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Article NO. Content


Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.24 (Articles 92 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.04.28 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations
103     The trading of securities on the Exchange that is transacted on the same business day shall be deemed as one clearing period.
    The portion of the transacted securities referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph that are to be centrally deposited and settled through book-entry shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the operation rules of the central securities depository.
    The portion of the securities referred to in the first paragraph of this Article that are transacted through margin purchases or short sales shall be handled by securities firms in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Operation Rules for Securities Firms Dealing with Margin Purchases and Short Sales of Securities and the Operation Rules for Securities Finance Enterprises Dealing with Margin Loans and Short Stocks.
    The clearing data in respect of margin purchases or short sales referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph that shall be compared with that of the securities finance enterprises shall be transmitted along with other clearing data to the computer system of the central securities depository after ascertaining that there is no error at comparison, and consolidated report shall be prepared and transmitted to the computer system of the TWSE. The deadline for completion of the transmission shall not be later than 9:00 p.m.