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Rules Governing Exchanges of Negative Credit Data on Credit Extension Businesses by Financial Institutions through Joint Credit Information Center and Securities Firms through Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Announced Date: 2020.03.06 
Categories: Securities Exchange Market > Trading > Securities Transaction
9     9.Duty of Confidentiality and Data Protection
  1. The Exchanged Data shown on a computer monitor and printed by the computer shall contain an electronic watermark identifying the inquirer’s name or code, and printed exchanged negative credit data shall contain the inquiring personnel’s code, name or signature/stamp, for identification purposes. Negative credit data obtained shall be controlled, retained and destroyed in accordance with the relevant rules to prevent data breach.
  2. An inquirer shall keep the obtained credit data confidential, may not use such data for purposes other than the credit extension businesses contemplated by the Rules unless the data is subject to inspection and perusal in accordance with laws and regulations, and is forbidden to transmit the data internationally and, except where the data subject inquiries about its own data according to the law, may not make the data public or transfer the data to others.