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Amended Article


Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Financial Institution Prospectuses for Offering and Issuance of Securities  CH

Amended Date: 2024.02.19 
Article 10 The section on company organization shall set forth the following information:
1. Organizational system: Show the company's structure and the tasks of its principal departments.
2. Diagram of affiliated enterprises: Show the relationships between the company and its affiliated enterprises, their mutual shareholding, and share amounts, and their actual investment amounts.
3. The following information on the general manager, assistant general managers, deputy assistant general managers, and the supervisors of departments and branches: (Attachment 6)
A. Name, sex/gender, nationality, work experience (academic qualifications), and any shareholdings and the nature thereof: Set forth each person's name, principal work experience (academic qualifications), any positions concurrently held in other companies, job commencement date, the number of shares held by the person, his or her spouse, or minor children, shares held under the name of another party, and any holdings of employee stock warrants.
B. For any such person who is the spouse of, or related within the second degree of kinship to, the general manager, an assistant general manager, or a deputy assistant general manager, set forth the job title and name of the general manager, assistant general manager, or deputy assistant general manager to whom he or she is related, and further indicate the nature of the relationship.
C. Where the chairperson of the board of directors and the general manager or person of an equivalent post (the highest level manager) of a company are the same person, spouses, or relatives within the first degree of kinship, an explanation shall be given of the reason for, reasonableness, necessity thereof, and the measures adopted in response thereto.
4. Directors and supervisors:
A. Name, gender, nationality or place of registration, work experience (academic qualifications), and amount and nature of shareholdings: Set forth their names, principal work experiences (academic qualifications), any position(s) concurrently held in this and other companies, appointment date and term, date of initial appointment, number of shares held at the time of appointment and presently by them, including those held by their spouse and minor children and through nominees, their professional expertise, and the diversity policy of the board of directors. In the case of a corporate shareholder's representative, indicate the name of the corporate shareholder and the names of its top ten largest shareholders in terms of their shares and shareholding ratio. If any of those top ten largest shareholders is a corporate shareholder, further indicate the names of its top ten largest shareholders and their shareholding ratio. (Attachment 7, Attachment 7-1)
B. If the person is the spouse of, or related within the second degree of kinship to, another officer, director, or supervisor, set forth the job title and name of the other person and specify the relationship. (Attachment 7)
C. Where the chairperson of the board of directors and the general manager or person of an equivalent post (the highest level manager) of a company are the same person, spouses, or relatives within the first degree of kinship, an explanation shall be given of the reason for, reasonableness, necessity thereof, and the measures adopted in response thereto. (Attachment 7)
5. Chairmen of the board and general managers rehired as consultant after retiring from the company or its affiliate enterprises: Name, sex/gender, nationality, title of position, employer and title before retirement, retirement date, date of the consultant appointment, hiring purpose, segregation of authority and duties. (Attachment 8)
6. Promoters:
A. For companies established for less than one year, relevant information on promoters who are among the top fifty of the company shareholders shall be disclosed in accordance with the previous subparagraph.
B. For companies established for less than three years, disclosure shall be made, where all the important transactions (including property transactions and financing of funds, but excluding business transactions) between the promoters or their related/affiliated persons and the company since incorporation shall be disclosed. For property transactions, the nature and location of the transacted item and the method for determining the transaction price shall also be disclosed. For properties purchased from a promoter or his/her related person, if the promoter or the related person bought the properties less than two years before selling them, the promoter or the related person's purchasing costs shall also be explained.
7. Remuneration paid to directors, supervisors, general manager, vice president, assistant vice president, and consultant(s) for the most recent fiscal year: (Attachment 8, Attachment 9, and Attachment 10)
A. The company may opt either to disclose aggregate remuneration information, with the name(s) indicated for each remuneration range, or to disclose the name of each individual and the corresponding remuneration amount.
B. If any of the following applies to the company, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director, supervisor, general manager, and consultant:
a. The bank's average non-performing loan ratio in the fourth quarter of the most recent year exceeds 5 percent; the bills finance company's average non-performing credit ratio in the fourth quarter of the most recent year exceeds 5 percent.
b. The bank, bills finance company, or financial holding company's most recent capital adequacy ratio, whether unaudited, CPA-reviewed, or adjusted following FSC examination, is lower than the minimum requirement provided by relevant laws and regulations governing capital adequacy for each industry.
c. A company that has posted after-tax deficits in the parent company only financial reports or individual financial reports within the most recent 3 fiscal years. The preceding provision does not apply if the parent company only or individual financial reports for the most recent year reports after-tax net profit, which is sufficient to make up the accumulated deficit.
d. The company is required by the FSC to increase capital, but has not completed the capital increase according to the capital increase plan.
