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Subordinate Legislation


Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation  CH

Amended Date: 2024.05.24 (Articles 92 amended,English version coming soon)
Current English version amended on 2022.04.28 
Categories: Basic Laws and Regulations
1. Accounting Treatment Directions for the T+2 Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) Settlement System for the Securities Market(2009.01.07) CH
2. Directions for Reporting and Handling of Out-Trades and Account Number Corrections by Securities Brokers(2019.01.07) CH
3. Directions for the Internal Control of Securities Borrowing and Lending Transactions by Securities Firms(2006.03.21) CH
4. Guidelines for Handling Defects in Filing of Supervisory Information by Securities Firms(2020.04.06) CH
5. Guidelines for Public Subscription and Private Placement of Securities(2003.05.06) CH
6. Guidelines Governing the Creation of Customer Ledgers of Securities Firms' Settlement Accounts(2022.10.19) CH
7. Operation Directions for Applications by Overseas Chinese, Foreign Nationals, and Mainland Area Investors for Registration to Invest in Domestic Securities or Trade Domestic Futures(2021.03.19) CH
8. Operational Regulations Governing Securities Firms Recommending Trades in Securities to Customers(2017.11.22) CH
9. Regulations Governing The Use Of Trading Information(2021.12.24) CH
10. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Determination Standards and Handling Procedures for the Avoidance or Refusal of Examinations by Securities Firms(2014.11.04) CH
11. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for Securities Firms Handling Changes to Trading Category(2015.12.24) CH
12. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Calculation of Net Available Funds(2017.11.27) CH
13. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Directions for the Use of Digital Signatures by Securities Firms(2014.12.19) CH
14. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines for Reporting by Securities Brokers of Brokerage Sale of Securities Not Owned by the Principal(2015.01.22) CH
15. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Guidelines Governing the Electronic Filing of Financial Statements by Securities Firms(2022.12.29) CH
16. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Key Points for Classifying and Adjusting Categories of Industries of Listed Companies(2023.03.28) CH
17. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operating Procedures Governing the Split and Reverse Split of Exchange Traded Funds Beneficial Certificates(2021.04.01) CH
18. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Operational Guidelines for Omnibus Trading Accounts(2021.03.31) CH
19. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Routine Regulation and Regulation by Exception Over Financial and Business Affairs of Listed Companies(2023.04.24) CH
20. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for the Review of Annual Reports of Listed Companies(2022.07.13) CH
21. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Issuers of Call (Put) Warrants(2020.05.27) CH
22. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing After-Hours Fixed-Price Trading(2014.06.16) CH
23. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Odd-lot Trading of Listed Securities(2022.08.15) CH
24. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Trading of Depositary Receipts(2012.06.07) CH
25. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Regulations Governing Trading of Foreign Stocks(2012.06.07) CH
26. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Administration of the Clearing and Settlement Fund of Securities Firms(2004.08.03) CH
27. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for the Trading of Book-Entry Central Government Bonds(2011.01.12) CH
28. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Auction of Listed Securities by Consignment(2011.01.12) CH
29. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Block Trading of Listed Securities(2016.03.08) CH
30. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Implementation of the Stock Market Surveillance System(2011.05.18) CH
31. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Purchase of Listed Securities by Reverse Auction(2016.12.30) CH
32. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Operation of the Joint Credit Information System(2020.12.08) CH
33. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies(2022.09.22) CH
34. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Certificates of Entitlement to New Shares and Certificates of Payment for Shares(2011.01.12) CH
35. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Convertible Corporate Bonds and Bond Conversion Entitlement Certificates(2011.01.12) CH
36. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Corporate Bonds(2011.01.12) CH
37. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Foreign Bonds(2008.09.03) CH
38. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Trading of Securities with Warrants(2015.04.02) CH
39. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Beneficial Certificates(2023.05.30) CH
40. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Call (Put) Warrants(2018.12.24) CH
41. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing Trading of Exchange Traded Notes(2022.01.24) CH
42. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules(2023.08.17) CH
43. Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Standards Governing Principal Identification and Management of Credit Line Categorization in the Processing by Securities Firms of Account Opening(2019.12.27) CH