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Article NO. Content


Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.24 (Articles 92 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.04.28 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations
43     After the TWSE has approved the listing of securities by an Issuing Company, and the Agreement for Listing has been signed and taken effect, such company shall be a listed company. In addition to the payment of listing fees in accordance with the Agreement for Listing, upon receipt of the notice of the TWSE, such Issuing Company shall upload an electronic file of the prospectus onto the Internet information reporting system designated by the TWSE. Further, 1 day prior to the listing of such securities, the Listing Company shall report information related to the listing to the Internet information reporting system designated by the TWSE, and shall send the downloaded information to the TWSE.
    The public announcement referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the name of the company, type of listed securities, volume, rights, obligations, date of listing, date, and document reference number of the issuance approval letter issued by the Competent Authority, name of the agency handling share transfer matters, name of the underwriter, underwriting period, price, volume, and other matters to be publicly announced.
    In a case of an Issuing Company applying for initial listing, after the Agreement for Listing takes effect, if the company fails to have its stock listed for trading within 3 months from the date of the written notice by the TWSE, its listing case shall be voided, and the matter shall be reported to the Competent Authority for recordation. However, with valid reasons, and upon the approval of the TWSE, the period may be extended for a single term of 3 additional months, which shall be reported to the Competent Authority for recordation. The suspension period referred to in paragraph 4 shall not be counted.
    With respect to the Issuing Company as referred to in the preceding paragraph or a foreign issuer and its depositary institution, if prior to the commencement of listed trading of its stocks or Taiwan Depositary Receipts, specific evidence is discovered showing a likelihood of the existence, whether before or after its Agreement for Listing becomes effective, of a circumstance under any subparagraph of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings that renders listing inappropriate, then the TWSE may proceed to provisionally postpone the listing and trading of its stocks or Taiwan Depositary Receipts, and conduct an audit and simultaneously report to the Competent Authority for recordation. If the Issuing Company or the foreign issuer and its depositary institution refuse to undergo audit by the TWSE or to supply the necessary information, or the investigation confirms the existence of any circumstance that renders listing inappropriate, the TWSE may void its Agreement for Listing or delist it, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation. If investigation confirms that no circumstance that renders listing inappropriate exists, the TWSE may notify the Issuing Company, or the foreign issuer and its depositary institution, to resume conducting matters relating to listing and trading, and report to the Competent Authority for recordation, provided that if any uncertainty remains concerning any matter that would render listing inappropriate, the TWSE may continue to postpone the listing and trading of its stock or Taiwan depositary receipts.
    The listed securities shall be assigned by the TWSE a code number, and an abbreviated name for uniform usage.
    The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to applications by a SITE or an FTE for listing of beneficial certificates, application by an issurer for listing of ETNs, applications by foreign issuers and their depositary institutions for listing of Taiwan Depositary Receipts, applications by offshore fund institutions, through the master agents appointed by them, for listing of beneficial certificates of offshore ETFs, and applications by foreign issuers for secondary listings of stocks or listings of bonds.
    If a foreign issuer applies to list stocks on a primary listing basis and its application is reviewed and approved by the TWSE, then after its Agreement for Listing has been signed and taken effect, that company is deemed a primary listed company, and unless otherwise provided, shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of this Chapter regarding a TWSE listed company.
    If a public company or a foreign issuer applies to list its stocks on the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) in accordance with Chapter IV of the TWSE Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings and its application is reviewed and approved by the TWSE, then after its Agreement for Listing has been signed and taken effect, that company is deemed a TIB listed company or a TIB primary listed company, and unless otherwise provided, shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the provisions of this Chapter regarding a TWSE listed company.