C. If the director and supervisor shareholding percentage is insufficient for 3 consecutive months or longer during the most recent year, the remuneration paid to each of the directors and supervisors shall be disclosed.
D. If the average ratio of share pledging by directors and supervisors is in excess of 50 percent in any 3 months during the most recent year, the remuneration paid to each of the directors and supervisors having a ratio of pledged shares in excess of 50 percent for each such month shall be disclosed.
E. If the remuneration to directors and supervisors paid by all companies included in the financial report to directors and supervisors exceeds 2 percent of net income after tax, and the remuneration received by individual directors or supervisors exceeds NT$15,000,000, the remuneration paid to such individual directors or supervisors shall be disclosed.
F. Where a company listed on the TWSE or the TPEx is ranked in the lowest tier in the corporate governance evaluation for the most recent fiscal year, or in the most recent fiscal year or up to the date of publication of the annual report for that year, the company's securities have been placed under an altered trading method, suspended from trading, delisted from the TWSE or the TPEx, or the Corporate Governance Evaluation Committee has resolved that the company shall be excluded from evaluation, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director and supervisor.
G. Where the average annual salary of the full-time non-supervisory employees in a TWSE or TPEx listed company is less than NT$500,000, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director and supervisor.
H. Where the net profit after tax of a TWSE or TPEx listed company in the most recent fiscal year increases by 10% or more, but the average annual salary of its full-time non-management employees does not increase relative to the previous year, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director and supervisor.
I. Where the net profit after tax of a TWSE or TPEx listed company in the most recent fiscal year decreases by 10% and more than NT$5 million, along with the remuneration paid to each director (excluding the remuneration paid to employees serving concurrently as directors) increasing by 10% or more and more than NT$100,000, it shall disclose the remuneration paid to each individual director and supervisor.
J. If the circumstance in sub-item "c" of Item B or in Item F applies to a company listed on the TWSE or the TPEx, it shall disclose the individual remuneration paid to each of its top five management personnel. (Attachment 9)
K. Compare and analyze the total remuneration, and as a percentage of net income stated in the individual and consolidated financial statements, respectively, paid by this company and by all consolidated entities to each of this company's directors, supervisors, general managers, vice presidents, and assistant vice presidents for the most recent two fiscal years; describe the policies, standards, and packages for payment of remuneration, the procedures for determining remuneration, and its linkage to business performance.
The term "affiliated enterprises" in Subparagraphs 2 and 5 of the preceding paragraph refers to those conforming with Article 369-1 of the Company Act.
Article 33 The section on implementation of corporate governance shall include the following information:
1.The state of operations of the board of directors: Number of meetings; attendance rate of each director; an evaluation of targets for strengthening of the functions of the board during the current and immediately preceding fiscal year, and measures taken toward achievement thereof; and any other matters that require reporting. (Attachment 62)
2.The state of operations of the audit committee or the state of participation in board meetings by the supervisors: Number of meetings; rate of attendance (or of attendance as a non-voting participant) of each independent director or supervisor; and any other matters that require reporting. (Attachment 63, Attachment 64)
3.Disclosures required under the Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles, provided that for disclosures that already have been made on the company's website, it is permissible to simply disclose the website for reference.
4.The state of the company's implementation of corporate governance, any variance of such implementation from the Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for TSEC/TPEx Listed Companies, and the reason for any such variance. (Attachment 65)
5. If the company has a compensation committee or nomination committee in place, the composition and operation thereof shall be disclosed. (Attachment 66)
6. The state of the company's performance of sustainable development. Listed companies must explain the deviations from the Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies and the reasons (Attachment 67). Companies must disclose climate-related information (Attachment 67-1) while the schedule for the disclosure and verification of greenhouse gas inventory information shall be set by the FSC.
7.The state of the company's performance in the area of ethical corporate management, where a compnay listed on the TWSE or the TPEx shall disclose any variance from the Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies, and the reason for any such variance. (Attachment 68)
8.If the company has adopted corporate governance best-practice principles or related bylaws, disclose how these are to be accessed.
9.A summary of resignations and dismissals, during the most recent fiscal year and up to the prospectus publication date, of the company's chairperson of the board of directors, general manager, chief accounting officer, chief financial officer, chief internal audit officer, and chief corporate governance officer. (Attachment 69)
10.Other significant information that will provide a better understanding of the state of the company's implementation of corporate governance may also be disclosed.