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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Review of Securities Listings  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.09 (Articles 7 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.04.24 
Categories: Primary Market > Review
Article 16     Document Review
  1. The case handlers shall draft a proposal with respect to the complete review findings and submit it to the Review Committee for reference during the review and deliberation of the case.
  2. Where the administering department's inspection finds an applicant company to fall under any of the conditions set forth in Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings or to violate any other applicable provisions of the same rules, it shall give an explicit review opinion in the review report that either disagrees to listing or, except in cases where the applicant company falls under any of the conditions set forth in Article 9, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 8, 10, and 11 of the said rules or is in violation of the provisions of Article 18 or Article 19 of the said rules, may agree to listing after overall consideration of the totality of factors.
  3. The review findings report, proposal information, applicant company's CPAs' audit report (including financial report), and outside reviewer's consulting opinion prepared in accordance with regulations shall be sealed by chop as confidential and submitted to each Review Committee member for evaluation no less than five days prior to the convening of the Review Committee. Each Review Committee member shall complete a review opinion chart listing their opinions regarding each item and specifying any questions they may have and submit the review opinion chart to the Listing Department two days before the Review Committee convenes. The Listing Department shall designate a person to be responsible for compiling the all materials and maintaining appropriate confidentiality, and the materials shall be reviewed when the Review Committee convenes.
  4. The TWSE shall, beginning three days prior to the convening of the Review Committee and at a specified location, make available for inspection by any member of the Review Committee the applicant company's relevant listing information, the case handler's audit report working papers, the CPAs' audit report working papers, the underwriter's assessment working papers and the working papers of the lawyers’ legal opinions etc. Review committee members that so require shall appear in person to inspect the documents.