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Operation Directions for Electronic Certificate Delivery by Securities Firms and Futures Commission Merchants  CH

Announced Date: 2006.10.17
Amended Date: 2022.09.06 
Categories: Information Operations
Content Article In Change5. Points 2 and 5 amended per 6 September 2022 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Intermediaries-1110016877 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved as per 23 August 2022 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Firms-1110349736 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 4. Points 2 to 4 amended per 29 August 2017 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Intermediaries-1060016147 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Approved as is per 25 August 2017 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Firms-1060025009 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
3. Points 1 to 5 amended, and Point 9 deleted, per 28 December 2015 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Intermediaries-1040026340 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Per 25 December 2015 Public Announcement No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Firms-1040050562 of the Financial Supervisory Commission
Content Article In Change 2. Points 1 to 6 amended and issued and Point 9 added per 12 January 2007 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Trading-0960000285 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Per 3 January 2007 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-II-09500160028 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Per 17 January 2007 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Futures-Trading-09600005010 of the Taiwan Futures Exchange Corporation
1. Full text of 8 points adopted and issued per 17 October 2006 Public Announcement No. Taiwan-Stock-Trading-0950027422 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; for immediate implementation
Per 16 October 2006 Letter No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-II-0950145889 of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan