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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Press Conferences Concerning Material Information of Listed Companies 

Repeal Date: 2014.11.11 (English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2014.11.06 
Categories: Primary Market > Management > Information Disclosure
Article 2     The term "listed company" as used in these Procedures means TWSE listed companies and TWSE primary listed companies as specified in Article 43 of the TWSE Operating Rules; "material information" as used in these Procedures means the following particulars provided by a listed company of its own initiative or investigated and verified at the initiative of the TWSE:
  1. Dishonor of a negotiable instrument due to insufficient deposits, refusal by a financial institution to honor a transaction, or other loss of credit of a listed company or parent company or subsidiary thereof.
  2. Any litigious or non-litigious matter, administrative disposition, contentious administrative procedure, provisional attachment, provisional injunction, or compulsory execution, with respect to a listed company or a responsible person thereof, which has a material effect on the finances or business of the company.
  3. Serious decrease in output or complete stoppage of work.
  4. Any event set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 185 of the Company Act of the Republic of China.
  5. Resolution by the board of directors of a listed company or parent or subsidiary thereof to petition a court for bankruptcy or reorganization, or a petition by a third party to a court for bankruptcy or reorganization; or a court ruling prohibiting transfer of the company's shares pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.
  6. Signing, termination, or rescission of an important memorandum of understanding, or strategic alliance, or plan for business cooperation, or mutual non-competition agreement, or important contract, or change to important content of a business plan, or completion of development of a new product, successful development and formal entrance into mass production of trial products, which has a material effect on the finances or business of the company.
  7. Resolution by the board of directors for capital reduction (excluding retirement of treasury shares), merger or consolidation, cancellation of merger or consolidation, spin-off, acquisition, exchange, conversion or acquisition of shares, dissolution, participation in the establishment of or conversion into a financial holding company or investment holding company or subsidiary thereof; or inability to convene a subsequent shareholders' meeting of a company participating in a merger, consolidation, spin-off, acquisition, or acquisition of shares, or veto of the proposal for merger, consolidation, spin-off, acquisition, or acquisition of shares; provided, this shall not apply to cases under the following two circumstances:
    1. A merger conducted under Article 18, paragraph 6 of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act, where the non-surviving enterprise is a company not listed on the TWSE or the GreTai Securities Market (GTSM) and has share capital of less than NT$1 billion, or a merger/acquisition conducted in accordance with Article 19 of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act. If the merged/acquired enterprise is a company with shares having no par value, or a par value other than NT$10, for the above-mentioned calculation of share capital, the net worth shall be substituted.
    2. Cases of capital reduction by a major subsidiary, or by a subsidiary of an investment holding company or a financial holding company as specified in Article 2-1, paragraph 1 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Companies with Listed Securities.
  8. Occurrence of a material event of internal control-related malpractice, non arms-length transaction, or defalcation of assets.
  9. Finalization of negotiation results of a negotiation meeting called between the listed company and a creditor bank.
  10. The circumstance set forth in Article 50, paragraph 1, subparagraph 14, or Article 50-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 11 of the TWSE Operating Rules exists, and the TWSE has announced suspension of trading of the shares.
  11. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  12. Transactions between the listed company and related parties: acquisition or disposal of real property, or acquisition or disposal of assets other than real property, where the monetary amount of the individual transaction, or of cumulative transactions with a same trading counterpart within 1 year, reaches 20 percent of the company's share capital, 10 percent of its total assets, or not less than NT$300 million. In the case of a company with shares having no par value or a par value other than NT$10, for the above-mentioned calculation of 20 percent of share capital, 10 percent of the net worth shall be substituted. However, this requirement shall not apply to transactions between the above-mentioned TWSE listed company and related parties in any of the following circumstances:
    1. Trading of government bonds, or repo/reverse repo trades of bonds, subscription or redemption of domestic money market funds.
    2. A financial holding company, banking enterprise, insurance enterprise, securities enterprise, or any subsidiary thereof, acquiring or disposing of publicly offered open-end funds issued by its parent or subsidiary companies, or engaging in bill or bond transactions.
    3. Transactions with a parent company or a subsidiary, or a subsidiary of such a listed company.
  13. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  14. Occurrence of a disaster, group protest, strike, environmental pollution event resulting in a disposition by a competent authority, where the anticipated insurance-indemnified loss exceeds 20 percent of the company's share capital or NT$300 million or more. In the case of a company with shares having no par value or a par value other than NT$10, for the above-mentioned calculation of 20 percent of share capital, 10 percent of the net worth shall be substituted.
  15. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  16. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  17. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  18. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  19. Voidance of the permit of a financial holding company, or of a listed company that is a bank, securities, futures, or insurance enterprise as defined in the Organic Act Governing the Establishment of the Financial Supervisory Commission, by the competent authority thereof, or loss by a financial holding company of statutory controlling shareholding in a subsidiary thereof, where the competent authority has ordered remediation within a certain time limit.
  20. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  21. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  22. Resolution by the board of directors or a shareholders' meeting to apply for termination of listing for trading of its securities.
  23. (This subparagraph is deleted.)
  24. Where a listed company holds more than 70 percent of the total issued shares or total share capital of a TWSE (or GTSM) listed subsidiary thereof; or where 70 percent of the total issued shares or total capital of a listed company is held by another TWSE (or GTSM) listed company.
  25. Any major policy resolutions of the board of directors of the company, or any other circumstance with a material effect on shareholders' equity or securities prices.
    If a listed company meets the standard for a major subsidiary as provided under Article 2, paragraph 6 of the TWSE Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Listed Companies, or the standard for a subsidiary under Article 2-1, paragraph 1 of the same Procedures, or if a listed company is a subsidiary of a domestic parent company that is neither listed on the TWSE nor on the GTSM nor registered on the emerging stock market, and that parent company experiences any circumstance in the subparagraphs of paragraph 1 hereof, it shall be deemed material information of the listed company, and the listed company shall hold a press conference.
     "Net worth" in these Procedures means the equity attributable to owners of the parent on the balance sheet prepared under the regulations issued by the competent authority to govern the preparation of financial reports for the relevant industry.