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Subordinate Legislation


Securities and Exchange Act  CH

Amended Date: 2024.08.07 (Articles 14 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2023.06.28 
1. Contract for the Usage of the Centralized Securities Exchange Market(2003.05.02) CH
2. Criteria Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in the Prospectus for the Establishment by Public Offering of Financial/Insurance Enterprises(1999.02.23) CH
3. Directions for the Conduct of Wealth Management Business by Securities Firms(2022.11.07) CH
4. Directions on Securities Firms Selling Securities Services Information Technology or Risk Management Know-How(2023.11.09) CH
5. Mandate Contract for Public Subscription and Allotment of Securities(2002.07.05) CH
6. Operating Rules for Securities Firms Handling Non-Restricted Purpose Loan(2023.07.27) CH
7. Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation(2022.04.28) CH
8. Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies(2020.01.15) CH
9. Regulations Governing Approval of Certified Public Accountants to Audit and Attest to the Financial Reports of Public Companies(2024.02.02) CH
10. Regulations Governing Book-Entry Operations for Centrally Deposited Securities(2023.12.29) CH
11. Regulations Governing Borrowing or Lending Money in Connection with Securities Business by Securities Firms(2015.09.15) CH
12. Regulations Governing Centralized Securities Depository Enterprises(2020.01.15) CH
13. Regulations Governing Certification of Corporate Stock and Bond Issues by Public Companies(2019.09.24) CH
14. Regulations Governing Custody and Investment of Funds by Securities Firms on Behalf of Customers(2015.01.21) CH
15. Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies(2024.04.22) CH
16. Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies(2023.11.10) CH
17. Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Financial Institution Prospectuses for Offering and Issuance of Securities(2024.02.19) CH
18. Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Order Tickets, Trade Reports, and Reconciliation Statements Prepared by Securities Brokers Upon Receiving Orders to Buy or Sell Securities(2020.03.02) CH
19. Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Offering and Issuance Prospectuses(2023.12.29) CH
20. Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Public Tender Offer Prospectuses(2023.12.04) CH
21. Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies(2019.03.07) CH
22. Regulations Governing Offshore Structured Products(2017.03.03) CH
23. Regulations Governing Over-the-Counter Trading Enterprises(2006.06.27) CH
24. Regulations Governing Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings of Public Companies(2024.01.11) CH
25. Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Real Estate Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities(2017.08.11) CH
26. Regulations Governing Public Tender Offers for Securities of Public Companies(2023.12.04) CH
27. Regulations Governing Responsible Persons and Associated Persons of Securities Firms(2024.03.06) CH
28. Regulations Governing Securities Borrowing and Lending by Securities Firms(2015.11.02) CH
29. Regulations Governing Securities Dealers Associations(2010.01.06) CH
30. Regulations Governing Securities Finance Enterprises(2018.02.12) CH
31. Regulations Governing Securities Firms(2024.03.06) CH
32. Regulations Governing Securities Firms Accepting Orders to Trade Foreign Securities(2024.05.08) CH
33. Regulations Governing Securities Trading on the Taipei Exchange(2017.03.31) CH
34. Regulations Governing Share Repurchase by Exchange-Listed and OTC-Listed Companies(2022.08.15) CH
35. Regulations Governing Stock Exchanges(2012.07.11) CH
36. Regulations Governing the Acquisition and Disposal of Assets by Public Companies(2022.01.28) CH
37. Regulations Governing the Administration of Credit Rating Agencies(2015.12.31) CH
38. Regulations Governing the Administration of Shareholder Services of Public Companies(2023.03.06) CH
39. Regulations Governing the Applicable Scope of Special Circumstances for the Public Announcement and Filing of Financial Reports and Operational Status Reports by Public Companies(2021.04.21) CH
40. Regulations Governing the Appointment and Exercise of Powers by the Remuneration Committee of a Company Whose Stock is Listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange or the Taipei Exchange(2020.01.15) CH
41. Regulations Governing the Conduct of Securities Trading Margin Purchase and Short Sale Operations by Securities Firms(2015.11.26) CH
