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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.12.23 (Articles 8, 12, 26, 36, 40, 43, 43-1, 54, 73 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2016.04.12 
Article 36     When a securities underwriter accepts competitive auction bids, it shall obtain from each subscriber a declaration that it does not meet any of the descriptions set out in the following subparagraphs, and the underwriter shall refuse a bid if its discovers that the subscriber does meet one of the following descriptions:
  1. an equity-method investee of the issuing company (issuing institution);
  2. an investor that has equity-method investments in the issuing company (issuing institution);
  3. a company whose chairman or general manager is the same person as the chairman or general manager of the issuing company (issuing institution) or is the spouse thereof;
  4. a foundation that has received one-third or more of its paid-in endowment from the issuing company (issuing institution);
  5. the issuing company's (issuing institution's) directors, supervisors, general manager, assistant general manager(s), deputy assistant general managers, or any division officer serving directly under the general manager;
  6. the spouse of a director, a supervisor, or the general manager of the issuing company (issuing institution);
  7. a director, supervisor, or employee of the underwriting syndicate, or a spouse thereof;
  8. any person as set out in the preceding subparagraphs who participates in the offering under the name of another person (i.e. a person who meets the criteria of a de facto related party as defined in Article 2 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules).