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Article NO. Content


Taiwan Securities Association Rules Governing Underwriting and Resale of Securities by Securities Firms  CH

Amended Date: 2024.06.27 (Articles 11, 33, 52-2, 73 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2016.04.12 
Article 83     If the conditions set forth in Article 58 paragraph 1 subparagraphs 1 through 6 or Article 75 paragraph 1 subparagraph 1 apply to a person participating in the subscription to an offering as prescribed by these Rules, after the person has been disqualified, subscription payments already deducted/paid shall be refunded; provided, however, that any handling fee and postage expense for lottery winner notification already deducted/paid shall not be refunded.
    If a subscriber disqualified pursuant to the preceding paragraph, or a disqualified inheritor, wishes to request a refund of payments already made, the subscriber or inheritor shall furnish an original copy of the subscriber's or inheritor's national ID certificate (a juristic person shall furnish its company registration certificate; a minor less than 14 years of age may instead furnish an original list of current household members and along with the original of his/her statutory agent's national ID certificate), receipt slip from the notice of payment due (subscription form and notices of payment due, however, those allocated units in the public subscription have no receipt slips from the notice of payment due) and the registered seal impression for the seal used to stamp the notice of payment due (subscription form and notice of payment due) (those allocated units in the public subscription shall use the registered seal impression for the seal that they used to open their trading account), and request the original underwriter (in case of those units in the public subscription, the original broker) to undertake a refund.