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Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.31 (Articles 41, 45, 50-2, 79-1, 99 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.12.05 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations

Title: Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation(2011.08.24)
Article 58 The validity of trading orders relating to the automated computer trading system shall be limited to the day on which the order is placed.
Unless otherwise provided, trading orders for the automated computer trading system may be keyed-in 30 minutes prior to the opening of the market trading by the participating securities brokers or dealers. Such orders shall include the code of the securities firm, serial number of the brokerage order ticket (or serial number of the proprietary trading order), type of order ticket (margin purchase, short sale, securities lending, central depositary, self-custody), account number of the principal (or of the dealer), code of the securities, type of trade (normal, block, odd-lot), price, volume, and sale/purchase. Upon acceptance by the computer of the TWSE, a trade confirmation slip shall be printed. When a matching trade is made, an execution report will be printed on the printer of the participating securities firms. The items printed on the trading order confirmation slip or the execution report may be adjusted by the TWSE depending on actual need.
The serial number of the brokerage order ticket to be keyed-in by the participating securities brokers as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be sequentially assigned in the order that the orders were received. The serial number of proprietary trading orders by securities dealers shall be sequentially numbered in the order that the orders were placed.
The price of the trading orders shall be within the daily price fluctuation limit placed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 63.
The TWSE shall disclose, on a real-time basis during trading hours, execution prices and volumes, and the order prices and volumes of the highest unexecuted buy orders and lowest unexecuted sell orders.
Application of securities firms for changes to the trading orders, except in the case of orders reducing the volume to be traded, shall be accomplished by first canceling the original trading order, and then placing new trading orders.
Article 58-5 After the cause of halting of trading of listed securities ceases to exist, trading may be resumed for ordinary trading and for other trading such as odd-lot, after-market fixed-price, block, auction, and ordinary reverse auction trades. But if the cause of the halting of trading ceases to exist during a certain period of time prior to, or after the close of, market trading hours, trading will not in any event be resumed on that day.
Article 58-6 The time of commencement of a halt of trading or resumption of trading of listed securities shall be determined by the time of execution by the TWSE computer.
During a period of halted trading of listed securities, the TWSE will cease accepting trading orders. However, for any trading order that is unexecuted prior to the halt of trading, the securities firm may apply to cancel or reduce the quantity of the order.
When the trading of listed securities is resumed during the period from 30 minutes prior to the commencement of market trading hours to a certain period of time prior to the close of market trading hours, the first matching of the securities will be done by call auction a period of time after the resumption of acceptance of trading orders.