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Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.24 (Articles 92 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.04.28 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations

Title: Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation(2018.04.27)
Article 49     If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method:
  1. The latest individual financial report, as registered and publicly announced in accordance with Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act, shows that its net worth is less than one-half of its share capital stated on the financial report.
  2. A shareholders meeting has not been held within 6 months after the end of the fiscal year.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act issues an audit report or review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply if it is otherwise permitted by the laws and regulations of the competent authority, or in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA has fully disclosed in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present. However, if an above-mentioned non-major subsidiary is a subsidiary of a financial holding company, its interim financial report shall also be audited or reviewed by a CPA in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Violation of relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of a listed company, and failure to rectify the situation within the specified time after having been notified to proceed with disclosure process, and such violation was serious.
  5. Two-thirds or more of the directors or supervisors have been provisionally ordered to be suspended of the performance of their authorities and duties.
  6. A petition for re-organization has been filed to the court in accordance with Article 282 of the Company Act.
  7. Half or more of the directors have changed, such that any of the following circumstances exists, and it fails to make improvement within a specified time period ordered by the TWSE:
    1. The shareholding is too concentrated to meet the then-current shareholding dispersion criteria for listing.
    2. The newly appointed directors, supervisors, or president meet any of the conditions under Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  8. The company is unable to punctually pay for the common corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds which have matured or which the creditors requested it to redeem.
  9. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument by a financial institution because of insufficient funds on deposit, where the TWSE is aware of such dishonor.
  10. After a demerger, the paid-in capital of an ordinary company or a technology company fails to comply with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 or Article 5, subparagraph 1, respectively, of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  11. The number of companies held by an investment holding company falls below two companies; provided, for investment holding companies created as the result of share conversion, sale and assignment, transfer of business, demerger, or change of company name, this shall not apply within 1 year from the date of listing for trading.
  12. Failure to abide by an undertaking to purchase the shares held by other shareholders of a TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) subsidiary in which it has shareholding of more than 70 percent.
  13. Any of the following circumstances occurs in the handling of shareholder services:
    1. The company has not engaged a shareholder services agent, and has not obtained the Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation's review and agreement to handle shareholder services.
    2. The Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation has audited and discovered a material irregularity in shareholder services, and the company has failed to correct the irregularity within the deadline set by the TWSE for corrections.
  14. Where explanations given in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify points in question, and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors.
  15. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 25 percent of the total number of the company's issued common shares, and any of the circumstances in the following items exists:.
    1. The share capital of TWSE listed common shares does not reach NT$600 million.
    2. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 30 million shares.
  16. The requirements of Article 50, paragraph 2, subparagraph 13 cannot be met within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to Article 50, paragraph 1, subparagraph 14.
  17. A venture capital company fails to rectify within the prescribed time limit when its current financial reports show any of the following:
    1. The number of shares it invests and holds in any public company exceeds 30 percent of the total issued voting shares of said company.
    2. The total investment it holds in any invested company exceeds 20 percent of the total assets shown in the venture capital company's most updated financial reports.
    3. Its total investment fails to reach 60 percent of its total assets.
    4. It engages in any business other than those stipulated in the Rules Governing Guidance to Venture Capital Enterprises.
  18. The board of directors resolves to refer a dissolution proposal to a shareholders' meeting for resolution.
  19. Upon other necessary reasons as determined by the TWSE.
    If securities of a listed company have been placed under an altered trading method because of a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfaction of the below conditions, and freedom of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may resume trading of the company's securities by the normal trading method:
  1. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the financial reports for the most recent two periods registered and publicly announced pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act each shows net worth exceeding NT$300 million and reaching one-half or more of the share capital stated on the financial report, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction are completed.
  2. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, and the shareholders meeting has been held.
  3. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, and due to supplementation or correction, the circumstances specified in that subparagraph no longer exist.
  4. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, and disclosure proceeding is commenced in compliance with the notice.
  5. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the preliminary injunction order was cancelled by the court and one-third or more of the directors or supervisors are able to perform their authorities and duties.
  6. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, the petition for re-organization was withdrawn or was conclusively dismissed by court pursuant to Article 283-1, subparagraph 1 or Article 285-1, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 ; provided that the execution period of the altered trading method shall not be less than 3 months where the petition for re-organization was withdrawn.
  7. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, supplementation or correction was made.
  8. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, the company has repaid the debt or reached a settlement agreement with the creditors.
  9. Within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, the listed company has completed any of the remedial procedures enumerated herein below, and the listed company has produced a direct or indirect note in evidence thereof from the clearing house, and no further instance of dishonor of negotiable instruments has occurred prior to resumption of normal settlement. However, if the listed company adopts the remedial procedure of "extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument," it shall additionally submit a rechecking form prescribed by the TWSE. The form shall be signed and certified by a CPA and a lawyer and submitted to the TWSE along with the other relevant documents and materials for approval and recordation:
    1. Extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument.
    2. Deposit the amount of the instrument into the financial enterprise that dishonored the instrument with a request that it be listed as provision for payment under "other payables."
    3. Pay the amount of the instrument out of the checking account or other payables account upon re-presentment of the instrument subsequent to its dishonoring.
  10. Where correction or improvement has been made by the listed company within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method of the securities was changed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph.
  11. Where correction or improvement has been made within 3 months after the change of trading method of the securities pursuant to subparagraph 11 or subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph.
  12. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph.
  13. Where the points in question have been clarified after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 14 of the preceding paragraph, provided that if the TWSE determines there is any material deficiency in the design and execution of the company's internal control system, in addition to clarifying the points in question, the company shall revise its internal control system and shall have implemented the revisions for at least 3 months and obtained a CPA-issued audit opinion letter regarding the effectiveness of the aforementioned internal control system's design and execution.
  14. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 15 of the preceding paragraph, and the single-quarter net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent for each of the most recent consecutive two quarters is positive.
  15. Within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in subparagraph 16 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches 3 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial reports for the most recent period, and the requirements of Article 50, paragraph 2, subparagraph 13, items B to F are met.
  16. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 17 of the preceding paragraph, correction or improvement is made.
  17. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 18 of the preceding paragraph, the dissolution proposal is revoked by the board of directors, or the shareholders' meeting fails to pass a resolution for the proposal.
  18. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 19 of the preceding paragraph, correction or improvement is made upon the request of the TWSE.
    Where the TWSE changes the trading method of listed securities pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, or where the TWSE restores the trading method to normal settlement pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, within 1 month of such action, the TWSE shall report such action to the Competent Authority for recordation.
    The net worth referred to in Chapter IV and IV-1 means the equity attributable to owners of the parent as stated in the balance sheet prepared in accordance with the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry.
Article 49     If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method:
  1. The latest individual financial report, as registered and publicly announced in accordance with Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act, shows that its net worth is less than one-half of its share capital stated on the financial report.
  2. A shareholders meeting has not been held within 6 months after the end of the fiscal year.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act issues an audit report or review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply if it is otherwise permitted by the laws and regulations of the competent authority, or in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA has fully disclosed in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present. However, if an above-mentioned non-major subsidiary is a subsidiary of a financial holding company, its interim financial report shall also be audited or reviewed by a CPA in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Violation of relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of a listed company, and failure to rectify the situation within the specified time after having been notified to proceed with disclosure process, and such violation was serious.
  5. Two-thirds or more of the directors or supervisors have been provisionally ordered to be suspended of the performance of their authorities and duties.
  6. A petition for re-organization has been filed to the court in accordance with Article 282 of the Company Act.
  7. Half or more of the directors have changed, such that any of the following circumstances exists, and it fails to make improvement within a specified time period ordered by the TWSE:
    1. The shareholding is too concentrated to meet the then-current shareholding dispersion criteria for listing.
    2. The newly appointed directors, supervisors, or president meet any of the conditions under Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  8. The company is unable to punctually pay for the common corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds which have matured or which the creditors requested it to redeem.
  9. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument by a financial institution because of insufficient funds on deposit, where the TWSE is aware of such dishonor.
  10. After a demerger, the paid-in capital of an ordinary company or a technology company fails to comply with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 or Article 5, subparagraph 1, respectively, of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  11. The number of companies held by an investment holding company falls below two companies; provided, for investment holding companies created as the result of share conversion, sale and assignment, transfer of business, demerger, or change of company name, this shall not apply within 1 year from the date of listing for trading.
  12. Failure to abide by an undertaking to purchase the shares held by other shareholders of a TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) subsidiary in which it has shareholding of more than 70 percent.
  13. Any of the following circumstances occurs in the handling of shareholder services:
    1. The company has not engaged a shareholder services agent, and has not obtained the Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation's review and agreement to handle shareholder services.
    2. The Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation has audited and discovered a material irregularity in shareholder services, and the company has failed to correct the irregularity within the deadline set by the TWSE for corrections.
  14. Where explanations given in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify points in question, and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors.
  15. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 25 percent of the total number of the company's issued common shares, and any of the circumstances in the following items exists:.
    1. The share capital of TWSE listed common shares does not reach NT$600 million.
    2. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 30 million shares.
  16. The requirements of Article 50, paragraph 2, subparagraph 13 cannot be met within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to Article 50, paragraph 1, subparagraph 14.
  17. A venture capital company fails to rectify within the prescribed time limit when its current financial reports show any of the following:
    1. The number of shares it invests and holds in any public company exceeds 30 percent of the total issued voting shares of said company.
    2. The total investment it holds in any invested company exceeds 20 percent of the total assets shown in the venture capital company's most updated financial reports.
    3. Its total investment fails to reach 60 percent of its total assets.
    4. It engages in any business other than those stipulated in the Rules Governing Guidance to Venture Capital Enterprises.
  18. The board of directors resolves to refer a dissolution proposal to a shareholders' meeting for resolution.
  19. Upon other necessary reasons as determined by the TWSE.
    If securities of a listed company have been placed under an altered trading method because of a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfaction of the below conditions, and freedom of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may resume trading of the company's securities by the normal trading method:
  1. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the financial reports for the most recent two periods registered and publicly announced pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act each shows net worth exceeding NT$300 million and reaching one-half or more of the share capital stated on the financial report, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction are completed.
  2. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, and the shareholders meeting has been held.
  3. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, and due to supplementation or correction, the circumstances specified in that subparagraph no longer exist.
  4. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, and disclosure proceeding is commenced in compliance with the notice.
  5. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the preliminary injunction order was cancelled by the court and one-third or more of the directors or supervisors are able to perform their authorities and duties.
  6. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, the petition for re-organization was withdrawn or was conclusively dismissed by court pursuant to Article 283-1, subparagraph 1 or Article 285-1, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 ; provided that the execution period of the altered trading method shall not be less than 3 months where the petition for re-organization was withdrawn.
  7. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, supplementation or correction was made.
  8. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, the company has repaid the debt or reached a settlement agreement with the creditors.
  9. Within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, the listed company has completed any of the remedial procedures enumerated herein below, and the listed company has produced a direct or indirect note in evidence thereof from the clearing house, and no further instance of dishonor of negotiable instruments has occurred prior to resumption of normal settlement. However, if the listed company adopts the remedial procedure of "extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument," it shall additionally submit a rechecking form prescribed by the TWSE. The form shall be signed and certified by a CPA and a lawyer and submitted to the TWSE along with the other relevant documents and materials for approval and recordation:
    1. Extinguish the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument.
    2. Deposit the amount of the instrument into the financial enterprise that dishonored the instrument with a request that it be listed as provision for payment under "other payables."
    3. Pay the amount of the instrument out of the checking account or other payables account upon re-presentment of the instrument subsequent to its dishonoring.
  10. Where correction or improvement has been made by the listed company within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method of the securities was changed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph.
  11. Where correction or improvement has been made within 3 months after the change of trading method of the securities pursuant to subparagraph 11 or subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph.
  12. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph.
  13. Where the points in question have been clarified after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 14 of the preceding paragraph, provided that if the TWSE determines there is any material deficiency in the design and execution of the company's internal control system, in addition to clarifying the points in question, the company shall revise its internal control system and shall have implemented the revisions for at least 3 months and obtained a CPA-issued audit opinion letter regarding the effectiveness of the aforementioned internal control system's design and execution.
  14. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 15 of the preceding paragraph, and the single-quarter net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent for each of the most recent consecutive two quarters is positive.
  15. Within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in subparagraph 16 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches 3 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial reports for the most recent period, and the requirements of Article 50, paragraph 2, subparagraph 13, items B to F are met.
  16. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 17 of the preceding paragraph, correction or improvement is made.
  17. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 18 of the preceding paragraph, the dissolution proposal is revoked by the board of directors, or the shareholders' meeting fails to pass a resolution for the proposal.
  18. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 19 of the preceding paragraph, correction or improvement is made upon the request of the TWSE.
    Where the TWSE changes the trading method of listed securities pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, or where the TWSE restores the trading method to normal settlement pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, within 1 month of such action, the TWSE shall report such action to the Competent Authority for recordation.
    The net worth referred to in Chapter IV and IV-1 means the equity attributable to owners of the parent as stated in the balance sheet prepared in accordance with the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry.
Article 49-1     If any of the circumstances listed below apply to a primary listed company, the TWSE may classify that company's listed securities as securities placed under an altered trading method:
  1. Net worth, as indicated in its duly announced and filed financial report for the most recent period, of less than one-half of its share capital stated in the financial report.
  2. Failure to convene and bring to completion a regular shareholders meeting within 6 months after the conclusion of the fiscal year.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent financial report publicly announced and registered as required issues an audit report or a review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA fully discloses in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present.
  4. It violated any bylaw, rule, or regulation relating to listed foreign securities such as those regarding the disclosure of material information, was notified to conduct supplementary disclosure procedures, failed to do so before the deadline, and the circumstances of the case were serious.
  5. Any petition for its reorganization has been submitted to the court in the country where it is registered.
  6. If the situation in Article 28-8, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings applies to the incumbent director, supervisor, or general manager of the primary listed company or any company it controls, and corrective action is not taken within the period prescribed by the TWSE.
  7. Inability to redeem ordinary corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds upon maturity or upon creditor request.
  8. A negotiable instrument has been dishonored by a financial institution due to insufficient funds and the TWSE is aware of the situation.
  9. Explanations in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify the points in question and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors.
  10. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 25 percent of the total number of the company's issued common shares, and does not reach 60 million shares.
  11. The requirements of Article 50-3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11 cannot be met within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to Article 50-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  12. The board of directors resolves to refer a dissolution proposal to a shareholders' meeting for resolution.
  13. The TWSE deems it necessary to do so for any other reason.
    When a primary listed company's securities have been classified as securities placed under an altered trading method due to any circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, if the company meets the respective requirements listed below and is free of any other circumstances in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, the TWSE may restore the regular trading method for the company's listed securities:
  1. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the net worth in its consolidated financial reports as duly filed and announced for each of the most recent two periods exceeds NT$300 million and is one-half or more of its share capital as stated therein, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction have been completed.
  2. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, it convenes and brings to completion the regular shareholders meeting.
  3. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, the circumstance under that subparagraph ceases to exist after supplementary or corrective action.
  4. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, it conducts supplementary disclosure procedures as per notification.
  5. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the petition for its reorganization is withdrawn, or is conclusively dismissed by court on the grounds that the petition procedure fails to conform to requirements or the statement of petition contains false or untrue entries; provided that the altered trading method implementation period may not be less than 3 months where the petition for its reorganization is withdrawn.
  6. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, supplementation or corrective action is taken.
  7. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, the company settles its obligation or reaches a conciliation agreement with the creditor.
  8. Within 3 months from the next business day after placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, it extinguishes the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the negotiable instrument or completes payment negotiation procedures with its financial institution, and has the negotiation documents signed and certified by a CPA and lawyer and submits them together with other relevant documentation to the TWSE for review and recordation.
  9. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, it clarifies the points in question.
  10. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, and the single-quarter net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent for each of the most recent consecutive two quarters is positive.
  11. Within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches NT$60 million, and the requirements of Article 50-3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11, items B to F are met.
  12. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph, the dissolution proposal is revoked by the board of directors, or the shareholders' meeting fails to pass a resolution for the proposal.
  13. After placement under an altered trading method under subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph, it provides supplementation or takes corrective action as required by the TWSE.
    Within 1 month after it places the listed shares of a primary listed company under an altered trading method pursuant to the circumstances of paragraph 1, or restores that company's listed shares to the regular trading method under paragraph 2, the TWSE shall file with the Competent Authority for recordation.
    After a primary listed company, under Article 28-7 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings, adds in its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents any important matters as designated by the TWSE in connection with the protection of shareholders equity, it shall submit the draft amendment with a legal opinion by a lawyer regarding important matters in connection with the protection of shareholders equity of its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents to the TWSE 15 days before the notice or announcement of the shareholders meeting. If the TWSE deems that the draft amendment is likely to impair shareholders equity, it may issue an opposing opinion to the draft amendment. If the primary listed company, without the prior approval of the TWSE, fails to submit the draft amendment by the above-stated deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000.
    If the TWSE deems that any content of a primary listed company's articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents is likely to impair shareholders equity, it may require the primary listed company to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by a deadline. If the primary listed company fails to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000, and further impose a deadline for amendment of the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents. If the primary listed company still fails to amend the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may designate its listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method. However, if in an individual case the circumstances of the impairment to shareholder equity are serious, the TWSE may proceed directly to designate the listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method, without first imposing the penalty.
    When listed stock of a primary listed company is designated as securities placed under an altered trading method because of circumstances in paragraph 5, then once the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents have been amended so that there is no longer any likelihood of impairment to shareholder equity, nor is there any other of the circumstances set out in the subparagraphs of paragraph 1, the TWSE may resume normal trading of the company's listed stock.
    When the TWSE designates the listed stock of any primary listed company as securities placed under an altered trading method pursuant to paragraph 5, or resumes normal trading of its listed stock pursuant to paragraph 6, it shall report to the competent authority for recordation within 1 month after executing the measure.
    If a secondary listed company, or a foreign issuer that issues Taiwan Depositary Receipts or the depositary institution thereof, breaches an undertaking executed at the time of its application for listing, the TWSE may depending on the case impose a breach penalty of NT$30,000 and order it to make supplementation or corrections within a certain period of time.
    If any of the circumstances listed below exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method:
  1. The company fails to publicly announce and file its consolidated financial report by the prescribed deadline.
  2. Its net worth indicated in its duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period is less than one-half of its share capital stated in the consolidated financial report.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent consolidated financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act issues an audit report or review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA fully discloses in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present.
  4. For the duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, the CPA issues a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion in the audit report, or issues an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion in the review report.
  5. The company is unable to punctually repay straight corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds upon maturity or upon the demand of creditors.
  6. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument by a financial institution because of insufficient funds on deposit, where the TWSE is aware of such dishonor.
  7. Any document or information that has been submitted is suspected to be untrue, and upon the request of the TWSE to explain the matter, no explanation is provided within the prescribed time period.
  8. The company has violated relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of the listed foreign securities, and failed to rectify the situation within the specified time after having been notified to proceed with the disclosure process, and such violation is serious.
  9. The company has breached an undertaking it gave when applying for TWSE listing, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribed time limit after having had a penalty imposed under the preceding paragraph.
  10. The company has violated Article 6 of the TWSE Procedures for the Review of Financial Reports of TWSE Secondary Listed Companies, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribe time limit after having been notified by the TWSE to do so.
  11. Other causes for which the Taipei Exchange deems it necessary.
     If the listed securities of a TWSE secondary listed company have been placed under an altered trading method due to a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfaction of the below conditions, and freedom of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may restore the original trading method for the company's securities:
  1. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, a supplementary consolidated financial report is duly announced and filed.
  2. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, the duly announced and filed consolidated financial reports for the most two recent periods show net worth exceeding NT$300 million and reaching one-half or more of the share capital stated on the financial report.
  3. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, the circumstance under that subparagraph ceases to exist after supplementary or corrective action.
  4. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, the CPA has re-audited the financial report, and issued an audit report free of the original disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or a review report free of the original adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion, and there is no qualified opinion in the audit report or qualified review report as specified in paragraph 9, subparagraph 3.
  5. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, and the company has repaid the debt or reached a settlement agreement with the creditors.
  6. Within three months from the following business day after the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, the company extinguishes the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument, or completes debt settlement negotiations with the financial institutions, and the documents have been duly signed and certified by the CPA and lawyer, and then submitted to the TWSE along with other relevant documents and data for approval and recordation.
  7. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, the situation has been duly corrected or explanations have been made as required by the TWSE, and substantial evidence can be provided.
  8. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, the company has proceeded with the disclosure process as required by the notification.
  9. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, the company has duly made supplementation or correction, and fulfilled the undertaking that it gave.
