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Amended Article


Regulations on Audit of Implementation of Cyber Security Maintenance Plan of Specific Non-Government Agency 

Amended Date: 2021.08.23 
Article 3 Except for cause by force majeure, the competent authority shall select and determine the specific non-government agencies (hereinafter referred to as the “audited agency”) for each quarter of the year, and may audit the implementation of their cyber security maintenance plans through onsite audit every year.
In selecting and determining the audited agencies under the preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall give comprehensive consideration to the significance and confidential sensitivities of its businesses, the size and nature of their cyber systems, the frequencies and degrees of occurrence of cyber security incidents, the results of cyber offense and defense exercise, the frequencies and results of audits conducted by the competent authority or the central authority in charge of the relevant industry over past years, or other factors relating to cyber security.
In conducting the audit under Paragraph 1, the competent authority shall establish the audit program, the content of which shall include the basis and purposes, time period, essential fields of the audit, the manner of formation of the audit team, confidentiality obligation, the method, standards and items of the audit, and assistance issues from the central authority in charge of relevant industry.
In determining the essential fields, standards and items of the audit under the preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall take into comprehensive consideration the cyber security policy of our country, domestic and foreign cyber security trends, the contents and results of past audit programs, and any other factors relating to the proper allocation of audit resources or audit effectiveness.
Article 6 In conducting the audit under Paragraph 1 of Article 3, the competent authority shall form an audit team composed of three to more people respectively for each audited agency, depending on the considerations under Paragraph 2 of the same article.
Informing the audit team under the preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall, taking the needs of the audit into consideration, invite representatives of government agencies or experts and scholars who have professional knowledge of cyber security policies or have professional knowledge of technologies, managements, law affairs required for such audit to act as members of such team, of which the number of representatives of the government agency may not be less than one-fourth of all members.
The competent authority shall sign, in writing, with members of audit teams on recusal due to interest conflicts and confidentiality obligations.
If the member of audit team under Paragraph 2 has any of the following circumstances, he shall avoid himself from acting as the member of that audit team:
1. He, his spouse, his relatives within the third degree, his family member, or the trustee of the property trusts of above-mentioned persons have a property or non-property interest relationship with the audited agency or the responsible person thereof.
2. He, his spouse, his relatives within the third degree or his family member has employment, contract, appointment, agency or other similar relationship with the audited agency or the responsible person in the current or the past two years.
3. He has served in the current or past two years to be a consultant of the audited agency and his mentoring project is related to the audit program.
4. Other circumstance that may be considered that his role as a member of the audit team might affect the impartiality of the audit result.
Article 10 The date for enforcement of these Regulations shall be decided by the competent authority.
The amendments to these Regulations shall take effect on the date of promulgation.