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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.23 (Articles 8, 12, 26, 36, 40, 43, 43-1, 54, 73 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2016.04.12 
Article 30     Unless the determination of the offering price for underwritten securities is undertaken as prescribed in Section One or Two, a reference price shall be determined in accordance with another reasonable pricing method. Thereupon the underwriter shall resolve the offering price by negotiations with the issuing company (issuing institution) or the holder of said securities.
    Prior to an initial listing on a stock exchange (or OTC) market, underwriting shall give adequate consideration to the company's most recent financial status, and in addition to setting the offering price on the basis of information gathered during book building, prices on the Emerging Stock Market over the preceding month, and a research report furnished by the lead and co-underwriters, a reasonable explanation of the offering price shall also be provided. In the case of underwriting employing book building, the offering price may not be less than 70 percent of the simple arithmetic mean trade price for the 10 business days in which trades have been executed in Emerging Stock trading after the book building agreement has been registered with the Taiwan Securities Association. If there is a difference of 50 percent between the offering price and the closing price on the Emerging Stock Market for the business day preceding the pricing date, a concrete explanation of the reasons for the pricing shall be provided.
    When an underwriting case handled by a foreign issuer involving a primary listing on a stock exchange or OTC market is a case of application for listing on the stock exchange or OTC market under the guidance of a securities firm, the offering price shall be set on the basis of information gathered during book building, and a research report furnished by the lead and co-underwriters, and a reasonable explanation of the offering price shall be provided
    In an underwriting case involving cash capital increase by an emerging stock company, the offering price shall be set not lower than the net value per share as reported in the financial report for the most recent fiscal period, audited and attested or reviewed by a CPA, and shall take into consideration the average price calculated by dividing the sum of the trading value of the common shares of that emerging stock as shown in the Emerging Stock Computerized Price Negotiation and Click System on each day for a period of 30 business days immediately before the submission of the underwriting contract to the Association for recordation, by the sum of the numbers of shares traded on each business day, and a reasonable explanation of the offering price shall be provided.