  10. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, the company has duly made supplementation or correction.
  11. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the company has made correction or improvement as required by the Taipei Exchange.
     With respect to the imposition by the TWSE of an altered trading method on the listed securities of a TWSE secondary listed company pursuant to paragraph 9, or the restoration of the trading method of the listed securities pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the company shall file a report with the competent authority for recordation within one month after the implementation thereof.
    If a primary listed company or secondary listed company fails to publicly announce a new litigious and non-litigious representative within 15 days counting inclusively from the date of dismissal of its litigious and non-litigious representative, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000 and set a deadline of 15 days for the company to correct the failure. If the company fails to correct the failure by the deadline, the TWSE may impose consecutive penalties of NT$10,000 per day until the company has corrected the failure.
Article 49-1     If any of the circumstances listed below apply to a primary listed company, the TWSE may classify that company's listed securities as securities placed under an altered trading method:
  1. Net worth, as indicated in its duly announced and filed financial report for the most recent period, of less than one-half of its share capital stated in the financial report.
  2. Failure to convene and bring to completion a regular shareholders meeting within 6 months after the conclusion of the fiscal year.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent financial report publicly announced and registered as required issues an audit report or a review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA fully discloses in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present.
  4. It violated any bylaw, rule, or regulation relating to listed foreign securities such as those regarding the disclosure of material information, was notified to conduct supplementary disclosure procedures, failed to do so before the deadline, and the circumstances of the case were serious.
  5. Any petition for its reorganization has been submitted to the court in the country where it is registered.
  6. If the situation in Article 28-8, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings applies to the incumbent director, supervisor, or general manager of the primary listed company or any company it controls, and corrective action is not taken within the period prescribed by the TWSE.
  7. Inability to redeem ordinary corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds upon maturity or upon creditor request.
  8. A negotiable instrument has been dishonored by a financial institution due to insufficient funds and the TWSE is aware of the situation.
  9. Explanations in a press conference concerning material information fail to clarify the points in question and the TWSE deems it necessary to protect the rights and interests of investors.
  10. The number of TWSE listed common shares does not reach 25 percent of the total number of the company's issued common shares, and does not reach 60 million shares.
  11. The requirements of Article 50-3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11 cannot be met within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to Article 50-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  12. The board of directors resolves to refer a dissolution proposal to a shareholders' meeting for resolution.
  13. The TWSE deems it necessary to do so for any other reason.
    When a primary listed company's securities have been classified as securities placed under an altered trading method due to any circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, if the company meets the respective requirements listed below and is free of any other circumstances in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, the TWSE may restore the regular trading method for the company's listed securities:
  1. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, the net worth in its consolidated financial reports as duly filed and announced for each of the most recent two periods exceeds NT$300 million and is one-half or more of its share capital as stated therein, and the operations for exchange of securities upon capital reduction have been completed.
  2. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, it convenes and brings to completion the regular shareholders meeting.
  3. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, the circumstance under that subparagraph ceases to exist after supplementary or corrective action.
  4. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, it conducts supplementary disclosure procedures as per notification.
  5. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, the petition for its reorganization is withdrawn, or is conclusively dismissed by court on the grounds that the petition procedure fails to conform to requirements or the statement of petition contains false or untrue entries; provided that the altered trading method implementation period may not be less than 3 months where the petition for its reorganization is withdrawn.
  6. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, supplementation or corrective action is taken.
  7. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, the company settles its obligation or reaches a conciliation agreement with the creditor.
  8. Within 3 months from the next business day after placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, it extinguishes the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the negotiable instrument or completes payment negotiation procedures with its financial institution, and has the negotiation documents signed and certified by a CPA and lawyer and submits them together with other relevant documentation to the TWSE for review and recordation.
  9. After placement under an altered trading method pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, it clarifies the points in question.
  10. Where supplementation or correction has been made after the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, and the single-quarter net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent for each of the most recent consecutive two quarters is positive.
  11. Within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches NT$60 million, and the requirements of Article 50-3, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11, items B to F are met.
  12. After the trading method was changed pursuant to subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph, the dissolution proposal is revoked by the board of directors, or the shareholders' meeting fails to pass a resolution for the proposal.
  13. After placement under an altered trading method under subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph, it provides supplementation or takes corrective action as required by the TWSE.
    Within 1 month after it places the listed shares of a primary listed company under an altered trading method pursuant to the circumstances of paragraph 1, or restores that company's listed shares to the regular trading method under paragraph 2, the TWSE shall file with the Competent Authority for recordation.
    After a primary listed company, under Article 28-7 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings, adds in its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents any important matters as designated by the TWSE in connection with the protection of shareholders equity, it shall submit the draft amendment with a legal opinion by a lawyer regarding important matters in connection with the protection of shareholders equity of its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents to the TWSE 15 days before the notice or announcement of the shareholders meeting. If the TWSE deems that the draft amendment is likely to impair shareholders equity, it may issue an opposing opinion to the draft amendment. If the primary listed company, without the prior approval of the TWSE, fails to submit the draft amendment by the above-stated deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000.
    If the TWSE deems that any content of a primary listed company's articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents is likely to impair shareholders equity, it may require the primary listed company to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by a deadline. If the primary listed company fails to amend its articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000, and further impose a deadline for amendment of the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents. If the primary listed company still fails to amend the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents by the deadline, the TWSE may designate its listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method. However, if in an individual case the circumstances of the impairment to shareholder equity are serious, the TWSE may proceed directly to designate the listed stock as securities placed under an altered trading method, without first imposing the penalty.
    When listed stock of a primary listed company is designated as securities placed under an altered trading method because of circumstances in paragraph 5, then once the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents have been amended so that there is no longer any likelihood of impairment to shareholder equity, nor is there any other of the circumstances set out in the subparagraphs of paragraph 1, the TWSE may resume normal trading of the company's listed stock.
    When the TWSE designates the listed stock of any primary listed company as securities placed under an altered trading method pursuant to paragraph 5, or resumes normal trading of its listed stock pursuant to paragraph 6, it shall report to the competent authority for recordation within 1 month after executing the measure.
    If a secondary listed company, or a foreign issuer that issues Taiwan Depositary Receipts or the depositary institution thereof, breaches an undertaking executed at the time of its application for listing, the TWSE may depending on the case impose a breach penalty of NT$30,000 and order it to make supplementation or corrections within a certain period of time.
    If any of the circumstances listed below exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may place its listed securities under an altered trading method:
  1. The company fails to publicly announce and file its consolidated financial report by the prescribed deadline.
  2. Its net worth indicated in its duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period is less than one-half of its share capital stated in the consolidated financial report.
  3. The attesting CPA for the most recent consolidated financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act issues an audit report or review report indicating substantial uncertainty about the ability to continue as a going concern, or the attesting CPA issues a qualified audit report or a review report with a qualified conclusion. However, this shall not apply in the case of an interim financial report if the reason is that the calculation of investment in a non-major subsidiary, or investment accounted for using the equity method, and the amount of profit or loss thereupon, is based on a financial report that has not been audited or reviewed by a CPA, and the attesting CPA fully discloses in the audit or review report the reasons for the qualified opinion and the monetary amounts of any accounting items that may be affected thereby, and no material irregularities are present.
  4. For the duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, the CPA issues a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion in the audit report, or issues an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion in the review report.
  5. The company is unable to punctually repay straight corporate bonds or convertible corporate bonds upon maturity or upon the demand of creditors.
  6. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument by a financial institution because of insufficient funds on deposit, where the TWSE is aware of such dishonor.
  7. Any document or information that has been submitted is suspected to be untrue, and upon the request of the TWSE to explain the matter, no explanation is provided within the prescribed time period.
  8. The company has violated relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of the listed foreign securities, and failed to rectify the situation within the specified time after having been notified to proceed with the disclosure process, and such violation is serious.
  9. The company has breached an undertaking it gave when applying for TWSE listing, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribed time limit after having had a penalty imposed under the preceding paragraph.
  10. The company has violated Article 6 of the TWSE Procedures for the Review of Financial Reports of TWSE Secondary Listed Companies, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribe time limit after having been notified by the TWSE to do so.
  11. Other causes for which the Taipei Exchange deems it necessary.
     If the listed securities of a TWSE secondary listed company have been placed under an altered trading method due to a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfaction of the below conditions, and freedom of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may restore the original trading method for the company's securities:
  1. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, a supplementary consolidated financial report is duly announced and filed.
  2. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, the duly announced and filed consolidated financial reports for the most two recent periods show net worth exceeding NT$300 million and reaching one-half or more of the share capital stated on the financial report.
  3. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, the circumstance under that subparagraph ceases to exist after supplementary or corrective action.
  4. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, the CPA has re-audited the financial report, and issued an audit report free of the original disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or a review report free of the original adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion, and there is no qualified opinion in the audit report or qualified review report as specified in paragraph 9, subparagraph 3.
  5. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, and the company has repaid the debt or reached a settlement agreement with the creditors.
  6. Within three months from the following business day after the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, the company extinguishes the debt under the negotiable instrument by actual settlement of the amount of the instrument, or completes debt settlement negotiations with the financial institutions, and the documents have been duly signed and certified by the CPA and lawyer, and then submitted to the TWSE along with other relevant documents and data for approval and recordation.
  7. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, the situation has been duly corrected or explanations have been made as required by the TWSE, and substantial evidence can be provided.
  8. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, the company has proceeded with the disclosure process as required by the notification.
  9. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, the company has duly made supplementation or correction, and fulfilled the undertaking that it gave.
  10. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, the company has duly made supplementation or correction.
  11. Where the change of trading method was imposed pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the company has made correction or improvement as required by the Taipei Exchange.
     With respect to the imposition by the TWSE of an altered trading method on the listed securities of a TWSE secondary listed company pursuant to paragraph 9, or the restoration of the trading method of the listed securities pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the company shall file a report with the competent authority for recordation within one month after the implementation thereof.
    If a primary listed company or secondary listed company fails to publicly announce a new litigious and non-litigious representative within 15 days counting inclusively from the date of dismissal of its litigious and non-litigious representative, the TWSE may impose a penalty of NT$30,000 and set a deadline of 15 days for the company to correct the failure. If the company fails to correct the failure by the deadline, the TWSE may impose consecutive penalties of NT$10,000 per day until the company has corrected the failure.
