When a securities firm is consigned to purchase securities at the TIB, its principal must be a qualified investor and the purpose is limited to a company repurchasing its shares pursuant to law.
For purpose of the preceding paragraph, a qualified invetor refers to a principal who meets one of the following conditions:
- Is a professional institutional investor, a high net worth corporate investor, or a juristic person or fund meeting certain criteria and having applied in writing to the trustee or sub-distributor for the status of a professional investor, as defined under Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Regulations Governing Offshore Structured Products.
- Is a venture capital enterprise established pursuant to laws.
- Is a natural person with two or more years of experiences of investment in trading in securities who has met one of the following conditions:
- Is able to prove a financial strength of NT$10 million or more.
- Has an average annual income of NT$1.5 million or more during the most recent two years.