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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.23 (Articles 8, 12, 26, 36, 40, 43, 43-1, 54, 73 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2016.04.12 
Article 18      In the underwriting of securities by competitive auction, if the total number of securities bid for is insufficient to cover the number of securities offered through competitive auction, then the minimum offering price, as prescribed by Article 8 paragraph 1 subparagraph 2, shall serve as the offering price for those securities that remain unallocated after competitive auction, those securities retained by the underwriter for its own account, and those securities allocated through public subscription. Units that remain unsubscribed after conclusion of competitive auction shall be allocated as prescribed by Article 8 paragraph 1 subparagraph 6.
    Except for the underwriting of a secondary distribution or of a capital increase by listed or OTC companies involving a cash capital increase, the price at which the security opens on its first day of listing shall be the offering price set forth under the preceding paragraph.
    In an underwriting case involving an initial listing of shares on a stock exchange or an OTC market conducted by competitive auction, if the total number of securities bid for in valid bids is insufficient to cover the all the securities put up through the competitive auction in question, the TWSE will not conduct the opening of bids.
     In an underwriting case under the preceding paragraph, if there is to be newly conducted any competitive auction or book building or public subscription, this fact must be stated when making the respective filing with the Taiwan Securities Association in accordance with Articles 8 and 9, 23, 24, or 53.