Article 50     If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE shall, in accordance with Article 147 of the Securities and Exchange Act, suspend the trading of such securities and report to the Competent Authority for recordation, or the listed company may apply for delisting pursuant to Article 50-1, paragraph 5:
  1. Failure to produce and file and publicly announce financial reports or financial forecasts by the deadlines provided in laws and regulations.
  2. Where any condition specified in Article 282 of the Company Act exists, and a court has prohibited the transfer of its shares pursuant to Article 287, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5 of the Company Act.
  3. Any document or information that has been submitted is suspected to be untrue, and upon the request of the TWSE to explain the matter, no explanation is provided within the prescribed time period.
  4. The securities transfer institution established at the location of the TWSE is withdrawn, or a dummy transfer institution is established such that no transfers are processed, and upon the order of the TWSE to correct the situation within a time period, no correction is made.
  5. The financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act was not produced pursuant to relevant laws and regulations and generally accepted accounting principles, such violations were serious and corrections or rewrites were not made within the specified time period; or the CPA attesting the publicly announced and registered financial report issues a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion in the audit report, or issues an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion in the review report. Where, in a publicly announced and registered financial forecast of the listed company reviewed by a CPA, the attesting CPA issues an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion in the review report.
  6. Violation of relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of a listed company, such violation was serious, and there is the need to suspend trading in its securities.
  7. Where a listed company has breached an undertaking it gave when applying for listing.
  8. Where a listed company, going public in accordance with Article 6-1 of Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings, critically delays its construction schedule or materially violates provisions prescribed in the concession contract.
  9. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, and failure to satisfy paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 of the same Article within 3 months.
  10. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 9, and failure to carry out, within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method was changed, remedial procedures as provided in paragraph 2, subparagraph 9 of the same Article and to submit relevant documentary proof.
  11. Loss of controlling interest, as defined in Article 4, subparagraph 1 of the Financial Holding Company Act, in a subsidiary, where a competent authority has ordered it to make corrections within a certain period.
  12. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 10, 11, 12, or 13 and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 10, 11, or 12 of the same article within 3 months from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  13. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 15, and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 14 of the same article within 3 years from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  14. Change in managerial control, and a material change in the scope of business within a certain period of time before or after the change in managerial control, except in the event of a merger, private placement or public tender offer of a TWSE listed company and a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) listed company or a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) primary listed company according to the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act or other laws and regulations.
  15. Where the requirements of Article 49, paragraph 2, subparagraph 15 cannot be met within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 16.
  16. Other events deemed necessary to suspend the trading in securities.
    Where trading of the listed securities of a listed company has been suspended because of a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfying the below conditions, and being free of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may in accordance with Article 147 of the Securities and Exchange Act report to and obtain the permission of the Competent Authority to resume trading in the securities:
  1. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, and a supplementary financial report or financial forecast is duly announced and filed, and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report with a qualified conclusion as specified in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3. If the financial forecast has not yet been duly announced on a make-up basis in the current fiscal year, the already announced and filed financial report for the same fiscal year may be used as a substitute.
  2. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, and the judicial order prohibiting transfer has expired, and reorganization has not been ordered by the court, or a dismissal of application for reorganization has not been rendered pursuant to Article 285-1, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2 of the Company Act.
  3. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections have been made in accordance with regulations or explanations have in fact been provided upon the request of the TWSE.
  4. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, and substantive improvements have in fact been made in accordance with regulations.
  5. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, and due to supplementation or correction the circumstance specified by that subparagraph no longer exists, and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report with a qualified conclusion as specified in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3.
  6. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with rules governing the confirmation and disclosure of material information by a listed company and other relevant regulations.
  7. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, so as to be consistent with the undertaking given by the listed company.
  8. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, and substantive corrections or improvements have in fact been made pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.
  9. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with relevant regulations.
  10. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, and remedial procedures as set forth in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of the preceding article have been carried out within 6 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading, and the listed company has produced relevant documentary proof that it has carried out the remediation.
  11. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections have been made by the deadline set by the competent authority for the target industry.
  12. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 12 or 13 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made within 6 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading.
  13. Where within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 14 of the preceding paragraph, the underwriter's evaluation report has been provided and the following circumstance are met:
    1. The sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches 2 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial report for the most recent period.
    2. The share capital of TWSE listed common shares is NT$300 million or more, and the number of TWSE listed common shares is 30 million shares or more.
    3. The CPA's project audit report for the internal control system is provided, with an unqualified opinion.
    4. The company is free of the conditions set out in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 12 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
    5. The requirements of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 4 and 5 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings are met.
    6. The company's directors, supervisors, and greater than 10 percent shareholders have placed all of their common shares in the company into centralized custody (in the case of shares obained through public offering and issuance) or have provided written undertakings that they will not transfer shares (in the case of shares obtained through private placement ) and that during the period of the undertaking not to transfer shares, they shall place in centralized custody any of those shares that are approved for retrospective public issuance. They may withdraw or transfer the shares only after the requirements of this subparagraph have been met and one year has passed from the day that the normal trading method has reinstated by the TWSE for the company's securities.
  14. Within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 15 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods accounts reaches 3 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial report for the most recent period, and the requirements of items B to F of the preceding subparagraph are met.
  15. Where suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 16 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with relevant bylaws, rules, and regulations.
Article 50     If any of the following circumstances applies to a listed company, the TWSE shall, in accordance with Article 147 of the Securities and Exchange Act, suspend the trading of such securities and report to the Competent Authority for recordation, or the listed company may apply for delisting pursuant to Article 50-1, paragraph 5:
  1. Failure to produce and file and publicly announce financial reports or financial forecasts by the deadlines provided in laws and regulations.
  2. Where any condition specified in Article 282 of the Company Act exists, and a court has prohibited the transfer of its shares pursuant to Article 287, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5 of the Company Act.
  3. Any document or information that has been submitted is suspected to be untrue, and upon the request of the TWSE to explain the matter, no explanation is provided within the prescribed time period.
  4. The securities transfer institution established at the location of the TWSE is withdrawn, or a dummy transfer institution is established such that no transfers are processed, and upon the order of the TWSE to correct the situation within a time period, no correction is made.
  5. The financial report publicly announced and registered pursuant to Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act was not produced pursuant to relevant laws and regulations and generally accepted accounting principles, such violations were serious and corrections or rewrites were not made within the specified time period; or the CPA attesting the publicly announced and registered financial report issues a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion in the audit report, or issues an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion in the review report. Where, in a publicly announced and registered financial forecast of the listed company reviewed by a CPA, the attesting CPA issues an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion in the review report.
  6. Violation of relevant bylaws or rules concerning the material information of a listed company, such violation was serious, and there is the need to suspend trading in its securities.
  7. Where a listed company has breached an undertaking it gave when applying for listing.
  8. Where a listed company, going public in accordance with Article 6-1 of Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings, critically delays its construction schedule or materially violates provisions prescribed in the concession contract.
  9. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, and failure to satisfy paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 of the same Article within 3 months.
  10. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 9, and failure to carry out, within 3 months of the trading day next following the date the trading method was changed, remedial procedures as provided in paragraph 2, subparagraph 9 of the same Article and to submit relevant documentary proof.
  11. Loss of controlling interest, as defined in Article 4, subparagraph 1 of the Financial Holding Company Act, in a subsidiary, where a competent authority has ordered it to make corrections within a certain period.
  12. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 10, 11, 12, or 13 and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 10, 11, or 12 of the same article within 3 months from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  13. Violation of Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 15, and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 14 of the same article within 3 years from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  14. Change in managerial control, and a material change in the scope of business within a certain period of time before or after the change in managerial control, except in the event of a merger, private placement or public tender offer of a TWSE listed company and a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) listed company or a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) primary listed company according to the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act or other laws and regulations.
  15. Where the requirements of Article 49, paragraph 2, subparagraph 15 cannot be met within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 16.
  16. Other events deemed necessary to suspend the trading in securities.
    Where trading of the listed securities of a listed company has been suspended because of a circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, upon satisfying the below conditions, and being free of any other of the above circumstances, the TWSE may in accordance with Article 147 of the Securities and Exchange Act report to and obtain the permission of the Competent Authority to resume trading in the securities:
  1. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, and a supplementary financial report or financial forecast is duly announced and filed, and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report with a qualified conclusion as specified in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3. If the financial forecast has not yet been duly announced on a make-up basis in the current fiscal year, the already announced and filed financial report for the same fiscal year may be used as a substitute.
  2. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, and the judicial order prohibiting transfer has expired, and reorganization has not been ordered by the court, or a dismissal of application for reorganization has not been rendered pursuant to Article 285-1, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2 of the Company Act.
  3. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections have been made in accordance with regulations or explanations have in fact been provided upon the request of the TWSE.
  4. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, and substantive improvements have in fact been made in accordance with regulations.
  5. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, and due to supplementation or correction the circumstance specified by that subparagraph no longer exists, and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report with a qualified conclusion as specified in Article 49, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3.
  6. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with rules governing the confirmation and disclosure of material information by a listed company and other relevant regulations.
  7. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, so as to be consistent with the undertaking given by the listed company.
  8. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph, and substantive corrections or improvements have in fact been made pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.
  9. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with relevant regulations.
  10. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, and remedial procedures as set forth in subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of the preceding article have been carried out within 6 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading, and the listed company has produced relevant documentary proof that it has carried out the remediation.
  11. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections have been made by the deadline set by the competent authority for the target industry.
  12. Where the suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 12 or 13 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made within 6 months of the trading day next following the date of suspension of trading.
  13. Where within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 14 of the preceding paragraph, the underwriter's evaluation report has been provided and the following circumstance are met:
    1. The sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches 2 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial report for the most recent period.
    2. The share capital of TWSE listed common shares is NT$300 million or more, and the number of TWSE listed common shares is 30 million shares or more.
    3. The CPA's project audit report for the internal control system is provided, with an unqualified opinion.
    4. The company is free of the conditions set out in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 12 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
    5. The requirements of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 4 and 5 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings are met.
    6. The company's directors, supervisors, and greater than 10 percent shareholders have placed all of their common shares in the company into centralized custody (in the case of shares obained through public offering and issuance) or have provided written undertakings that they will not transfer shares (in the case of shares obtained through private placement ) and that during the period of the undertaking not to transfer shares, they shall place in centralized custody any of those shares that are approved for retrospective public issuance. They may withdraw or transfer the shares only after the requirements of this subparagraph have been met and one year has passed from the day that the normal trading method has reinstated by the TWSE for the company's securities.
  14. Within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 15 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods accounts reaches 3 percent or more of the share capital stated in the financial report for the most recent period, and the requirements of items B to F of the preceding subparagraph are met.
  15. Where suspension of trading was ordered pursuant to subparagraph 16 of the preceding paragraph, and corrections or improvements have been made in accordance with relevant bylaws, rules, and regulations.
Article 50-3     If any of the circumstances listed below applies to a primary listed company, the TWSE shall suspend the trading of its listed securities pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. Failure to publicly announce and file its financial report by the prescribed deadline.
  2. Any suspected misrepresentation is discovered in a document or information submitted by it, and it fails to provide an explanation by a specified deadline as requested by the TWSE.
  3. Failing to appoint a professional shareholder services agent in the Republic of China to handle stock affairs, and then failing to take corrective action by the specified deadline, as confirmed by the TWSE.
  4. Failure to prepare its duly announced and filed financial report according to the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry, the generally accepted accounting principles of the United States, or the International Financial Reporting Standards, as the case may be, and the circumstances are serious, and the company is notified to correct or make a restatement of the financial report but fails to do so by the specified deadline; or its attesting CPA has issued an audit report containing a disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or issued a review report with an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion, in connection with the financial report that it announced and filed.
  5. Violation of any bylaw, rule, or regulation regarding the disclosure of material information on a listed foreign company, in which the circumstances of the case are serious and necessitate the suspension of the trading of its securities.
  6. Breach of an undertaking issued at the time it applied for listing; provided that this subparagraph does not apply to any amendment to the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents involving any important matter in connection with the protection of shareholders equity.
  7. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 7, and inability to meet the requirements of paragraph 2, subparagraph 7 of that same Article within 3 months.
  8. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, and inability to complete the supplementation procedures specified in paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 of that same Article within 3 months from the next business day after its shares are placed under an altered trading method.
  9. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 5, and failure to amend the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents within 3 months from the next business day following placement of the stock under an altered trading method.
  10. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 10, and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 10 of the same article within 3 years from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  11. Change in managerial control, and a material change in the scope of business within a certain period of time before or after the change in managerial control, except in the event of a merger, private placement or public tender offer of a TWSE primary listed company and a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) listed company or a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) primary listed company according to the laws and regulations of the place or country of registration or the securities laws and regulation of the Republic of China.
  12. Where the requirements of Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11 cannot be met within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  13. Any other circumstance requiring that the trading of listed securities be suspended.
    When trading of the listed securities of a primary listed company is suspended due to any circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, if the company meets the respective requirements listed below and is free of any other circumstances in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, then pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the of the Securities and Exchange Act, the TWSE may publicly announce resumption of the trading of its listed securities, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, has duly made a supplementary announcement and filing of its financial report.
  2. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, has duly made corrections, or provided explanations as requested by the TWSE, with solid evidence.
  3. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, has duly taken corrective action with solid evidence.
  4. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, has made corrections to or a restatement of its financial report as required by the TWSE; or its CPA conducts a re-audit and issues an audit report free of the original disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or a review report free of the original adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion; and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report containing a qualified conclusion in connection with Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3.
  5. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, has made supplementation or taken corrective action pursuant to rules or regulations regarding disclosure of material information on listed foreign companies.
  6. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, has made supplementation or taken corrective action pursuant to regulations and is in compliance with the undertaking it issued.
  7. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, it makes supplementation or takes corrective action pursuant to regulations.
  8. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 8 or 10 of the preceding paragraph, completed the supplementation procedures under Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 or 10 within 6 months after the next business day after trading was suspended and presented the relevant evidentiary document to verify that it has done so.
  9. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, has amended the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents, and there is no longer any likelihood of impairment to shareholders equity.
  10. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, corrections or improvements have been made within 6 months of the business day next following the date of suspension of trading.
  11. Where within 6 months after suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the underwriter's evaluation report has been provided and the following circumstance are met:
    1. The sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches NT$40 million or more.
    2. The share capital of listed common shares or the net worth reaches NT$300 million or more.
    3. The CPA's project audit report for the internal control system is provided, with an unqualified opinion.
    4. The company complies with Article 28-4, applied mutatis mutandis, of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listing, and is free of the conditions set out in Article 28-8, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 of those Rules.
    5. The requirements of Article 28-1, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 5 and 6 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings are met.
    6. The company's directors, supervisors, and greater than 10 percent shareholders have placed all of their common shares in the company into centralized custody (in the case of shares obained through public offering and issuance) or have provided written undertakings that they will not transfer shares (in the case of shares obtained through private placement ) and that during the period of the undertaking not to transfer shares, they shall place in centralized custody any of those shares that are approved for retrospective public issuance. They may withdraw or transfer the shares only after the requirements of this subparagraph have been met and one year has passed from the day that the normal trading method has reinstated by the TWSE for the company's securities.
  12. Within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods accounts reaches NT$60 million or more, and the requirements of items B to F of the preceding subparagraph are met.
  13. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph, it makes supplementation or takes corrective action pursuant to the relevant bylaws, rules, and regulations.
    If any of the circumstances listed below applies to a primary listed company, the TWSE shall delist the company's listed securities pursuant to Article 144, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for Recordation:
  1. Dissolution upon cancellation or voidance of its organizational registration, an order of dissolution, court ruling on dissolution, or shareholder meeting's resolution for dissolution, in the country where it is registered, and registration of dissolution is completed.
  2. Declaration of bankruptcy by a final and unappealable court ruling in the country where it is registered.
  3. A ruling of the court in the country where it is registered approving reorganization, or dismissing a petition for reorganization due to the impossibility of rehabilitation, becomes final and unappealable.
  4. (deleted)
  5. Six months after trading of its listed shares is suspended pursuant to paragraph 1, any circumstance in any subparagraph of paragraph 1 still exists. However, this shall not apply in the case of suspension of trading under paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  6. The most recent duly announced and filed consolidated financial report, or a consolidated financial report announced and filed on a supplementary basis, shows a negative net worth.
  7. The Competent Authority has ordered suspension of the trading of all of its securities due to a circumstance under Article 156 of the Securities and Exchange Act and the suspension has for been effective for 3 months or longer.
  8. Serious breach of the listing contract.
  9. The shareholding in it by another TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) company (including another TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed company) accounts for 70 percent or more of its total issued shares or paid-in capital. However, if the other TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) company has acquired the shares of the TWSE listed company and conducted a merger or share conversion, the provisions of Chapter IV-1 regarding delisting procedures shall apply.
  10. A demerger, general assignment, transfer of equity in a subsidiary company, or merger with another company, does not satisfy, respectively, the requirements for continued listing under Article 53-30 or Article 53-3.
  11. Any other circumstance that necessitates the delisting of the securities.
    When trading of the listed shares of a primary listed company has been suspended by the TWSE due to any circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, 4, or 8 and the suspension has lasted for a full 6 months during which the company has not taken corrective action, and the TWSE has announced but not yet implemented the delisting of the company's listed shares, if the company then meets the respective requirements listed below, is free of any other circumstance in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, and submits relevant substantiating evidence to apply to the TWSE at least 8 working days before the implementation date, the TWSE may announce an exemption from implementation of the company's delisting, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. If trading of its listed shares was suspended by the TWSE, due to a circumstance in subparagraph 1 or 4 of the preceding paragraph, for a full 6 months during which it failed to take corrective action, and it submits the regularly scheduled consolidated financial report that it previously failed to submit before the original deadline, or it duly makes corrections or restates the relevant consolidated financial report.
  2. After announcement of its delisting due to a circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, it completes the supplementary procedures listed under Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8, and submits the relevant documents as evidence.
    After the announcement of the delisting of a primary listed company's listed shares, if that company completes supplementation before the delisting implementation date, it shall be eligible for exemption on those grounds from the implementation of delisting only if the company has not previously been given an exemption of implementation of delisting of its listed shares for the same reason.
    Except in the case of a merger conducted under Chapter IV-1, the Procedures for Handling Applications by Listed Companies for the Delisting of Securities shall apply mutatis mutandis to a primary listed company that applies to delist its listed shares.
    If any of the following conditions applies to any security that is listed with the TWSE by a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may suspend its trading pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. The listed shares, or foreign securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a secondary listed company have already been suspended from trading by the securities exchange on which they are listed.
  2. There has been a ruling by a court of the country where the issuer is registered or listed that duly prohibits transfer of the listed shares, or the foreign securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a TWSE secondary listed company.
  3. Any other circumstance requiring the suspension of trading of TWSE listed securities.
     When the TWSE trading of securities of a TWSE secondary listed company is suspended due to any of the circumstances listed in the subparagraphs in the preceding paragraph, the secondary listed company may, after the cause for such suspension of trading ceases to exist, or supplementation or corrective action is completed, and none of the other circumstances in the preceding paragraph exists, apply with the TWSE by submitting relevant documentary proof. The TWSE may then announce the resumption of such TWSE trading pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation.
     If any of the circumstances listed below exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may delist its securities pursuant to Article 144, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation:
  1. The listed stock, or foreign securities represented by the Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a TWSE secondary listed company have been delisted in the securities exchange market on which they are listed.
  2. Its net worth, as indicated in its duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, is less than one-third of its share capital stated in the consolidated financial report.
  3. The company's organization and registration have been voided by the country of registration, or the company has been dissolved.
  4. The company has filed for reorganization with a court of the country of registration or country of listing.
  5. The company has filed for bankruptcy with a court of the country of registration or country of listing.
  6. (deleted)
  7. A demerger, general assignment, or transfer of equity in a subsidiary company, does not satisfy the standard for continued TWSE listing in Article 53-30 hereof.
  8. In any of the events in Article 156, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, the company has been ordered by the competent authority to suspend the trading of all securities for a period of three months or more.
  9. The company's TWSE listed securities have been suspended from trading pursuant to the subparagraphs of paragraph 7, and any of the circumstances under the subparagraphs of paragraph 7 still exists after six full months have elapsed.
  10. The TWSE secondary listed company's stocks or Taiwan Depositary Receipts listed on the TWSE exceed 50 percent of the total number of its issued shares.
  11. The TWSE secondary listed company or its depositary institution violates government laws or regulations, TWSE bylaws or public announcements, and the circumstances are serious, or fails to perform obligations required under the Listing Contract,and the circumstances are serious.
  12. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 9, subparagraph 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10 and inability to meet the requirements of paragraph 10, subparagraph 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10 of that same Article within 6 months from the business day following the change of trading method.
  13. The company has violated Article 6 of the TWSE Procedures for the Review of Financial Reports of TWSE Secondary Listed Companies, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribe time limit after having been notified by the TWSE to do so, and the circumstances are serious.
  14. Other events requiring delisting of the securities.
     If because any circumstance in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, and the TWSE has announced the delisting of its securities, but the delisting has not yet been implemented, if the cause for delisting ceases to exist, or supplementation or corrective action is completed, and none of the other circumstances in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists, the company may submit relevant substantiating evidence to apply to the TWSE at least 8 working days before the date of delisting, and, the TWSE may announce an exemption from delisting and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation. However, this shall apply only insofar as no exemption from delisting has previously been granted for the same reason.
    If due to the expiration of the issuing period, or if in accordance with the provisions of Article 145, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act the foreign issuer and its depositary institution apply for the delisting of the securities of a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may announce the delisting, and report to the competent authority for recordation.
    In cases of delisting under paragraphs 9 and 11, at least the foreign issuer and all of its directors with the exception of independent directors shall undertake to unconditionally purchase the remaining outstanding shares or Taiwan Depositary Receipts of the company, and the Application Procedures for Terminating the Listing of Securities by Listed Companies shall apply mutatis mutandis.
    When a special cause exists for a secondary listed company, such as stock price sensitive information pending announcement or the occurrence of a material event, upon a voluntary application by the secondary listed company, or upon an announcement, by the securities exchange or securities market on which are listed the foreign stock or the securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of the halting of trading thereof, the TWSE may announce halting of trading of the company's TWSE-listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts. Upon a voluntary application by the secondary listed company, or upon an announcement, by the securities exchange or securities market on which are listed the foreign securities or the securities represented by the Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of the resumption of trading thereof, the TWSE may announce the resumption of trading of the company's TWSE listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts, provided that the specific instance of halting of trading did not result in any material violation of TWSE rules in connection with material information, necessitating suspension of trading of the TWSE listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts.
    When the TWSE announces halting or resumption of trading of the listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts of a secondary listed company under the preceding paragraph, it may first proceed to make the announcement, and then file a report with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 50-3     If any of the circumstances listed below applies to a primary listed company, the TWSE shall suspend the trading of its listed securities pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. Failure to publicly announce and file its financial report by the prescribed deadline.
  2. Any suspected misrepresentation is discovered in a document or information submitted by it, and it fails to provide an explanation by a specified deadline as requested by the TWSE.
  3. Failing to appoint a professional shareholder services agent in the Republic of China to handle stock affairs, and then failing to take corrective action by the specified deadline, as confirmed by the TWSE.
  4. Failure to prepare its duly announced and filed financial report according to the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry, the generally accepted accounting principles of the United States, or the International Financial Reporting Standards, as the case may be, and the circumstances are serious, and the company is notified to correct or make a restatement of the financial report but fails to do so by the specified deadline; or its attesting CPA has issued an audit report containing a disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or issued a review report with an adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion, in connection with the financial report that it announced and filed.
  5. Violation of any bylaw, rule, or regulation regarding the disclosure of material information on a listed foreign company, in which the circumstances of the case are serious and necessitate the suspension of the trading of its securities.
  6. Breach of an undertaking issued at the time it applied for listing; provided that this subparagraph does not apply to any amendment to the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents involving any important matter in connection with the protection of shareholders equity.
  7. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 7, and inability to meet the requirements of paragraph 2, subparagraph 7 of that same Article within 3 months.
  8. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, and inability to complete the supplementation procedures specified in paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 of that same Article within 3 months from the next business day after its shares are placed under an altered trading method.
  9. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 5, and failure to amend the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents within 3 months from the next business day following placement of the stock under an altered trading method.
  10. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 10, and inability to achieve compliance with paragraph 2, subparagraph 10 of the same article within 3 years from the business day next following the date of change of trading method.
  11. Change in managerial control, and a material change in the scope of business within a certain period of time before or after the change in managerial control, except in the event of a merger, private placement or public tender offer of a TWSE primary listed company and a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) listed company or a TWSE (or Taipei Exchange) primary listed company according to the laws and regulations of the place or country of registration or the securities laws and regulation of the Republic of China.
  12. Where the requirements of Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 11 cannot be met within two years after the securities have been placed under the altered trading method due to the circumstances in Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  13. Any other circumstance requiring that the trading of listed securities be suspended.
    When trading of the listed securities of a primary listed company is suspended due to any circumstance in a subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, if the company meets the respective requirements listed below and is free of any other circumstances in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph, then pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the of the Securities and Exchange Act, the TWSE may publicly announce resumption of the trading of its listed securities, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, has duly made a supplementary announcement and filing of its financial report.
  2. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, has duly made corrections, or provided explanations as requested by the TWSE, with solid evidence.
  3. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, has duly taken corrective action with solid evidence.
  4. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the preceding paragraph, has made corrections to or a restatement of its financial report as required by the TWSE; or its CPA conducts a re-audit and issues an audit report free of the original disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, or a review report free of the original adverse conclusion or disclaimer of conclusion; and there is no audit report containing a qualified opinion or review report containing a qualified conclusion in connection with Article 49-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3.
  5. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, has made supplementation or taken corrective action pursuant to rules or regulations regarding disclosure of material information on listed foreign companies.
  6. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 6 of the preceding paragraph, has made supplementation or taken corrective action pursuant to regulations and is in compliance with the undertaking it issued.
  7. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph, it makes supplementation or takes corrective action pursuant to regulations.
  8. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 8 or 10 of the preceding paragraph, completed the supplementation procedures under Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8 or 10 within 6 months after the next business day after trading was suspended and presented the relevant evidentiary document to verify that it has done so.
  9. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 9 of the preceding paragraph, has amended the articles of incorporation, organizational documents, or important financial or business documents, and there is no longer any likelihood of impairment to shareholders equity.
  10. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 10 of the preceding paragraph, corrections or improvements have been made within 6 months of the business day next following the date of suspension of trading.
  11. Where within 6 months after suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 11 of the preceding paragraph, the underwriter's evaluation report has been provided and the following circumstance are met:
    1. The sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent stated in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods reaches NT$40 million or more.
    2. The share capital of listed common shares or the net worth reaches NT$300 million or more.
    3. The CPA's project audit report for the internal control system is provided, with an unqualified opinion.
    4. The company complies with Article 28-4, applied mutatis mutandis, of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listing, and is free of the conditions set out in Article 28-8, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 of those Rules.
    5. The requirements of Article 28-1, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 5 and 6 of the Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings are met.
    6. The company's directors, supervisors, and greater than 10 percent shareholders have placed all of their common shares in the company into centralized custody (in the case of shares obained through public offering and issuance) or have provided written undertakings that they will not transfer shares (in the case of shares obtained through private placement ) and that during the period of the undertaking not to transfer shares, they shall place in centralized custody any of those shares that are approved for retrospective public issuance. They may withdraw or transfer the shares only after the requirements of this subparagraph have been met and one year has passed from the day that the normal trading method has reinstated by the TWSE for the company's securities.
  12. Within 6 months after trading is suspended pursuant to subparagraph 12 of the preceding paragraph, the sum of the net pofit before tax attributable to owners of the parent in the publicly announced and filed financial reports for the most recent four periods accounts reaches NT$60 million or more, and the requirements of items B to F of the preceding subparagraph are met.
  13. After suspension of trading pursuant to subparagraph 13 of the preceding paragraph, it makes supplementation or takes corrective action pursuant to the relevant bylaws, rules, and regulations.
    If any of the circumstances listed below applies to a primary listed company, the TWSE shall delist the company's listed securities pursuant to Article 144, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-1, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for Recordation:
  1. Dissolution upon cancellation or voidance of its organizational registration, an order of dissolution, court ruling on dissolution, or shareholder meeting's resolution for dissolution, in the country where it is registered, and registration of dissolution is completed.
  2. Declaration of bankruptcy by a final and unappealable court ruling in the country where it is registered.
  3. A ruling of the court in the country where it is registered approving reorganization, or dismissing a petition for reorganization due to the impossibility of rehabilitation, becomes final and unappealable.
  4. (deleted)
  5. Six months after trading of its listed shares is suspended pursuant to paragraph 1, any circumstance in any subparagraph of paragraph 1 still exists. However, this shall not apply in the case of suspension of trading under paragraph 1, subparagraph 11.
  6. The most recent duly announced and filed consolidated financial report, or a consolidated financial report announced and filed on a supplementary basis, shows a negative net worth.
  7. The Competent Authority has ordered suspension of the trading of all of its securities due to a circumstance under Article 156 of the Securities and Exchange Act and the suspension has for been effective for 3 months or longer.
  8. Serious breach of the listing contract.
  9. The shareholding in it by another TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) company (including another TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed company) accounts for 70 percent or more of its total issued shares or paid-in capital. However, if the other TWSE listed (or Taipei Exchange listed) company has acquired the shares of the TWSE listed company and conducted a merger or share conversion, the provisions of Chapter IV-1 regarding delisting procedures shall apply.
  10. A demerger, general assignment, transfer of equity in a subsidiary company, or merger with another company, does not satisfy, respectively, the requirements for continued listing under Article 53-30 or Article 53-3.
  11. Any other circumstance that necessitates the delisting of the securities.
    When trading of the listed shares of a primary listed company has been suspended by the TWSE due to any circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, 4, or 8 and the suspension has lasted for a full 6 months during which the company has not taken corrective action, and the TWSE has announced but not yet implemented the delisting of the company's listed shares, if the company then meets the respective requirements listed below, is free of any other circumstance in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph, and submits relevant substantiating evidence to apply to the TWSE at least 8 working days before the implementation date, the TWSE may announce an exemption from implementation of the company's delisting, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. If trading of its listed shares was suspended by the TWSE, due to a circumstance in subparagraph 1 or 4 of the preceding paragraph, for a full 6 months during which it failed to take corrective action, and it submits the regularly scheduled consolidated financial report that it previously failed to submit before the original deadline, or it duly makes corrections or restates the relevant consolidated financial report.
  2. After announcement of its delisting due to a circumstance in paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, it completes the supplementary procedures listed under Article 49-1, paragraph 2, subparagraph 8, and submits the relevant documents as evidence.
    After the announcement of the delisting of a primary listed company's listed shares, if that company completes supplementation before the delisting implementation date, it shall be eligible for exemption on those grounds from the implementation of delisting only if the company has not previously been given an exemption of implementation of delisting of its listed shares for the same reason.
