26.Article 3 amended per 15 March 2011 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1000007829 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 15 March 2011 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1000007951 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
25.Article 2 amended per 19 November 2010 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0990034671 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 12 November 2010 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-0990060734 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
24.Articles 2 and 3 amended per 1 July 2010 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0990017445 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 25 June 2010 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-0990030518 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
23.Article 3 amended per 8 October 2007 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0960029780 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 4 October 2007 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-I-0960055642 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
22.Article 6 amended per 15 February 2007 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0960004167 of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 13 February 2007 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-I-0960004797 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan.
21.Articles 1-3 and 3-5 amended per 21 February 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0940004266 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 17 February 2005 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-I-0940105419 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan.
20.Article 6 amended per 28 May 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0920010998 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from 1 September 2003.
Approved for recordation per 20 May 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Financial-Securities-I-0920113616 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
19.Article 6 amended per 5 July 2002 Letter No. 91-Taiwan-Stock-Secretariat-016030 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation.
Approved for recordation per 2 July 2002 Letter No. Taiwan-Financial-Securities-III-0910136744 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
18.Article 2 amended per 22 December 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-036754 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 15 December 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Financial-Securities-I-97215 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
17.Article 2 amended per 5 June 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-014116 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 2 June 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Financial-Securities-I-45262 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
16.Article 2 amended per 16 May 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-011896 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement.
Approved for recordation per 15 May 2000 Letter No. 89-Taiwan-Financial-Securities-I-37460 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
15.Amended per the 10th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 13th term dated 9 February 1999.
Approved for recordation per 20 January 1999 Letter No. 88-Taiwan-Financial-Securities-I-13533 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance.
14.Amended per the 11th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 12th term dated 26 March 1996.
13.Amended per the 10th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 12th term dated 27 February 1996.
12.Amended per the 7th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 12th term dated 28 January 1996.
11.Amended per the 38th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 11th term dated 28 March 1995.
10.Amended per the 37th joint meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors and supervisors of the 11th term dated 28 February 1995.
9.Amended per the 33rd meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 11th term dated 26 October 1994.
8.Amended per the 23rd meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 11th term dated 28 March 1994.
7.Amended per the 18th meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 11th term dated 5 November 1993.
6.Amended per the 9th meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 11th term dated 26 February 1993.
5.Amended per the 35th meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 10th term dated 28 November 1991.
4.Amended per the 22nd meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 10th term dated 18 October 1990.
3.Amended per the 17th meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 10th term dated 16 August 1990.
2.Amended per the 3rd meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation directors of the 10th term dated 31 August 1989.
1.Approved per the 1st meeting of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation managing directors of the 7th term dated 24 January 1980.