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Article NO. Content


Regulations Governing Securities Firms Accepting Orders to Trade Foreign Securities  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.08 (Articles 23 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2020.09.08 
Article 13     A securities firm accepting orders to trade foreign securities shall require the principal or the principal’s representative or agent to complete an order ticket face to face, or an associated person may complete a written or an electronic order ticket in accordance with the order given by the principal or the principal's representative or agent using letter, telegram, facsimile, telephone or other electronic means, and shall retain a record of the customer's orders in accordance with regulations.
    The order ticket referred to in the preceding paragraph shall contain the following particulars:
  1. Account number and account holder name.
  2. Order method (face to face, letters, telephone, telegram, facsimile, or other electronic means).
  3. Date, time, and valid period of the order.
  4. The international stock code.
  5. The type and the volume or total purchase amount of the securities.
  6. Order price.
  7. Currency of settlement.
  8. Chop of the associated person.
  9. Chop of the principal.
    The principal or its representative or agent may also use the Internet or other electronic forms of transaction to place orders; where orders are made by means of such media, the securities firm may be exempt from producing and filling out an order form, provided that it shall immediately print records of order tickets in the sequence received for the purpose of verification.
    When a securities firm accepts an order that is not made in electronic form but produces an order ticket in electronic form, or when it accepts an order in electronic form, it shall print out records of the trading orders in the chronological order of their receipt, which shall be signed or stamped after close of market by the person handling the brokerage trades. When the records of trading orders are retained in conformance with the following provisions, however, the records need not be printed out and signed or stamped:
  1. The orders are stored on electronic media that cannot be edited or erased, and the compilation of records is completed on the date of their transaction.
  2. A full index and management procedures for the records have been established.
  3. A dedicated person is responsible for their management, and immediate conversion of the electronic data to hardcopy format is possible at any time.