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Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies  CH

Amended Date: 2024.04.22 
   Chapter I General Principles
Article 1These Regulations are promulgated in accordance with Article 14-1, paragraph 2 of the Securities and Exchange Act (the "Act"). Info
Article 2A public company shall establish internal control systems in accordance with these Regulations and with internal control system rules adopted hereunder, except where otherwise provided by another act or regulation applicable to securities, futures, financial, or insurance enterprises.
Article 3The internal control systems of a public company are management processes designed by its managers, passed by its board of directors, and implemented by the board of directors, managers, and other employees for purpose of promoting sound operations of the company, so as to reasonably ensure that the following objectives are achieved:
1. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
2. Reliability, timeliness, transparency, and regulatory compliance of reporting.
3. Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and bylaws.
The objective of effectiveness and efficiency of operations referred to in sub-paragraph 1 of the preceding paragraph include objectives such as profits, performance, and safeguard of asset security.
The "reporting" referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraph 2, includes internal and external financial and non-financial reporting of a service enterprise. The objectives of external financial reporting include ensuring that financial statements for external purposes are prepared in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers and generally accepted accounting principles, and that appropriate approvals are obtained for transactions.
Article 4A public company shall set out its internal control systems, including internal audit implementation rules, in writing, and have them passed by the board of directors. If any director expresses dissent, where stated in minutes or in a written statement, the public company shall submit the dissenting opinions to each supervisor together with the internal control systems approved by the board of directors; the same shall apply to any amendment thereto.
If a public company has established the position of independent director, when it submits its internal control systems for discussion by the board of directors pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the board of directors shall take into full consideration each independent director's opinions; the independent directors' specific opinions of assent or dissent and the reasons for dissent shall be included in the minutes of the board of directors' meeting.
If a public company has established an audit committee, the adoption of or any amendment to the internal control system shall require the approval of the audit committee, and shall be submitted to the board of directors for a resolution.
If the adoption or amendment under the preceding paragraph is not approved by the audit committee, it may be done with the approval of at least two-thirds of the entire board of directors, and the resolution of the audit committee shall be recorded in the minutes of the directors meeting.