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Categories > Information Operations

1. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Offer and Undertaking for the Application for Computer Connection to the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
2. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Handling of Computer Malfunctions, Public Announcement of Hot Stocks, and Order Congestion CH
3. 有附件 Real-Time Stock Price Index Information & Delayed Information Supplemental Provisions for Broadcasting Transmitting CH
4. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Use of Trading Information CH
5. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Co-Location Service Management Regulations CH
6. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Measures for Handling Malfunctions or Telecommunication Disruptions in Trading Systems or Trading Transmission Systems CH
7. Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information CH
8. 有附件 Criteria for Charging Fees CH
9. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determination under Paragraph 4, Article 15 of the Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information CH
10. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Supply and Use of Trading Information (For Information Providers Only)
11. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for the Supply and Use of Trading Information (For Securities Firms Only) CH
12. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards for Determining Whether User Applicants or Data Subscribers Are Evading or Refusing Inspection Visits, and Rules Governing Emergency Response Measures CH
13. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Contract for Computer Connection to the Centralized Securities Exchange Market CH
14. Operation Directions for Electronic Certificate Delivery by Securities Firms and Futures Commission Merchants CH
15. Reference Guidelines on the Supply Chain Risk Management of Service Enterprises in Securities and Futures Markets CH
16. Directions on Information and Communication Security Management and Control of New Technologies for Associations of Securities and Futures Market CH