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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Solicitation of Opinions in Reviews of Initial Applications for TWSE Listing by Public Companies  CH

Amended Date: 2023.12.05 
Categories: Primary Market > Applications
Article 4     When soliciting comments on an application for stock listing, the TWSE shall send a request letter, enclosed with a solicitation form for comments on initial applications for listing of shares (as in Attachment 2), draft prospectus of the counseled company, the assessment report issued by the securities underwriter and other relevant information, to the following authorities, which shall issue their written opinion according to their duties within 15 days or will otherwise be deemed to have no comments:
  1. competent authorities for the enterprise in question at the central government;
  2. Ministry of Labor;
  3. Fair Trade Commission;
  4. Ministry of Environmental Protection;
  5. Others.