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Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.23 (Articles 8, 12, 26, 36, 40, 43, 43-1, 54, 73 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2016.04.12 

Title: Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms(2009.10.14)
Article 4-1 In the underwriting of securities on a firm commitment basis, except where prescribed by other laws and regulations, a securities underwriter shall act as prescribed by the following provisions with respect to the proportion of securities held for its own account; provided, however, that for any units purchased for its own account that remain unsubscribed at the closure of the underwriting period, these restrictions shall not apply:
1. In an underwriting case involving cash capital increase, convertible (or exchangeable) corporate bonds, ordinary corporate bonds not handled by negotiated sale, financial bonds not handled by negotiated sale, or Taiwan depositary receipts for exchange (or over-the-counter (OTC)) listed companies, the underwriter shall hold for its own account from 5 percent to 15 percent of the total number of units underwritten;
2. In the underwriting of a cash capital increase for a company that is an emerging stock company or that is not exchange (or OTC) listed, the underwriter may hold for its own account a proportion not to exceed 15 percent of the total number of units underwritten;
3. In an underwriting case involving preferred shares, preferred shares with warrants, or corporate bonds with warrants for public companies, the underwriter may hold for its own account a proportion not to exceed 15 percent of the total number of units underwritten;
4. If a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market, or an emerging stock company, either issues preferred shares and preferred shares with warrants for which the warrant is detachable (“preferred shares with detachable warrants”), corporate bonds and corporate bonds with warrants for which the warrant is detachable (“corporate bonds with detachable warrants”), the underwriter may set respectively the percentage to hold for its own account, provided that the percentage may not exceed 15 percent of the total number of units underwritten;
5. In an underwriting case involving a secondary distribution of beneficial interest securities by a trustee institution or a secondary distribution of asset-backed securities by a special purpose company that is not undertaken through negotiated sale, purchases on own account shall not exceed fifteen percent of the total amount underwritten;
6. In an underwriting case where an offering of real estate asset trust beneficial interest securities by a trustee institution is not undertaken through negotiated sale, purchases on own account shall not exceed fifteen percent of the total amount underwritten.
In the underwriting cases contemplated under the preceding paragraph, for issues undertaken entirely by book building, each underwriter shall hold for its own account not more than 10 percent of the total number of units underwritten.
Where a public company carrying out a cash capital increase encounters waiver of subscription rights by an existing government-agency shareholder in accordance with the provisions of Article 267, paragraph 3 of the Company Act, the portion thus incorporated into the public underwriting may be excluded when calculating the "total number of units underwritten" set out in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1.
In underwriting case involving an initial listing on a stock exchange (or OTC) market or an initial issuance of Taiwan Depositary Receipts, if the securities underwriter carries out the underwriting through public sale to outside parties, it shall first set aside 1,000 common shares (or 1,000 units of depositary receipts) from the offering for subscription by the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center.
Except for underwriting cases involving an OTC company transferring its listing to a stock exchange, or for underwriting cases for which there are other acts and regulations that provide otherwise, if an underwriting case involving an initial listing of shares in common stock on a stock exchange (or OTC) market is carried out on a firm commitment basis, the lead underwriter shall stipulate with the issuing company that the issuing company is to coordinate with its shareholders to provide previously issued shares in common stock (the number thereof to be set at a certain percentage of the total volume of shares to be sold publicly to outside parties in the current underwriting case) to the lead underwriter for the purpose of exercising overallotment during the underwriting period. The related procedures shall be carried out in accordance with the Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing the Underwriting Procedures to be Followed by Underwriters in Conducting an Initial Listing on a Stock Exchange or Over-the-Counter Market.
Article 5 With the exception of that portion of underwritten units held for its own account in accordance with the preceding article, a securities underwriter carrying out the underwriting of securities (hereinafter, "public sale to outside parties") shall use the following methods to allocate units:
1. competitive auction;
2. book building;
3. public subscription; or
4. negotiated sale.