    Except in the case of a merger conducted under Chapter IV-1, the Procedures for Handling Applications by Listed Companies for the Delisting of Securities shall apply mutatis mutandis to a primary listed company that applies to delist its listed shares.
    If any of the following conditions applies to any security that is listed with the TWSE by a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may suspend its trading pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation:
  1. The listed shares, or foreign securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a secondary listed company have already been suspended from trading by the securities exchange on which they are listed.
  2. There has been a ruling by a court of the country where the issuer is registered or listed that duly prohibits transfer of the listed shares, or the foreign securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a TWSE secondary listed company.
  3. Any other circumstance requiring the suspension of trading of TWSE listed securities.
     When the TWSE trading of securities of a TWSE secondary listed company is suspended due to any of the circumstances listed in the subparagraphs in the preceding paragraph, the secondary listed company may, after the cause for such suspension of trading ceases to exist, or supplementation or corrective action is completed, and none of the other circumstances in the preceding paragraph exists, apply with the TWSE by submitting relevant documentary proof. The TWSE may then announce the resumption of such TWSE trading pursuant to Article 147, applied mutatis mutandis under Article of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation.
     If any of the circumstances listed below exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may delist its securities pursuant to Article 144, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation:
  1. The listed stock, or foreign securities represented by the Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of a TWSE secondary listed company have been delisted in the securities exchange market on which they are listed.
  2. Its net worth, as indicated in its duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, is less than one-third of its share capital stated in the consolidated financial report.
  3. The company's organization and registration have been voided by the country of registration, or the company has been dissolved.
  4. The company has filed for reorganization with a court of the country of registration or country of listing.
  5. The company has filed for bankruptcy with a court of the country of registration or country of listing.
  6. (deleted)
  7. A demerger, general assignment, or transfer of equity in a subsidiary company, does not satisfy the standard for continued TWSE listing in Article 53-30 hereof.
  8. In any of the events in Article 156, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act, the company has been ordered by the competent authority to suspend the trading of all securities for a period of three months or more.
  9. The company's TWSE listed securities have been suspended from trading pursuant to the subparagraphs of paragraph 7, and any of the circumstances under the subparagraphs of paragraph 7 still exists after six full months have elapsed.
  10. The TWSE secondary listed company's stocks or Taiwan Depositary Receipts listed on the TWSE exceed 50 percent of the total number of its issued shares.
  11. The TWSE secondary listed company or its depositary institution violates government laws or regulations, TWSE bylaws or public announcements, and the circumstances are serious, or fails to perform obligations required under the Listing Contract,and the circumstances are serious.
  12. Violation of Article 49-1, paragraph 9, subparagraph 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10 and inability to meet the requirements of paragraph 10, subparagraph 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10 of that same Article within 6 months from the business day following the change of trading method.
  13. The company has violated Article 6 of the TWSE Procedures for the Review of Financial Reports of TWSE Secondary Listed Companies, and failed to make supplementation or corrections within a prescribe time limit after having been notified by the TWSE to do so, and the circumstances are serious.
  14. Other events requiring delisting of the securities.
     If because any circumstance in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists with respect to a TWSE secondary listed company, and the TWSE has announced the delisting of its securities, but the delisting has not yet been implemented, if the cause for delisting ceases to exist, or supplementation or corrective action is completed, and none of the other circumstances in any subparagraph of the preceding paragraph exists, the company may submit relevant substantiating evidence to apply to the TWSE at least 8 working days before the date of delisting, and, the TWSE may announce an exemption from delisting and report the matter to the competent authority for recordation. However, this shall apply only insofar as no exemption from delisting has previously been granted for the same reason.
    If due to the expiration of the issuing period, or if in accordance with the provisions of Article 145, applied mutatis mutandis under Article 165-2, of the Securities and Exchange Act the foreign issuer and its depositary institution apply for the delisting of the securities of a TWSE secondary listed company, the TWSE may announce the delisting, and report to the competent authority for recordation.
    In cases of delisting under paragraphs 9 and 11, at least the foreign issuer and all of its directors with the exception of independent directors shall undertake to unconditionally purchase the remaining outstanding shares or Taiwan Depositary Receipts of the company, and the Application Procedures for Terminating the Listing of Securities by Listed Companies shall apply mutatis mutandis.
    When a special cause exists for a secondary listed company, such as stock price sensitive information pending announcement or the occurrence of a material event, upon a voluntary application by the secondary listed company, or upon an announcement, by the securities exchange or securities market on which are listed the foreign stock or the securities represented by Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of the halting of trading thereof, the TWSE may announce halting of trading of the company's TWSE-listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts. Upon a voluntary application by the secondary listed company, or upon an announcement, by the securities exchange or securities market on which are listed the foreign securities or the securities represented by the Taiwan Depositary Receipts, of the resumption of trading thereof, the TWSE may announce the resumption of trading of the company's TWSE listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts, provided that the specific instance of halting of trading did not result in any material violation of TWSE rules in connection with material information, necessitating suspension of trading of the TWSE listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts.
    When the TWSE announces halting or resumption of trading of the listed foreign stock or Taiwan Depositary Receipts of a secondary listed company under the preceding paragraph, it may first proceed to make the announcement, and then file a report with the Competent Authority for recordation.
Article 53-8     When a TWSE listed company merges with an unlisted company and the TWSE listed company is a non-surviving company, the surviving or newly-incorporated unlisted company, within 1 year after the merger record date, may apply to the TWSE for listing if it meets the requirements set out in all the following subparagraphs:
  1. At the time of the application for merger, at least 80 percent of its operating revenue and identifiable assets as stated on its latest-period financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA is derived from business items or assets originally from the merged listed company, and its liabilities may not exceed two-thirds of its total assets.
  2. Capitalization: complies with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  3. Profitability: after imputation based on the surviving unlisted company's latest-period financial data, complies with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings. However, this requirement does not apply if the post-merger surviving company's net worth per share on the latest-period financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA is greater than the non-surviving listed company's net worth per share on its financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA for the latest period before the merger record date. When the above proviso is satisfied, if the TWSE listed company, and the surviving or newly-incorporated unlisted company have different par values per share, the comparison of net worth per share shall be based on an imputation adjustment to the same par value, and the attesting CPA shall submit a review opinion following the imputation adjustment.
  4. Shareholding dispersion: complies with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings.
  5. The non-surviving listed company was free of any and all circumstances set out in Articles 49, 50, and 50-1 before the merger record date, and its net worth per share was stated at not less than the par value per share on the financial reports audited or reviewed by a CPA for both the most recent period and most recent fiscal year before the merger record date.
  6. Financial reports: a CPA shall have audited or reviewed the latest-period financial report, and issued a signed audit report or a review report containing an unqualified conclusion; or, if an audit report containing other than an unqualified opinion is issued, it does not affect the fair presentation of the financial report.
  7. Complies with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5, and Articles 18 and 19 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings and is free of any of the circumstances set out in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 12 of those Rules.
    Before its securities are listed, the surviving unlisted company under the preceding paragraph shall deposit stock in central custody and conduct a pre-listing public offering in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings.
Article 53-8     When a TWSE listed company merges with an unlisted company and the TWSE listed company is a non-surviving company, the surviving or newly-incorporated unlisted company, within 1 year after the merger record date, may apply to the TWSE for listing if it meets the requirements set out in all the following subparagraphs:
  1. At the time of the application for merger, at least 80 percent of its operating revenue and identifiable assets as stated on its latest-period financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA is derived from business items or assets originally from the merged listed company, and its liabilities may not exceed two-thirds of its total assets.
  2. Capitalization: complies with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings.
  3. Profitability: after imputation based on the surviving unlisted company's latest-period financial data, complies with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Review of Securities Listings. However, this requirement does not apply if the post-merger surviving company's net worth per share on the latest-period financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA is greater than the non-surviving listed company's net worth per share on its financial report audited or reviewed by a CPA for the latest period before the merger record date. When the above proviso is satisfied, if the TWSE listed company, and the surviving or newly-incorporated unlisted company have different par values per share, the comparison of net worth per share shall be based on an imputation adjustment to the same par value, and the attesting CPA shall submit a review opinion following the imputation adjustment.
  4. Shareholding dispersion: complies with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings.
  5. The non-surviving listed company was free of any and all circumstances set out in Articles 49, 50, and 50-1 before the merger record date, and its net worth per share was stated at not less than the par value per share on the financial reports audited or reviewed by a CPA for both the most recent period and most recent fiscal year before the merger record date.
  6. Financial reports: a CPA shall have audited or reviewed the latest-period financial report, and issued a signed audit report or a review report containing an unqualified conclusion; or, if an audit report containing other than an unqualified opinion is issued, it does not affect the fair presentation of the financial report.
  7. Complies with Article 4, paragraph 1, subparagraph 5, and Articles 18 and 19 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings and is free of any of the circumstances set out in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 12 of those Rules.
    Before its securities are listed, the surviving unlisted company under the preceding paragraph shall deposit stock in central custody and conduct a pre-listing public offering in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings.
Article 77-2      A mainland area person, juristic person, organization or other institution that obtains listed securities due to gift or succession shall apply to a securities broker for account opening with the following documents submitted:
  1. Proof of payment of estate tax or gift tax issued by a tax authority or other evidentiary documents, and the power of attorney for filing income tax returns required by the tax authority.
  2. In the event of a natural person, identification documents or documents evidencing approval of his entry to Taiwan.
  3. The company registration certificate of a juristic person, organization or other institution denotes a juristic person or organization qualification certificate or registration certificate issued by the local government.
    A mainland area person, juristic person, organization, other institution, or a company in which it invests in a third area, which has obtained the approval of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs, for investing in listed companies, shall apply to a securities broker for account opening with the following documents submitted:
  1. A photocopy of the written approval of sale, and power of attorney for filing income tax returns required by the tax authority.
  2. In the event of a natural person, identification documents or documents evidencing approval of his entry to Taiwan.
  3. Qualification certificate of the juristic person, organization, other institution, or company in which it invests in a third area (as duly notarized, certified, legalized in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs governing documents required for applications for investment in Taiwan by Mainland Area people).
    The principal shall comply with the following provisions when engaging an agent to open an account on its behalf pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs:
  1. Where the principal is a natural person, the agent shall personally present the identification documents of the principal and the agent, power of attorney (must be notarized by a notary public office of the Mainland Area and legalized by the Straits Exchange Foundation), and the related documents specified in the preceding two paragraphs.
