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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Financial Reports of Listed Companies  CH

Announced Date: 1991.09.27
Amended Date: 2024.08.09 (Articles 6 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.04.24 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Auditing and Review
Content Article In Change37. Articles 4 and 6 amended per 24 April 2023 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1120005564 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of announcement
Approved for recordation per 6 April 2023 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1110368174 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 36. Articles 6 and 7 amended per 10 March 2020 Public Announcement Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1090003602 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved for recordation per 4 March 2020 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Firm-1090132070 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 35.Article 4 amended per 10 September 2019 Public Announcement Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1080015954 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved for recordation per 2 September 2019 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Firm-1080318671 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 34. Article 7 amended per 27 April 2018 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1070007615 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved for recordation per 26 April 2018 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1070311109 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 33. Articles 4 and 6 amended per 10 April 2017 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1060005598 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 30 March 2017 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1060007025 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 32. Article 4 amended per 2 September 2015 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1040018038` of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of issuance
Approved for recordation per 1 September 2015 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1040035113 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 31. Article 4 amended per 30 December 2013 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-I-1020027155 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of issuance
Approved for recordation per 26 December 2013 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1020050484 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 30. Article 4 amended per 4 December 2013 Letter No. Taiwan-Securities-Listing-I-1020025278 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of issuance
Approved for recordation per 3 December 2013 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1020049386 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 29. Articles 2 to 7 and 9 amended per 23 January 2013 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Listing-I-1020001320 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for application from the fiscal year of 2013
Approved for recordation per 18 January 2013 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Corporate-1010056937 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 28. Article 4 amended per 23 March 2012 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Listing-I-1010005907 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Approved for recordation per 21 March 2012 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1010008561 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Content Article In Change 27. Article 4 amended per 18 August 2011 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Listing-I-1001804159 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for enforcement from the date of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 3 August 2011 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-1000035163 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Content Article In Change 26. Article 4 amended per 13 October 2010 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Supervision-0990030522 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 8 October 2010 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Auditing-0990051979 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Content Article In Change 25. Article 4 amended per 30 March 2009 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Supervision-0980006232 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 26 March 2009 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-VI-0980012712 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Content Article In Change 24. Article 4 amended per 3 October 2008 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Supervision-0970029051 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 24 September 2008 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-I-09700431311 and Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-VII-0970043130
Content Article In Change 23. Article 2 amended 4 September 2008 per Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Securities-Supervision-0971802585 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the date of announcement
Approved for recordation 19 August 2008 per Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-I-0970039058 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Content Article In Change 22. Article 4 amended and issued per 29 March 2007 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0960006863 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Approved for recordation per 21 March 2007 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0960010783 and per 26 March 2007 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-0960011213 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
21. Article 5 amended and issued per 10 January 2007 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0950034588 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 28 December 2006 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0950160536 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
20. The selection criterion "7. There are not enough independent directors" under Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, item 10 amended and issued per 27 September 2006 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0950103919 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from 1 January 2007
Approved for recordation per 7 September 2006 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0950004311 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
19. Article 4 amended and issued per 26 September 2006 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0950103937 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation except where the selection criterion "8. Where the board of directors is authorized to pay compensatory fees for directors/supervisors in accordance with the trade average, the compensatory fee is found to be unreasonable according to the screening criteria" under Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, item 10 shall begin to apply to financial reports for the year of 2006.
Approved for recordation per 6 September 2006 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0950137430 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
18. Articles 3 to 5 amended and issued per 1 March 2006 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0950004117 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 22 February 2006 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0940160410 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
17. Article 4 amended and issued per 19 October 2005 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0940030540 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 17 October 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-0940144499 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
16. Articles 4 and 9 amended and issued per 5 October 2005 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0940028848 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 9 September 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-0940133938 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
15. Article 4 amended and issued per 30 May 2005 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0940013795 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 2 May 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(I)-0940111043 and per 25 May 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-094011972 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
14. Article 4 amended and issued per 15 March 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0940005900 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 7 March 2005 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-0940104837 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
13. Articles 4 and 9 amended and issued per 26 October 2004 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0930026792 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 13 October 2004 Letter No. Taiwan-Supervisory-Securities-(VI)-0930143795 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
12. Articles 2, 7, 9, and 11 amended and issued per 8 January 2004 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0930000297 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 31 December 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-Audit-0920158592 and 23 June 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(I)-0920122930 of the Securities and Futures Commission
11. Articles 4 and 6 amended and issued per 4 April 2003 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0920006215 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Approved for recordation per 26 March 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-0920106221 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
10. Article 4 amended and issued per 1 April 2003 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Listing-0920005774 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 18 March 2003 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-0920104113 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
9. Article 5 amended and issued per 18 November 2002 Public Announcement No. (91)-Taiwan-Stick-Listing-029315 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 13 November 2002 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-0910156117 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
8. Article 4 amended and issued per 15 August 2002 Public Announcement No. (91)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-020369 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 9 August 2002 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-0910004273 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
7. Articles 4 and 11 amended and issued per 5 July 2002 Public Announcement No. (91)-Taiwan-Stock-Secretariat-016030 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 2 July 2002 Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Securities-III-0910136744 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
6. Article 4 amended and issued per 25 February 2002 Public Announcement No. (91)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-003850 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 19 February 2002 Letter No. (91)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-105806 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
5. Articles 4 and 11 amended and issued per 8 November 2001 Public Announcement No. (90)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-029561 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from 1 January 2002
Approved for recordation per 1 November 2001 Letter No. (90)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-165236 Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
4. Articles 4 and 6 amended and issued per 25 May 2001 Public Announcement No. (90)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-012614 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for implementation from the day of public announcement
Approved for recordation per 21 May 2001 Letter No. (90)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-120657 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
3. Full text of 12 articles amended and issued per 15 May 1999 Letter No. (88)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-13547 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Appoved for recordation per 10 May 1999 Letter No. (88)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-40513 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
2. Amended and issued per 25 February 1999 Public Announcement No. (88)-Taiwan-Stock-Listing-05110 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Approved for recordation per 4 February 1999 Letter No. (88)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-108824-1 of the Securities and Futures Commission, Ministry of Finance
1. Approved per 27 September 1991 Letter No. (80)-Taiwan-Finance-Securities-(VI)-02806 of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Ministry of Finance