The allocation methods described in the above subparagraphs shall be undertaken in accordance with Articles 6, 7, 21, 21-1, 22, 22-1, 31 and 52 of these Rules.
When different placement methods are used in the same underwriting case, the relevant timetable for the procedures from placement with specific parties until the distribution date of the securities shall be consistent between the different placement methods.
Article 7 In the underwriting of securities issued through competitive auction as prescribed in the preceding article, except where the issuer is a government-owned enterprise or another party for which there are other acts or regulations that provide otherwise, underwriting of that portion of the offering put up for public sale to outside parties shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:
1. In an underwriting case involving an initial listing of shares on a stock exchange or an OTC market, the shares may be offered either entirely through competitive auction, or through a combination of competitive auction and public subscription. However, the portion allocated through public subscription shall not exceed 20 percent of the total number of shares underwritten.
2. In the underwriting of an offering of convertible bonds, or of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, or in the underwriting of a cash capital increase by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market in which all units are put up for underwritten distribution, all units shall be offered through competitive auction.
3. In an underwriting case involving the offering of corporate bonds with warrants or an underwriting case involving a secondary distribution, the units may be offered either entirely through competitive auction, or through a combination of competitive auction and public subscription.
Article 8 In the underwriting of securities offered through competitive auction, the lead underwriter shall first prepare documentation determining the particulars listed in the subparagraphs below. After being signed or sealed by the lead underwriter and co-underwriters and the issuer of the securities, said documentation shall be reported to the Taiwan Securities Association:
1. the total number of underwritten units, number of units expected to be sold via overallotment, number of units held by the securities underwriter for its own account as prescribed by Article 4-1, the number of units offered by competitive auction, and minimum bidding unit;
2. the minimum offering price as resolved by negotiation with the issuer;
3. the firm-commitment fee or best-efforts underwriting fee, as resolved by negotiation with the issuer;
4. the unit size of lots offered through public subscription;
5. the names of the members of the underwriting syndicate, and the amount of securities apportioned to each, as specified by Article 7;
6. except for the initial listing of shares on a stock exchange or an OTC market, the method of allocating among the members of the underwriting syndicate any units that remain unsubscribed after conclusion of competitive auction; and
7. the date(s) of competitive auction and the time(s) for submitting and opening bids, as agreed in consultation with the Taiwan Securities Association.
The upper limit for the minimum offering price in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph shall, in an underwriting case involving an initial listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market, be the figure obtained by using the method of calculation reported to the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) or the GreTai Securities Market (GTSM); in the underwriting of a cash capital increase through an issue of common shares by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market in which all shares are put up for underwritten distribution, [it] shall not be lower than 90 percent of (1) the closing common share price on the business day prior to the offer through competitive auction, or (2) the simple average of closing common share prices over either the three or five business days prior to the offer through competitive auction, factoring out bonus shares issued as stock dividend (or treasury shares canceled in connection with a capital reduction); in the underwriting of a cash capital increase through an issue of preferred shares, or of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market, the upper limit shall be the reference price calculated based on the appropriate pricing model selected at the time the fund-raising plan was reported to the competent authority.
In the underwriting of convertible corporate bonds and corporate bonds with warrants by competitive auction, the minimum offering price, as negotiated pursuant to paragraph 1 subparagraph 2, shall not exceed the par value of said securities.
In the event that unsubscribed units as specified in paragraph 1 subparagraph 6 are placed by the underwriting syndicate with a specific party, only the parties listed in Article 35 shall participate in said placement, and those listed in Article 36 shall not participate.
Article 15 After closure of the tender period, the TSEC shall open the bids on the prescribed opening date.
Except for an underwriting case involving cash capital increase through a competitive auction of new shares issued for the purpose of carrying out an initial listing on a stock exchange or OTC market, or an underwriting case in which a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market conducts, by means of competitive auction, a cash capital increase through an issue of shares or an issue of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants (the above underwriting cases must be handled in accordance with the provisions of Article 17-1), securities shall be awarded on the basis of bid price in descending order. Identical bids shall be awarded in random order, generated by the Taiwan Securities Association using computer, until the entire offering has been awarded.
