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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules  CH

Amended Date: 2024.07.18 (Articles 52, 52-1, 53, 53-1 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.08.17 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Borrowing of Securities
Article 48     A securities firm shall charge processing fees for providing securities borrowing and lending transaction services, and the TWSE shall charge loan service fees for providing borrowing and lending services on the securities market.
    The processing fees and loan service fees, and their rates, for securities borrowing and lending transactions shall be determined by the TWSE in conjunction with the securities association and shall be adopted upon submission to and approval by the competent authority.
    The processing fees and loan service feesmentioned in the preceding paragraph are charged according to the TWSE Securities Lending System Processing Fees and Loan Service Fees Schedule (Appendix 3).