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Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.24 (Articles 92 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.04.28 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations

Title: Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation(2009.08.20)
Article 76 Upon discovering that a principal falls in any of the following categories, a securities broker shall refuse to open an account or, if an account has already been opened, refuse to accept orders for brokerage trading or subscription of securities:
1. Persons without legal capacity or with limited legal capacity, who do not have the agency or authorization of their legal guardian.
2. Personnel or employees of the Competent Authority in charge of securities matters and of the TWSE.
3. Persons declared bankrupt and whose rights have not been reinstated.
4. Persons declared by a court to be placed under guardianship or assistance where such declaration has not yet been voided.
5. Juristic persons opening accounts that cannot supply proof that there is authorization to open the account.
6. Securities dealers which have not been approved by the Competent Authority.
7. A principal who has engaged a director, supervisor, or employee of a securities firm to open an account with such securities firm as an agent or representative of the principal.
8. More than one discretionary investment account has been opened at the same business premises of the same securities broker by the same principal with respect to the same authorized discretionary trader; provided, this restriction shall not apply to a principal that is a government fund such as a civil servant pension fund, labor pension fund, labor insurance fund, or postal remittance and savings fund and that, when authorizing the same authorized discretionary trader for discretionary investment, may open, at the same business premises of the same securities broker, different discretionary investment accounts for different brokerage contracts.
9. An offshore foreign institutional investor has opened more than one investment trading account at the same business premises of the same securities broker; provided, this restriction shall not apply if it is one that is permitted under the Directions for Registration Processing for Offshore Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investors to Make Investments in ROC Securities or Engage in Domestic Futures Trading to open more than one investment trading account at the same securities broker (including branches).
Insiders of securities firms opening accounts for brokered securities trading shall comply with the Rules Governing Insiders of Securities Firms Opening Accounts at Their Securities Firms for Brokered Securities Trading prescribed by the TWSE.
Upon discovering that a principal falls in any of the following categories, a securities broker shall refuse to open an account or, if an account has already been opened, refuse to accept orders for brokerage trading or subscription of securities:
1. Any person that has breached a contract relating to securities trading, where the TWSE or the Over-the-Counter Securities Exchange have notified all securities brokers of this fact, where the case has not been closed and less than five years have elapsed.
2. Any person that, in connection with a violation of the Securities and Exchange Act or forging (or altering) listed or OTC securities, has been indicted in a public prosecution and the case is still pending, or has been adjudicated criminally guilty by a final and unappealable court judgment within the last five years.
3. Any person that has breached a futures contract where the case has not been closed and less than five years have elapsed, or that has violated future trading laws or regulations and has been adjudicated criminally guilty by a final and unappealable judgment of a judicial authority within the past five years.  
Upon conclusion of a case of breach of a brokerage contract by a principal, the securities broker shall promptly report such conclusion to the TWSE; the TWSE will in turn inform all other securities brokers.
Article 146 These Rules shall come into force after they are reported to and approved by the Competent Authority and publicly announced.
The amendments to these Rules shall come into force from the date of their public announcement, with the exception of the amendment to Article 76, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 announced on 20 August 2009, which shall come into force from 23 November 2009.