42. Regulations Governing the Declaration of Acquisition of Shares in Accordance with Article 43-1, Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Act(2024.01.30) CH
43. Regulations Governing the Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Service Enterprises in Securities and Futures Markets(2024.04.22) CH
44. Regulations Governing the Exercise of Powers by Audit Committees of Public Companies(2024.01.11) CH
45. Regulations Governing the Issuance of Call (Put) Warrants by Issuers(2022.04.26) CH
46. Regulations Governing the Issuance of Exchange Traded Notes by Securities Firms(2018.06.28) CH
47. Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Overseas Securities by Issuers(2021.03.29) CH
48. Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Foreign Issuers(2023.12.29) CH
49. Regulations Governing the Offering and Issuance of Securities by Securities Issuers(2023.12.29) CH
50. Regulations Governing the Operation of Securities Introducing Broker Business by Futures Commission Merchants(2014.05.29) CH
51. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Company-Type Stock Exchanges(2018.07.27) CH
52. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Financial Holding Companies(2006.01.24) CH
53. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Public Banks(2003.06.02) CH
54. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Publicly Held Bills Finance Companies(2003.06.02) CH
55. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Firms(2024.01.24) CH
56. Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers(2023.12.28) CH
57. Regulations Governing the Publication of Financial Forecasts of Public Companies(2013.12.31) CH
58. Regulations Governing the Qualification Requirements and Professional Development of Principal Accounting Officers of Issuers, Securities Firms, and Securities Exchanges(2012.07.25) CH
59. Regulations Governing the Review of Professional Development Institutions for Principal Accounting Officers of Issuers, Securities Firms, and Securities Exchanges(2006.06.08) CH
60. Regulations Governing the Sale of Securities Obtained by Securities Underwriters on a Firm Commitment Basis(2023.11.14) CH
61. Regulations Governing the Scope of Material Information and the Means of its Public Disclosure Under Article 157-1, Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act(2010.12.22) CH
62. Regulations Governing the Use of Proxies for Attendance at Shareholder Meetings of Public Companies(2022.08.17) CH
63. Regulations to Encourage the Reporting of Cases of Illegal Use of Proxies for Shareholder meetings of Public Companies(2006.04.18) CH
64. Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules(2012.11.23) CH
65. Standards Governing Eligibility of Securities for Margin Purchase and Short Sale(2023.12.28) CH
66. Standards Governing the Establishment of Securities Firms(2021.05.06) CH
67. Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Information to be Published in Prospectuses for Applications for Security Token Offerings for Over-the-Counter Trading(2020.01.20) CH
68. Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Information to be Published in Prospectuses for Applications for Trading of Securities on the TPEx(2022.07.13) CH
69. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Brokerage Contracts of Securities Brokers(2023.04.28) CH
70. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Listing Contracts for Securities(2021.03.31) CH
71. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Call (Put) Warrant Listings(2021.06.11) CH
72. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Listing of Exchange Traded Notes(2022.01.24) CH
73. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Review of Securities Listings(2024.01.12) CH
74. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Particulars to be Recorded in Prospectuses for Initial Securities Listing Applications(2023.11.29) CH
75. Regulations Governing Securities and Futures Holding Companies(2006.06.27) CH
76. Rules and Review Procedures for Director and Supervisor Share Ownership Ratios at Public Companies(2008.05.20) CH
77. Procedures and Timeframes for Handling Events Under Article 50 of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation(2019.09.10) CH
78. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Contracts for the Listing of Foreign Stocks(2014.08.08) CH
79. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Call (Put) Warrant Listing Contracts(2014.08.08) CH
80. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Contracts for the Listing of Taiwan Depositary Receipts(2014.08.08) CH