  2. Where the principal is a juristic person, organization, other institution, or company in which it invests in a third area, the agent shall personally present the identification documents of the principal, power of attorney (as duly notarized, certified, legalized in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs governing documents required for applications for investment in Taiwan by Mainland Area people), and the related documents specified in the preceding two paragraphs.
    The opening of a New Taiwan Dollar account by a mainland area person applying for account opening pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph may be governed by Article 77, paragraph 2 mutatis mutandis, provided the identification documents and power of attorney must be notarized by a notary public office of the mainland area and legalized by the Straits Exchange Foundation.
     Such account as mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 may only accept sale orders and may not accept purchase orders.
     Listed securities acquired pursuant to paragraph 1 may be sold by the mutatis mutandis application of Article 82-1.
Article 77-2      A mainland area person, juristic person, organization or other institution that obtains listed securities due to gift or succession shall apply to a securities broker for account opening with the following documents submitted:
  1. Proof of payment of estate tax or gift tax issued by a tax authority or other evidentiary documents, and the power of attorney for filing income tax returns required by the tax authority.
  2. In the event of a natural person, identification documents or documents evidencing approval of his entry to Taiwan.
  3. The company registration certificate of a juristic person, organization or other institution denotes a juristic person or organization qualification certificate or registration certificate issued by the local government.
    A mainland area person, juristic person, organization, other institution, or a foreign juristic person in which it invests in a third area, which has obtained the approval of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs, for investing in listed companies, shall apply to a securities broker for account opening with the following documents submitted:
  1. A photocopy of the written approval of sale, and power of attorney for filing income tax returns required by the tax authority.
  2. In the event of a natural person, identification documents or documents evidencing approval of his entry to Taiwan.
  3. Qualification certificate of the juristic person, organization, other institution, or foreign juristic person in which it invests in a third area (as duly notarized, certified, legalized in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs governing documents required for applications for investment in Taiwan by Mainland Area people).
    The principal shall comply with the following provisions when engaging an agent to open an account on its behalf pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs:
  1. Where the principal is a natural person, the agent shall personally present the identification documents of the principal and the agent, power of attorney (must be notarized by a notary public office of the Mainland Area and legalized by the Straits Exchange Foundation), and the related documents specified in the preceding two paragraphs.
  2. Where the principal is a juristic person, organization, other institution, or foreign juristic person in which it invests in a third area, the agent shall personally present the identification documents of the principal, power of attorney (as duly notarized, certified, legalized in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs governing documents required for applications for investment in Taiwan by Mainland Area people), and the related documents specified in the preceding two paragraphs.
    The opening of a New Taiwan Dollar account by a mainland area person applying for account opening pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph may be governed by Article 77, paragraph 2 mutatis mutandis, provided the identification documents and power of attorney must be notarized by a notary public office of the mainland area and legalized by the Straits Exchange Foundation.
     Such account as mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 may only accept sale orders and may not accept purchase orders.
     Listed securities acquired pursuant to paragraph 1 may be sold by the mutatis mutandis application of Article 82-1.
Article 77-8     When the domestic agent or representative of a mainland nationality shareholder of a TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company opens an account at a securities broker, in addition to the documents for account opening of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the domestic agent or representative shall also submit documentation issued by the foreign issuer's shareholder services agent evidencing that the mainland nationality shareholder obtained the stock (or evidentiary certificate representing the stock) issued by that foreign issuer prior to its TWSE listing or Taipei Exchange listing in Taiwan, or the documentary proof that mainland nationality employees have subscribed to or been allotted shares in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of registration. Such accounts are permitted to handle only the sale of stock issued by such foreign issuer, or sale of stock of another TWSE or Taipei Exchange listed company or TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company that the shareholder has obtained by duly participating in a public tender offer through an offer to sell, or has obtained by the issuer's participation in a merger or acquisition, or of stock obtained as the result of a new share distribution, subscription, or transfer based on such stocks. Such accounts may not be used for other securities trading.
    If a company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed, pursuant to Article 28-2, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 or Article 28-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act or Article 235 or Article 267 of the Company Act, awards securities to an employee or employees who are mainland nationals, the company's overseas subsidiary or branch office will conduct registration for a Collective Investment Account for Mainland Nationality Employees with the TWSE to obtain an ID number for purposes of handling the transfer, subscription, or distribution of securities to such employee or employees. When the domestic agent opens an account with a securities broker in such a case, in addition to the account opening documents required by paragraph 1, the documents in the following subparagrahs shall also be submitted, and a copy of the documents shall also be kept on record at the place of the domestic agent for reference:
  1. An original copy of the undertaking stating that the overseas subsidiary or branch office of the company whose stocks are TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed is actually authorized by the employees that are mainland nationals.
  2. A photocopy of the documentation evidencing the Competent Authority's approval of, or effective registration for, the issuance of new shares or employee stock warrants, or the repurchasing of its own shares, by the company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed.
  3. A photocopy of the meeting minutes at which the board of directors of the company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed approved the current instance of repurchase of its own shares for a share transfer to employees pursuant to Article 28-2, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Act, or issuance of employee stock warrants pursuant to Article 28-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act, or issuance of new shares pursuant to Article 235 and Article 267 of the Company Act.
    When a TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed foreign issuer carries out registration procedures for a "Segregated Collective Investment Account for Mainland Nationality Employees" with the TWSE for securities obtained by its mainland nationality employees in accordance with the laws and regulations of the place of registration, when the domestic agent opens the account with a securities broker, in addition to the account opening documents in paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the documents in the following subparagraphs shall also be submitted, and a copy of the documents shall also be kept on record at the place of the domestic agent for reference:
  1. Original affidavit stating that the TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed foreign issuer has actually been authorized by the mainland nationality employees.
  2. Photocopy of documentary proof that the TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange Primary listed foreign issuer has obtained effective registration from the competent authority to issue new shares or employee stock warrants.
  3. Letter of approval from the TWSE for the TWSE primary listing or from the GreTai Securities Market for the Taipei Exchange primary listing.
    The accounts of the preceding two paragraphs may be used only to sell stocks which such employees have obtained by exercising securities subscription rights or through transfer or distribution, or to sell stocks of another TWSE or Taipei Exchange listed company or TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company that such shareholders have obtained by duly participating in a public tender offer through an offer to sell, or have obtained by the issuer's participation in a merger or acquisition, or stocks obtained as the result of a new share distribution, subscription, or transfer based on such stocks. Such accounts may not be used for any other securities trading.
    The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration operations of this Article.
Article 77-8     When the domestic agent or representative of a mainland nationality shareholder of a TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company opens an account at a securities broker, in addition to the documents for account opening of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the domestic agent or representative shall also submit documentation issued by the foreign issuer's shareholder services agent evidencing that the mainland nationality shareholder obtained the stock (or evidentiary certificate representing the stock) issued by that foreign issuer prior to its TWSE listing or Taipei Exchange listing in Taiwan, or the documentary proof that mainland nationality employees have been allotted, subscribed to or been assigned shares in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of registration.
    For a mainland nationality shareholder of a TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company or a shareholder of a TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company that is a company in which a mainland area person, juristic person, organization, or other institution invests in a third area, when such shareholder's domestic agent or representative opens an account at a securities broker, in addition to the documents for account opening of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, documentation shall also be submitted evidencing that the stock issued by the foreign issuer was obtained due to direct investment in private placement, cash capital increase, merger, acquisition and share conversion.
    Securities tradings through the accounts referred to in the preceding two paragraphs are restricted to sale of stock issued by such foreign issuer, sale of stock through duly made tender by participation in a public tender offer, and sale of stock of other TWSE or Taipei Exchange listed company or TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company obtained through the issuer's participation in a merger and acquisition, and sale of stock obtained as the result of a share distribution, subscription, or transfer based on such stocks. No other securities trading may be engaged in through such accounts.
    If a company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed, pursuant to Article 28-2, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 or Article 28-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act or Article 235 or Article 267 of the Company Act, awards securities to an employee or employees who are mainland nationals, the company's overseas subsidiary or branch office will conduct registration for a Collective Investment Account for Mainland Nationality Employees with the TWSE to obtain an ID number for purposes of handling the transfer, subscription, or distribution of securities to such employee or employees. When the domestic agent opens an account with a securities broker in such a case, in addition to the account opening documents required by paragraph 1, the documents in the following subparagrahs shall also be submitted, and a copy of the documents shall also be kept on record at the place of the domestic agent for reference:
  1. An original copy of the undertaking stating that the overseas subsidiary or branch office of the company whose stocks are TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed is actually authorized by the employees that are mainland nationals.
  2. A photocopy of the documentation evidencing the Competent Authority's approval of, or effective registration for, the issuance of new shares or employee stock warrants, or the repurchasing of its own shares, by the company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed.
  3. A photocopy of the meeting minutes at which the board of directors of the company whose stock is TWSE listed or Taipei Exchange listed approved the current instance of repurchase of its own shares for a share transfer to employees pursuant to Article 28-2, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Act, or issuance of employee stock warrants pursuant to Article 28-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act, or issuance of new shares pursuant to Article 235 and Article 267 of the Company Act.
    When a TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed foreign issuer carries out registration procedures for a "Segregated Collective Investment Account for Mainland Nationality Employees" with the TWSE for securities obtained by its mainland nationality employees in accordance with the laws and regulations of the place of registration, when the domestic agent opens the account with a securities broker, in addition to the account opening documents in paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the documents in the following subparagraphs shall also be submitted, and a copy of the documents shall also be kept on record at the place of the domestic agent for reference:
  1. Original affidavit stating that the TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange primary listed foreign issuer has actually been authorized by the mainland nationality employees.
  2. Photocopy of documentary proof that the TWSE primary listed or Taipei Exchange Primary listed foreign issuer has obtained effective registration from the competent authority to issue new shares or employee stock warrants.
  3. Letter of approval from the TWSE for the TWSE primary listing or from the GreTai Securities Market for the Taipei Exchange primary listing.
    The accounts of the preceding two paragraphs may be used only to sell stocks which such employees have obtained by exercising securities subscription rights or through transfer or distribution, or to sell stocks of another TWSE or Taipei Exchange listed company or TWSE or Taipei Exchange primary listed company that such shareholders have obtained by duly participating in a public tender offer through an offer to sell, or have obtained by the issuer's participation in a merger or acquisition, or stocks obtained as the result of a new share distribution, subscription, or transfer based on such stocks. Such accounts may not be used for any other securities trading.
    The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration operations of this Article.