No individual bidder may be allocated a greater proportion of the tender than as prescribed by Article 9 paragraph 2. If the awarded quantity of securities exceeds said proportion, and the lots are cleared at a uniform price, the surplus lots are removed in random order generated by computer. If the lots are cleared at two or more different prices, lots of equal size are removed from either end of the price spectrum, until the prescribed proportion is reached. In the event that one lot remains after the above process, said lot shall be removed from the upper end of the price spectrum.
In addition to complying with paragraph 3 of this Article, the securities underwriter shall also handle the results of the opening of bids in compliance with all other relevant laws and regulations, and shall provide all relevant data as prescribed by the TSEC and the Taiwan Securities Association.
Article 16 With the exception of a secondary distribution, a cash capital increase through a new share issue carried out for the purpose of an initial listing on a stock exchange or OTC market, or a cash capital increase through an issue of shares or an issue of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants by a listed or OTC company, when the underwriting of securities is undertaken entirely by competitive auction and the total number of securities awarded by tender reaches the full amount available for allocation, the price at which the security opens on its first day of listing and the price paid by the underwriter for units retained for its own account shall be computed as the weighted average of the bid price of all successful bids. Decimals beyond cents shall be rounded up or down.
Article 17-1 An underwriting case involving cash capital increase through a competitive auction of new shares issued for the purpose of carrying out an initial listing on a stock exchange or OTC market, or an underwriting case in which a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market conducts, by means of competitive auction, a cash capital increase through an issue of shares or an issue of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, shall be handled through uniform price clearing, whereby the TSEC, in opening the bids, adds up the cumulative total of the bid quantities, starting with the highest-priced bid and working its way down until the entire offering has been cleared, with the lowest price necessary to sell all securities offered through competitive auction taken as the uniform clearing price. In an underwriting case in which a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market conducts, by means of competitive auction, a cash capital increase through an issue of shares or an issue of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, if the total number of securities bid for in valid bids is insufficient to cover the all the securities offered through competitive auction, then the minimum offering price, as prescribed by Article 8 paragraph 1 subparagraph 2, shall serve as the uniform clearing price.
Those bidding at or above the uniform clearing price are lottery winners, and in all cases their bids will be cleared at the uniform clearing price.
If the total number of securities bid for in valid bids exceeds the number of securities offered through competitive auction, then those submitting bids at the uniform clearing price shall be awarded securities in random order, generated by computer, until all securities offered through competitive auction have been awarded.
The quantity of securities awarded to any single bidder shall not exceed the proportion set forth under Article 9 paragraph 2. Where an award does exceed this proportion, the quantity in excess shall be select at random by computer and subtracted from the award.
The uniform clearing price shall serve as: the offering price for those units of a security retained by the underwriter for its own account in connection with a cash capital increase carried out by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market, and for units that remain unsubscribed after conclusion of competitive auction; the subscription price for those units allocated through public subscription; the price at which a security opens on its first day of listing in the case of underwriting through competitive auction of an initial listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market involving cash capital increase through a new share issue; the price of securities sold upon the exercise of an overallotment; and the price at which a security opens on its first day of listing in the case of cash capital increase through an issue of preferred shares by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market.
The uniform clearing price shall serve as: the offering price for those units of a security retained by the underwriter for its own account in connection with an underwriting case of warrants that have been detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or warrants that have been detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, and for units that remain unsubscribed after conclusion of competitive auction; the subscription price for those units placed through public subscription. The uniform clearing price shall serve as the basis for calculating the price at which a security opens on its first day of listing, in accordance with the directions of the TSEC or GTSM.
In addition to complying with paragraph 4 of this Article, the securities underwriter shall also handle the results of the opening of bids in compliance with all other relevant laws and regulations, and shall provide all relevant data as prescribed by the TSEC and the Taiwan Securities Association.
Article 22 In the following types of securities underwriting cases, the part put up for public sale may be undertaken entirely by book building or partly by book building and partly by public subscription:
1. cash capital increase through an issue of preferred shares by a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market;
2. preferred shares with detachable warrants;
3. corporate bonds with detachable warrants;
4. offerings of corporate bonds and financial bonds;
5. offerings of Taiwan depositary receipts; and
6. secondary distributions.
In underwriting cases contemplated under the preceding paragraph where part of the securities are allocated by book building and part by public subscription, if the book building and public subscription procedures are carried out simultaneously, the timetable for the procedures shall be subject to mutatis mutandis application of Article 42-1. However, if subscription volume exceeds by a specified multiple the number of units earmarked for public subscription, there is no need to upwardly adjust the public subscription volume or to observe the requirements of Article 42-1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 4, item 2.
Article 27 The maximum quantity of securities (with the exception of an initial listing of common shares on a stock exchange or an OTC market [which must be allocated in accordance with the provisions of Article:27-1], ordinary corporate bonds, warrants detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, financial bonds, real estate asset trust beneficial interest securities, beneficial interest securities publicly offered by a trustee institution, or asset-backed securities publicly offered by a special-purpose company) actually allocated to any single bidder in the book building process shall not exceed 10 percent of the portion of the offering that is put up for public sale.
Article 31 An underwriting case involving the offering of ordinary corporate bonds, financial bonds not involving stock equity, corporate bonds from which the detachable warrants have been detached, real estate asset trust beneficial interest securities; the secondary distribution of beneficial interest securities by a trustee institution; or the secondary distribution of asset-backed securities by a special-purpose company, may be undertaken entirely or partly by negotiated sale. The offering price shall be determined as prescribed by Article 30.
The underwriting of call (put) warrants shall be undertaken entirely by negotiated sale.
An underwriting case involving a secondary distribution by a public enterprise may be undertaken entirely or partially by negotiated sale if units are released to the general public. The method of allocation shall be determined by negotiations between the securities underwriter and the government agency that regulates the government-owned enterprise in question.
In an underwriting case involving an initial listing of shares in common stock on a stock exchange or OTC market through competitive auction, if an overallotment is exercised, those shares allocated via overallotment shall be sold by means of negotiated sale at an offering price determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 16, 17, or 17-1.
In an underwriting case involving a public enterprise (or any other party acting in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 6-1 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Review of Securities Listings, or in accordance with the provisions of the GreTai Securities Market Supplemental Provisions for Applications by Private Institutions Participating in Public Infrastructure Projects for Over-the-Counter Listing) that conducts an initial offering of shares in common stock on a stock exchange or an OTC market and allocates the entire amount of said shares through public subscription, if an overallotment is exercised, the overallotment may be handled by means of negotiated sale. The offering price shall be the same as that applying to shares allocated through public subscription.
Article 32 Except when permission is granted by the competent authority for the securities industry, in an underwriting case involving the negotiated sale of ordinary corporate bonds, financial bonds not involving stock equity, or corporate bonds from which the detachable warrants have been detached, not more than 50 percent of the total number of securities shall be allocated to an individual subscriber. Not more than 20 percent of the total number of securities offered may be allocated to an individual subscriber in cases involving real estate asset trust beneficial interest securities, a secondary distribution of beneficial interest securities by a trustee institution, or a secondary distribution of asset-backed securities by a special-purpose company, provided that this restriction does not apply to a holder that is an independent professional investor. "Independent professional investor" means a juristic person or an institution under Article 13, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1 of the Real Estate Securitization Act, or a fund under Article 13, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 of the same Act, and one that is neither an originator under the Financial Asset Securitization Act, nor an interested party thereof, nor an affiliated enterprise under the Company Act. In a case involving call (put) warrants or corporate bonds with warrants, not more than 10 percent of the total number of securities shall be allocated to an individual subscriber.
If the securities referred to in the preceding paragraph are divided into different classes for issuance, the total volume of an underwritten offering shall be calculated as the total volume of a given single class of securities after the issue has been separated into different tranches.
In an underwriting case conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 31, paragraph 4, the number of units actually allocated to any individual subscriber shall not exceed 10 percent of the combined total of the portion of the offering put up for public sale to outside parties plus units allocated via overallotment; for a case conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 31, paragraph 5, the number of units actually allocated to any individual subscriber shall not exceed 10 percent of the total number of units put up for negotiated sale, and the provisions of Article 27-1 shall be observed.
Article 41 Where an underwriting case (other than one handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph) is handled as prescribed by Article 21, Article 22, and Article 22-1, and all units are offered through a book building process, after the price has been set and the underwriting contract has been registered with the Taiwan Securities Association, the following matters shall be carried out:
1. Day One: Publish an underwriting announcement and begin mailing subscription notices, prospectuses, related subscription notices, and notices of payment due.
2. Day Two: Payment date, and date for refund of book building bid deposits not corresponding to allocated securities.
3. Day Three: Payment deadline; issuer applies to the TSEC or the GTSM for a securities listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market.
4. Day Four: Complete compilation of related registers.
5. Day Five: Announcement of securities listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market.
6. Day Six: Securities are issued and listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market.
In an underwriting carried out as set forth under Article 22 subparagraph 4, the requirements set forth in subparagraphs 4, 5, and 6 above (concerning application to the TSEC or the GTSM for a listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market) shall not apply.
If a date set forth in any of the subparagraphs under paragraph 1 falls on a weekend, regular holiday, or bank holiday, it shall be postponed by one day, and the dates that follow shall be postponed accordingly.
The dates set forth under paragraph 1 may be changed if necessary by applying for approval with the Taiwan Securities Association.
If a company listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market carrying out a cash capital increase through an issue of preferred shares uses the book building method to allocate all shares (other than those securities set aside for subscription by the company's employees) that are put up for underwritten distribution and public sale, those shares allocated to the company's employees may be handled in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, provided that said employees can comply with the payment period specified in paragraph 1.
In an underwriting case handled in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 or Article 22, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 to 3, when a bidder submits a book building bid form, the securities underwriter may collect from the bidder a book building bid deposit equal to all or part of the value of the securities bid for.
The phrase "book building bid deposits not corresponding to allocated securities" in paragraph 1 subparagraph 2 means the book building bid deposits paid by unsuccessful bidders, and bid deposits paid by lottery winners in excess of the amount required for securities actually allocated to them.
The payment to be made by the bidder as referred to in paragraph 1 subparagraph 2 shall be the price of the securities subscribed to less any book building bid deposit to be refunded (or not refunded) to the bidder in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. In the event a bidder does not fulfill his payment obligation within the allotted time, the securities underwriter may confiscate the book building bid deposit and shall retain for its own account said securities at the price offered to the bidder.
A securities underwriter that collects book building bid deposits as prescribed by paragraph 5 shall do so as prescribed by Article 12 paragraph 4.
Article 43 For common corporate bonds, corporate bonds from which the detachable warrants have been detached, financial bonds not involving stock equity, and the types of underwriting cases set out in Article 22 subparagraphs 5 and 6 and Article 22-1 subparagraphs 2 and 3, the types of bidders from whom a securities underwriter is allowed to accept bids shall be restricted by the mutatis mutandis application of Article 35 and Article 36 subparagraphs 8 and 9, and the securities underwriter shall also obtain declarations from bidders affirming that they meet the eligibility requirements for purchasers.
For securities allocated by an underwriter but not paid for by the subscribers and placed with a specified party, the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the specified party.
Article 43-1 When a securities firm conducts an underwriting case involving an initial listing on a stock exchange or an OTC market, the parties from whom it is allowed to accept book building bids shall be restricted by the mutatis mutandis application of Articles 35 and 36; in addition, the firm shall refuse bids involving the participation of any of the parties listed in the following subparagraphs, and shall also obtain declarations from bidders affirming that they meet the eligibility requirements for purchasers:
1. An employee of the issuer.
2. A director, supervisor, or managerial officer (or a spouse, son, or daughter thereof) of a company that has underwriting business dealings with an underwriter.
3. A financial holding company to which an underwriter itself belongs, or another subsidiary of such a financial holding company; however, this restriction does not apply to a securities investment trust fund offered by a securities investment trust company belonging to such a financial holding company.
4. A director, supervisor, or managerial officer (or a spouse, son, or daughter thereof) of a financial holding company to which an underwriter itself belongs, or of another subsidiary of such a financial holding company.
5. A de facto related party of the issuer or an underwriter.
6. A party listed in any of the preceding subparagraphs that uses the name of another party to participate in subscription (i.e. a de facto related party that engages in any of the acts set out under Article 2 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules).
When a securities firm, acting on behalf of a company already listed on a stock exchange or an OTC market, conducts an underwriting case involving a cash capital increase or an offering of corporate or financial bonds with equity characteristics, or warrants detached from preferred shares with detachable warrants or detached from corporate bonds with detachable warrants, the parties from whom it is allowed to accept book building bids shall be restricted by the mutatis mutandis application of the preceding paragraph, provided that it need not be restricted by subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph.
For securities allocated by an underwriter but not paid for by the subscribers and subsequently placed with a specified party, the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the specified party.
Article 44 A bidder participating in the underwriting of securities by book building as prescribed by Article 40 and Article 22, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1 to 3, or in the underwriting of call (put) warrants undertaken entirely by negotiated sales as prescribed by Article 31 paragraph 2, shall first apply to open an electronic transfer custodial account with the Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (TDCC) as prescribed by the Operating Rules for the Taiwan Securities Central Depository Company. When making payment for securities, the subscriber shall provide the number of said account in order to facilitate the delivery of said securities.
Article 73 In an underwriting case involving ordinary corporate bonds, financial bonds not involving stock equity, or corporate bonds from which the warrants have been detached, the types of investors that a securities underwriter is allowed to contact to make a negotiated sale shall be limited to citizens of the Republic of China and parties meeting one of the conditions set out in Article 35, subparagraphs 2 through 6, subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of Article 36, subparagraphs 8 and9; provided, however, that the list set out in subparagraph 8 thereunder shall be limited to the underwriter's juristic-person directors, juristic-person supervisors, and juristic-person shareholders owning 10 percent or more of the company's shares.
In an underwriting case involving an offering of beneficial interest securities by a trustee institution or a public offering of asset-backed securities by a special purpose company, the types of investors that a securities underwriter is allowed to contact to make a negotiated sale shall be limited to citizens of the Republic of China and parties meeting one of the conditions set out in Article 35, subparagraphs 2 through 6, subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of Article 36, subparagraphs 8 and 9; provided, however, that the list set out in subparagraph 8 thereunder shall be limited to the underwriter's juristic-person directors, juristic-person supervisors, and juristic-person shareholders owning 10 percent or more of the company's shares.
In an underwriting case involving the beneficial interest securities of a real estate investment trust, the types of investors that a securities underwriter is allowed to contact to make a negotiated sale shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of Articles 35 and 36; provided, however, that the restrictions set out in subparagraphs 1 through 7 of Article 36 do not apply.
In an underwriting case involving call (put) warrants, the types of investors that the warrants may be sold to shall be subject to the provisions of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings as well as the GreTai Securities Market Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrants Traded on Over-the-Counter Markets.
In an underwriting case involving an initial listing on a stock exchange or OTC market of either shares in common stock where the overallotment is handled by means of negotiated sale, the provisions of Articles 35 and 36 shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the parties that a securities underwriter is allowed to engage in the negotiated sale process.