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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings  CH

Amended Date: 2024.03.11 (Articles 4, 28-1, 40 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2024.01.12 
Categories: Primary Market > Review
2-1     Unless it is a state-owned enterprise, any domestic issuer applying for listing of sharesin accordance with Chapter IIshall first have applied for registration of its stock as emerging stock and have had it traded on the TPEx for not less than 6 months before the TWSE will accept its listing application for processing.
    TheTWSE will accept for processing an initial application by a foreign issuer for a first-time listing of stock issued by the foreign issuer that is not listed on any overseas securities exchange or securities market ("a TWSE primary listing") only after that foreign issuer has first been under listing advisory guidance by the lead securities underwriter, or has applied for registration of its stock as emerging stock and had it traded on the TPEx, for not less than 6 months. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is any change of the lead securities underwriter during the period of listing advisory guidance, the period shall start to run again for a full 6 months, beginning with the date on which the new lead securities underwriter files for the listing advisory guidance.
    A foreign issuer whose stock or depositary receipts already are or have been listed on any major overseas securities exchange or securities market and that is applying for a TWSE primary listing of its issued stock, or a TPEx primary listed company applying for a TWSE primary listing of its issued stock, may be exempted from the requirement in paragraph 2 that the foreign issuer shall first undergo listing advisory guidance by the lead securities underwriter or apply for registration of its stock as emerging stock and have it traded on the TPEx for not less than 6 months; provided that this paragraph shall not apply if the foreign issuer has been delisted from a major overseas securities exchange or securities market for over 6 months.
    A foreign issuer that has passed the review of stock or depositary receipt listing at any major overseas securities exchange or securities market and that, within the period of validity following the passing of such review, applies for a TWSE primary listing of its issued stock may apply on a case-by-case basis to the TWSE to reduce the time period specified in paragraph 2 for which the foreign issuer must first undergo listing advisory guidance by the lead securities underwriter or apply for registration of its stock as emerging stock and have it traded on the TPEx, provided that the time period may be not less than 2 months, and the lead securities underwriter or the lead recommending securities firm may not be changed within such period.
    A domestic issuer or a foreign issuer that initially applies for the listing of stocks on the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) in accordance with Chapter IV “Listing of Securities on the Taiwan Innovation Board” must undergo listing advisory guidance by the lead securities underwriter or apply for registration of its stocks as emerging stocks and have them traded at the TPEx for at least 6 months before the TWSE may accept its application for listing, except where a domestic listed company or a foreign issuer is a subsidiary of a listed company and havemet the conditions listed in the following paragraphs, subject to the approval of the TWSE:
  1. The listed company has had no material defects in its internal control system within the most recent year, for which the TWSE has imposed monetary penalties and a CPA has issued an internal control system audit report with an unqualified conclusion providingreasonable assurance on the supervision and management of an applicant company for the most recent two quarters.
  2. The main securities underwriter has submitted the Material Financial and Business Incidents Checklist to the TWSE in accordance with Article 2 of the TWSE Rules Governing the Reporting of Basic Information of Advisory Client Companies by Securities Underwriters and there are no material irregularities.
    Paragraphs 3 and 4 may apply mutatis mutandis where a foreign issuer initially applies for the listing of stocks at the TIB.