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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies  CH

Amended Date: 2023.11.10 
Article 7     The contents of an annual report shall include:
  1. A report to the shareholders.
  2. A company profile.
  3. A corporate governance report.
  4. Information on capital raising activities: Disclose the company's capital, any issuance of shares, corporate bonds, preferred shares, global depository receipts, and employee stock warrants, new restricted employee shares, any merger and acquisition activities (including mergers, acquisitions, and demergers), and the status of implementation of capital allocation plans.
  5. An overview of operations.
  6. An overview of the company's financial status.
  7. A review and analysis of the company's financial position and financial performance, and a listing of risks.
  8. Other items deserving special mention.